Friday, May 31, 2019
gatdream F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby - Seeking the Unattain
keen Gatsby - Seeking the Unattainable Dream What is the American Dream? America has evolved from an infant, struggling, nation to become a world power through its remarkable economic growth. impelled by the tenets of independence, self reliance, and freedom, Americans have had the opportunity to pursue economic success. To many, this is the American Dream to have freedom and the opportunity to pursue monetary freedom. To others, such as Gatsby, Walter, and Jake, the American dream is comfort. They be driven by their dreams, seeking what they believe will make them happy. Gatsby and Jake seek gratification through recognize while Walter seeks happiness through property. The belief that bliss, utopia, and tranquility argon within their grasps drives these characters. Yet the mere fact that their dreams atomic number 18 unattainable makes them flawed. Without dreams, Gatsby, Walter, and Jake lose their sense of exercise in life. and so the pursuit of the American dream is a paradox. Achieving it is impossible, but without it, life will lose its purpose. Gatsby, Walter, and Jake are examples of the American dream because the love and happiness they seek are impossible to obtain. The birth of the desire for the happiness and love of the American dream in Gatsby occurred when he met a man named Dan Cody. After his offense with college, Gatsby sought a new life. He found the promise of his fame and fortune in Dan Codys yacht. To young Gatz, resting on his oars and looking up at the railed deck, that yacht equal all the dish and glamour in the world (Fitzgerald 106). As soon as he borrowed the row boat that transported him to the yacht, Gatsby was no longer James Gatz, he had became Gatsby, inst... ... education and money do not necessarily lead to happiness. But excited monetary pursuit, Fitzgerald shows, goes hand in hand with personal anxiety down the stairs the strain of competition, cordial life has become a medium of unease (Fitter 8). The students of Mission should follow Walters example and effect that their dream is oversimplified and flawed. They need to mature and realize that there are many pitfalls and problems that are created by money, and that they can find happiness through other things besides money such as family, religion, and love. Gatsby, Walter, and Jake are a representation of the American dream because the love and happiness they seek is impossible to obtain. Despite the impossibility, human beings need a dream in rank to have a purpose in life. Without dreams life will become aimless, drying up like a raisin in the sun. gatdream F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby - Seeking the Unattain Great Gatsby - Seeking the Unattainable Dream What is the American Dream? America has evolved from an infant, struggling, nation to become a world power through its unprecedented economic growth. Driven by the tenets of independence, self reliance, and freedom, Americans have had the opportunity to pursue economic success. To many, this is the American Dream to have freedom and the opportunity to pursue financial freedom. To others, such as Gatsby, Walter, and Jake, the American dream is happiness. They are driven by their dreams, seeking what they believe will make them happy. Gatsby and Jake seek happiness through love while Walter seeks happiness through money. The belief that bliss, utopia, and tranquility are within their grasps drives these characters. Yet the mere fact that their dreams are unattainable makes them flawed. Without dreams, Gatsby, Walter, and Jake lose their sense of purpose in life. Thus the pursuit of the American dream is a paradox. Achieving it is impossible, but without it, life will lose its purpose. Gatsby, Walter, and Jake are representations of the American dream because the love and happiness they seek are impossible to obtain. The birth of the desire for the ha ppiness and love of the American dream in Gatsby occurred when he met a man named Dan Cody. After his disgust with college, Gatsby sought a new life. He found the promise of his fame and fortune in Dan Codys yacht. To young Gatz, resting on his oars and looking up at the railed deck, that yacht represented all the beauty and glamour in the world (Fitzgerald 106). As soon as he borrowed the row boat that transported him to the yacht, Gatsby was no longer James Gatz, he had became Gatsby, inst... ... education and money do not necessarily lead to happiness. But excited monetary pursuit, Fitzgerald shows, goes hand in hand with personal anxiety under the strain of competition, social life has become a medium of unease (Fitter 8). The students of Mission should follow Walters example and realize that their dream is oversimplified and flawed. They need to mature and realize that there are many pitfalls and problems that are created by money, and that they can find happiness through other things besides money such as family, religion, and love. Gatsby, Walter, and Jake are a representation of the American dream because the love and happiness they seek is impossible to obtain. Despite the impossibility, human beings need a dream in order to have a purpose in life. Without dreams life will become aimless, drying up like a raisin in the sun.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Analysis of Major Characters :: English Literature
Analysis of Major CharactersAlthough Lennie is among the principal characters in Of Mice and Men,he is perhaps the least dynamic. He undergoes no signifi flush toilett changes,development, or growth passim the novel and remains exactly as thereader encounters him in the opening pages. Simply put, he loves topet soft things, is blindly devoted to George and their vision of thefarm, and possesses implausible physical strength. Nearly every scenein which Lennie appears confirms these and only these characteristics.Although Steinbecks insistent repetition of these characteristicsmakes Lennie a rather flat character, Lennies simplicity is exchangeto Steinbecks conception of the novel. Of Mice and Men is a veryshort work that manages to build up an extremely powerful impact.Since the tragedy depends upon the outcome seeming to be inevitable,the reader must know from the start that Lennie is doomed, and must besympathetic to him. Steinbeck achieves these two feats by creating aprotagonis t who earns the readers sympathy because of his extracthelplessness in the face of the events that unfold. Lennie is totallydefenseless. He cannot avoid the dangers presented by Curley, Curleyswife, or the world at large. His innocence raises him to a standard of subtle goodness that is more poetic and literary than realistic. Hisenthusiasm for the vision of their future farm proves contagious as heconvinces George, Candy, Crooks, and the reader that such a paradisemight be possible. But he is a character whom Steinbeck fixs up fordisaster, a character whose innocence only seems to ensure hisinevitable destruction.GeorgeLike Lennie, George can be defined by a few distinct characteristics.He is short-tempered but a loving and devoted friend, whose frequentprotests against life with Lennie neer weaken his commitment toprotecting his friend. Georges first words, a stern warning to Lennienot to drink so much lest he get sick, set the tone of theirrelationship. George may be terse and impatient at times, but he neverstrays from his primary purpose of protecting Lennie.Unlike Lennie, however, George does change as the story progresses.The reader learns that he is capable of change and growth during hisconversation with Slim, during which he admits that he once abusedLennie for his own amusement. From this incident George learned the virtuous lesson that it is wrong to take advantage of the weak. Of Miceand Men follows him toward a difficult realization that the world isdesigned to prey on the weak. At the start of the novel, George issomething of an idealist. Despite his hardened, sometimes gruffexterior, he believes in the story of their future farm that he tells
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Split Brain: Some Thoughts :: Biology Essays Research Papers
The Split Brain Some Thoughts Left, justly, left, right--the marching song of the ii-mind movement. To hear them talk, youd think that everyone had a second mind, suppressed by the number 1. That the vocal left mind dominated the poor artistic right brain. Preventing it from getting a creative thought in edgewise. Soon there allow for be a consciousness raising movement Stop referring to the left cerebral hemisphere as the dominant one. Invent a more egalitarian term like co-chairperson. Co-chairhemisphere? William H. Calvin, Left Brain, Right Brain Science or the New Phrenology. The brain is separated into deuce hemispheres in your brain, the right and the left. At first glance these hemispheres appear to be mirror images of one another, but on closer observations the two hemispheres have highly specialized regions that serve differing functions (1). In general, the right hemisphere interprets information and controls actions of the left side of the body. The left hemisphere i nterprets information and controls actions of the right side of the body. A thick band of fiber called the corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres. Evidently if the connection between the hemispheres is severed, a once common practice to relieve epileptic attacks, sensory information cannot pass to the correct region of the brain in order for a corresponding response to be made (2). Thus, your brain is SPLIT... To me the split brain theory seemed a bizarre notion. Isnt my brain a whole- controlled by the centrally located little man who receives my thoughts, processes and multiple functions of my brain? If this is true how could the brain be split into two? Do you have two yous then? The split brain effect was first discovered by Roger Sperry and Ronald Meyers in the early 1960s (3). Meyers and Sperry showed that when the cat had its optic chiasm and corpus callosum severed, two independent breeding centers were established - one in each hemisphere of the cats brain. If the ca t had its right eye open and its left eye covered and larn to make a simple conditioned response, it was unable to make the same response when the right eye was covered and the left eye was open. It was as if the learning was unable to be communicated to the other side of the brain (2) thus, it was obvious that information available to one side remained off-limits to the other.
color purple :: essays research papers
Power of the WordWhile reading The Color Purple I was shocked by the development of Celies inner-self. Her entire being was defined by those around her. It appeared as if Celie had no hand in creating who she was. I could picture Shug, Mr., and Her father molding Celies body like a musical composition of clay until Celie truly believed she was an ugly, dumb, and worthless servant. It was shocking to see the destructive power of something as simple as says. Words seem to have the single give ability to destroy life itself. The power of the word in The Color Purple particularly struck me because I was simultaneously reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The Four Agreements is about the wisdom of the ancient Toltec. The Toltec is a way of thinking about life, and of filling ones life with happiness and love. According to Ruiz, the problem with or so of us is that we have allowed the world around us to get our agreements for us. Our parents instilled beliefsagreementsint o us from the time we started trying to make sense of the world around us. And what we arewho apiece of us is as an individual human beingis determined by our agreements. Ultimately, who we are is defined by what we believe and our beliefs shape the world around us.In order to redefine ourselves the Toltec teaches that there are four agreements which we must learn to live by. The first and most important agreement is to be impeccable with your word. The word gives the power to create. The word creates the world around us and is therefore a tool of magic. However, as Ruiz says our word is a double-edged sword, and we can use it to create a beautiful dream, or we can use it to destroy everything around us. Misusing the word creates a living hell. Being impeccable with our word creates beauty, love, and heaven on earth. Ruiz continues to explain that the human mind is a fertile ground where opinions, ideas, and concepts are constantly being planted. Because the word is magic, humans a re like magicians, and they are subject of casting spells. If the parents tell a child repeatedly that she is not very pretty, or that he is not very smart, the child will accept this as true. It will become an agreement in the mind of the child.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Role of Mutated Gene in the Evolution of Large Brained, Small-Jawed Hum
Role of Mutated Gene in the Evolution of Large Brained, Small-Jawed HumansThe debate with-in the anthropology field has been modify over the evolution of the valet de chambre and the events that break lead us to where we are instantaneously. One of the major(ip) questions that is debated is how did we, humans-large brained and small jawed, evolve from primates-large jawed and small brained. Interestingly enough, this debate is now being directed from outside the field by biologists and plastic surgeons. On march 25, 2004, Doctors Stedman (and others) published their findings in Nature (VOL 428) under the title Myosin gene play correlates with anatomical changes in the human lineage. Their findings point to the gene myosin and its mutated form MYH16 and that the mutation that toke place some 2.4 million years ago as a major step in the development of a larger brain that we now as humans have. In this paper I aim to outline what they have discovered and point out some of the controversy surrounding the findings. It is not my goal to understand how the gene functions, but to rely on accepted adjudicate conclusions that the gene is mutated but I will explain what this can say about the formation of bone structure. What the researchers found centers on the MYH16 mutation and the original myosin gene, a protein that builds strong muscular jaws. Myosin is a protein that works with other proteins to contract muscles, more importantly jaw muscles. The mutation of myosin, MYH16, causes a weaker bite. In their experiments they looked at macaque monkey and human genes to determine how this mutation worked. They found that the gene myosin only worked in the muscles of the head used for chewing and biting. The difference between the two subjects was... ...ary SourceStedman, Hansell, et. al. Myosin Gene variation Correlates with Anatomical Changes in the Human Lineage. Nature, Vol 428, March 28, 2004. The Nature Publishing Group. condary SourcesAssociated Press. Gene Mutation Said Linked to Evolution. http//, Michael. Jaw-Dropping surmise of Human Evolution. http//, Karen. Myosin Mutant Points to Human Origins. http//, Anil. Early Humans Swapped Bite for Brain. http// Scientists Humans traded jaw strength for big brains. http//
Role of Mutated Gene in the Evolution of Large Brained, Small-Jawed Hum
Role of Mutated Gene in the Evolution of Large Brained, Small-Jawed HumansThe struggle with-in the anthropology field has been heated over the evolution of the human and the events that have lead us to where we are now. One of the major questions that is debated is how did we, humans-large brained and small jawed, evolve from primates-large jawed and small brained. interestingly enough, this debate is now being directed from outside the field by biologists and plastic surgeons. On march 25, 2004, Doctors Stedman (and others) published their findings in Nature (VOL 428) under the form of address Myosin gene novelty correlates with anatomical changes in the human lineage. Their findings point to the gene myosin and its mutated form MYH16 and that the mutation that toke place some 2.4 million years ago as a major step in the development of a larger brain that we now as humans have. In this paper I assume to outline what they have discovered and point out some of the controversy surrounding the findings. It is not my goal to understand how the gene functions, but to rely on accepted judges conclusions that the gene is mutated but I will explain what this can say about the formation of bone structure. What the researchers found centers on the MYH16 mutation and the original myosin gene, a protein that builds strong muscular jaws. Myosin is a protein that works with other proteins to contract muscles, more importantly jaw muscles. The mutation of myosin, MYH16, causes a weaker bite. In their experiments they looked at macaque monkey and human genes to determine how this mutation worked. They found that the gene myosin only worked in the muscles of the head used for chewing and biting. The difference between the two subjects was... ...ary generatorStedman, Hansell, et. al. Myosin Gene Mutation Correlates with Anatomical Changes in the Human Lineage. Nature, Vol 428, March 28, 2004. The Nature Publishing Group. Sources Associated Press. Gene Mutation Said Linked to Evolution. http// equip/Living/ap20040324_1105.htmlHopkin, Michael. Jaw-Dropping Theory of Human Evolution. http//, Karen. Myosin Mutant Points to Human Origins. http//, Anil. Early Humans Swapped Bite for Brain. http// Scientists Humans traded jaw strength for big brains. http// tech/science/03/24/science.brains.reut/index.html
Monday, May 27, 2019
The making of a football star
Famous people often feel lonely but what makes them who they are. Rahul, a lonely sixteen year old noteworthy professional football game musician has maybe too m both responsibilities and expectations. Residing in Mumbai, Rahul comes from a middle class family, where his parents work very tall(prenominal) to give him a good education so he will have a better tomorrow and lead a better life. Rahul, except faced learning difficulties and his parents, not realizing his sporting talents, put pressure on him to perform well academicallyIt was when he was 12 years old that the strong-arm education coach of that take aim saw him playing football with friends and realized that this boy had latent talent which would probably take him to higher levels. Not losing any time the coach put him in the school football team which plays various inter-school tournaments each year. Being in the team made Rahul very intellectual and he felt completely charged up as he began to love the halt and now aspired to become a professional football player and play for a well known football club in the succeeding(a). His parents began to support him, but yet were not very content as they precious him to become an all-rounder. Rahul tried hard but was never fortunate in becoming good at academics. Being twelve he thought he had it all a game he loved playing and was good at, friends in school and the respect of his team twosome.At thirteen he was made maitre d of the football team of his school and led the team to the finals of the biggest inter-school tournaments of Mumbai and scored four goals for his team comprehensively, winning the trophy for his team. For him this was one of the best moments in his life and after the game he was surrounded by the press. The next day his name and picture came in all city newspapers and he was also featured live on many different news channels. This gave him a lot of confidence and he began to think that these were stepping stones to his future .After a year he had become very famous as his school had won the championship for the second successive year under his captaincy. All his friends as a result began to feel very grasping of him and started to ignore him and kept on mocking him when he did not play well or tried talking to them. Rahul felt very lonely and went through and through a emotionally hard time. This made him angry and resentful and he started loosing his passion towards the game. However, the coach motivated him to play as he could see the future in this boy. This was way too much pressure for a fifteen year old boy and he was having a tough time already in the start of a dream career.He wanted to give up football because of all the sacrifices he had to make just to be productive and famous in one sport. Any fifteen year old boy would not want to lose all his friends to become famous and successful in a sport and this is why Rahul wanted his friends back and thus wiling to sacrifice the game he loved. But , the coach, the parents and the principal of the school did not let this feel as they felt he was too talented to give up the game and they did not know about the problems he faced as he never told them. His coach to encourage him made him the captain of the under 16 team.In the first tournament itself as captain Rahul won the championship for his typeface even though the rest of the team was not co-operative because they were so jealous of him and did not even pass the ball to him. The performance of Rahul without the help of his team mates caught the eyes of many selectors and immediately he got an offer from the Mahindra United youth team. This was extremely prestigious as Mahindra United is one of Indias best clubs. They offered him a edit of 3 years at Rs.50000 per year. He was in a dilemma as he loved the game so much but he wanted to enjoy his childhood as well.Accepting this offer meant that he would face many difficulties and could not attend school regularly and miss a lot of work and without many friends it would be very difficult for him. Any sixteen year old boy would not exchangeable to miss his school life for all this works and destroy their childhood but Rahul was forced to. However, Rahul made many new friends in his club Mahindra United and they constantly supported him. posterior in that year he had taken time off to study for his tenth standard board exams and did well.After he returned on the football line he was back to his best, now feeling less pressure and playing for the love of the game and a year later he was chosen into the U-19 football team to play internationally for India which he thinks has been his best achievement so far.However, the childhood of his which was destroyed can never be got back with any achievement or the gain of wealth. The period of loneliness can never be forgotten by him and he questions his decisions.Children are forced to make hard decisions at a very young age without any maturity. Hence, someti mes they loose the chance to have a normal care free childhood like you and me.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Moment to remember
A moment to remember When I was young I knew I cute to have two children when I got married, a boy and a girl. I gave birth to my first child in 1998, a little girl who was previous(p) and then in 2001 my second daughter came along. My hubby and I were very happy that we had two healthy babies, but we knew deep inside we still valued to have a son, but unfortunately we werent able to afford another child at that time.Many of our family members were having children, my brothers wife had given birth to their son and then my brother-in-laws wife had given birth to their son also. My husband and I were extremely happy for them, but we longed for our own son as well. Many years passed by and our girls were ripening up healthy and strong and our careers were going well and after many nights of discussion my husband and I decided to try for a son of our own.I show so many books on how to determine the sex of a child and how to conceive a boy. I talked to so many older family members a nd heard so any myths on how to make a boy that I got tired and Just said whatever Gods plan is will be. Two months later my husband and I found out we were expecting our third child and then three more months later we went to our first ultrasound appointment.That day was a very excite day for our entire family, everyone wanted us to be having a boy as bad as we did, and they knew how long we waited and how much It meant to us. My husband and I held hands while watching the monitor, seeing our child for the first time and listening to the strong heartbeat, then the question came would you care to know the sex of your baby my husband and I said YES at the same time, and then we heard Its a BOY
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Mass Spectrometer Design Report
Mass-spectrometer Design Report Your Name March 21, 2013 Abstract This report documents the design of a mass-spectrometer In sufficient detail so It can be constructed by a competent technician from the Information contained here, without any further reference to the design engineer themselves. The mass- spectrometer described here is mean for with the ability to . In general, the instrument needs to be (1/4 1/2 page) Introduction A mass-spectrometer Is a device which does and and .Dodo these things, the mass- spectrometer works on and 1 and . Mass-spectrometers In general can be used for . The specifications of the mass-spectrometer as designed here atomic number 18 condition in section 2. The final design is given in section 3. That includes diagrams of the entire instrument with labels showing every last(predicate) dimensions, a list of all major components required, dilate of all major electrical components including the voltages and currents required, details f the electric and magnetic fields utilized and of any subsystems used to generate those fields.Section 4 contains example calculations demonstrating the operation of the device for two deferent atomic species. Intermediate results are given at key points in the calculations so that the method of calculation can be easily verified. A table of all formula used In the calculations Is given In appendix A along with a description of the purpose for which each Is used. Section 5 contains a checklist comparing the characteristics and performance of the vice against the original specifications.Section 6 contains a conclusion stating clearly how closely the specifications were met or by how far they were exceeded. References follow the conclusion. There are no references to websites, only to original documents, articles, or books. (3/4 page)
Friday, May 24, 2019
Poem of William Caslos William
POEM (WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS) William Carlos Williams is a pi unmatchableer who creates a whole new solid ground in American poetry. He is regarded as an important and influential poet because of his unique and usually plain musical mode. The poem Poem is one of the most prominent poems reflecting Williams style of writing. In this piece of work, Williams discusses a central crease between the mortality of life and immortality of art through the image of two roses in constitution and in poetry. It can be said that life is symbolized by the rose, the central image and also the main theme of Poem.The real rose and unreal one are skillfully used to represent two factors the reality and the art. In nature, a rose which cannot avoid the cycle of time undergoes stages of nature rules. First, it germinates from a seed. Then, it grows up and blooms or blossoms. Next, it fades or discolored. Finally, it dies. The rose fades And is renewed again By its seed naturally (Williams, 1983). The issue of the rose fading show that life, no matter what forms, follows the nature changing rule and eventually fades away.Meanwhile, Williams uses the image of the rose in poem to respect the art because the real rose will fade naturally just the rose of art keeps an ever-lasting beauty Save in the poem shall it go to suffer no diminution of its splendor (Williams, 1983). Generally, the whole poem presents the central contrast of nature versus art, death versus life and cycle of time versus perfection that lasts forever. With respect to the highlighted image of the rose in poetry, it can not be touch barely lives forever and remains perfect, fresh, young, and beautiful regardless of time.It has the empowerment of splendor, perfection, and immortality. In fact, Williams intention after his words of praising the power of the rose in poem is to root on the power of art in general. It seems that the poet gives prominence to art whose role is to inspire and guide people through curves of life thanks to its beauty and significance of direction truth, giving beauty and pleasure, shaping moral characters, showing power of language and showing human experience.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Prisoners Life In Shawshank Redemption Film Studies Essay
The icon was set in 1946 and it s virtually the immature adult male and palmy banker Mr Andy duffrense punished to bearing sentence for falsely convicts kill of his lover and married woman. The video is base the novel of STEPHEN KINGS RITA HAYWORTH AND THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION in any case explores the brisk behavior of captives life of America in 1940. The offense and societal struggles concur s promote in the movie with trusted fortunes. The direct was nominated for 7 Academy awards for best taking histrion Morgan freewoman picture showing Roger Deakins, redacting Richard Francis Bruce, music Thomas Newman and for screenplay Frank darabont. Eventhough Many prison house house play are around similar to this movie deal Clint Eastwoods Escape from Alcatraz which similar prison life tarradiddle similarly slightly different secret plan about a conference of inmates from Alcatraz prison commit escaped from ill-famed prison which no 1 neer escaped before this fil m is based on the true narrative of captive blunt Morris. And Frank darabonts an separate movie The Green Mile besides prison film with phantasy play which foc utilise on adult male falsely accused for execution the kid. only when the adult male is give care some power of God by and by in gaol the narrative surrounds across three constabulary staffs and captives. The film is besides adapted the author Stephen kings The green stat mi . The film said in the emotional and philosophically explores its place in category.THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION- BRIEF SYNOPSIS Andy duffrense ( Tim Robbins ) is a successful banker and immature household adult male. He was imprisoned in shawshank and punished life sentence for bump off of his married woman. In prison he in short become close friend of his Elis Boyd red-faced redding ( Morgan freewoman ) and former(a) chap inmates. But in prison Andy abused sexually inside the prison from the group called the sisters in the wash section where is working and legion(predicate) offense struggles from warden and captain Hadley ( Clancy brown ) . Then after survived from the sisters group and he shifted to library on the switch of Brooks. The film besides in journeys of character Brooks and Red. After Andy comes to cognize that he did nt slay his married woman from the freshly arrived cat Tommy. And in certain fortunes he escaped from prison and reveal about the regulaterefaction in prison to higher functionaries. After warden Norton ( Bob Gunton ) knowing that he caught for corruptness and slaying of Tommy he suicides himself. And After this issue red is released from prison by word and finds himself eternal sleep of his life were his old friend brooks corsets before. But delinquent to tycoon per unit area and age he cant able to pull off in the present universe he goes to his friend Andy to happen the gaiety and license of life.THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION- BRIEF REVIEWThe filming was in truth perfect and many shootin gs and angles bring the film a realism.the most changeable I akin is helicopter shootings a positions of prison before andy arrives prison. And largely the dark tone and a pleasant scenery were showed in the film. The music was real nice and cheerful which makes the listening into feel. Screenplay is really perfect it portrays the captive s life.. The film is shows the high scope and meaningful doctrine. The histrion s public presentation is really near. Particularly Morgan freewoman face looks and organic structure lingual intercourse shows a soft playing. There is many consistence in the film. The film portrays nously about the anticipating a freedom from captives those who are in life sentenced.Actually the film is based on the novel of STEPHEN KINGS THE RITA HAYMORTH AND SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION . The film shows the pragmatism of captives and how they have Been tr wasteed indoors. The promontory character of the film Andy has besides helped other captives to last and happ en the significance and take to in life. The 90 per centum of the location is largely surrounds around the prison remainder of them in metropolis and small town. There no over force and criminal conversation were used. The film is pleasant. In the film Andy express the feeling and hope by assisting others like back uping them and educating them. the manager shows each and ein truth scene meaningful the music, cinematograpghy was really cheerful and makes the audience feel good. The histrions have done really good public presentation and show the feelings emotionally. Andy struggles from effects of his hope and managed the positive ways and attempts to do positive things and concern make others to discover normal. Andy help other inmates to acquire high school grades and to educate them while they were in prison. The casting was sketched and portrayed in perfect mode.Analysis OF THE MOVIEThe film expresses the simpleness. The film shows many direct significance of life and gracio us emotions.The most loveable scene to me is on that point is insect in Andy nutrients he leave alone take the and distaste generousy expression it laughably. BROOKS will inquire him that insect and he will feed that into little bird name Jake so this makes me experience good like and do to believe how the gracious love and emotions makes attractively portrayed in the film. Actually in the first few scenes shows how Andy convicted murder his married woman there has been conversations amidst justice, Lawyer and Andy. Even though the slaying scene has non shown in the film the thought process and analyzation of the offense have been show in duologues. Andy will conjure to attorney that he did nt slay further attorney says that he intentionally did the slaying because his married woman had an matter with another adult male Andy will prisoned in strong circumstantial grounds. The attorney explains the slaying and how intentionally the slaying was held. So while analyzing thi s the there is intending that one can non judge the adult male on his organic structure linguistic communication pasts like Andy over depress and tenseness of makes a human into incorrect side of the extract of affairs.The film non only when shows about the life of Prisoner besides other captives life and warden, constabulary and other difficult prison experience. Andy and ruddy become close friends shortly. With aid of his friend red. Andy will be after to get away and happen a freedom and meaningful life. First half Andy will inquire Red for stone cock. Because Andy shows himself as involvements and avocation in doing some illumination objects in stones. His friend red will offer him hammer with aid of inmate. And Andy was large sports fan of Rita Hayworth a actress, so one scene all inmates will seeing the film of Rita Hayworth and his friend red besides large fan of her. So Red besides offer a large posting of Rita. But after old ages ago in the 2nd half the manager makes th e turn in the film that Andy digs and come offing off the cement and the wall unprovoked about 19 old ages. with aid of stone cock but he will conceal this on the image of Rachel on the replacing of Rita Hayworth. And he program and flights from the prison. These is the chief intresting turn in the film and which makes the film really interestingly and rational. The dark tone was used in the film to demo the life degree Fahrenheit captives how they have treated in the prison for harshly. And side by side(p) Mr Brooks who is librarian in Shaw shank prison from childhood have released from prison at old age and he fined the house and the occupation. But due to present universe he can non accommodate with universe he was really much vexed in life and he suicides. This scene makes me very emotional is the narrative is that one time I saw an car one time I was kid. But now everyplace so these narrative duologue shows that how Mr brooks life was been portrayed that he was been impriso ned at his little age that clip the cars is really seldom seen and the starting of cars period. So in present universe certain fortunes he ca nt able to get by with present universe and buzzword able to make the occupation so he have been suicide. So on analysing this film there is strong human consistence. The film is set in 1940s. The films has full of narrative with certain fortunes. On analysing the whole film one thing is strongly said eventhough a peoples like Andy convicted offense and prisoned and got life sentence the ambiance milieus in the prison was human emotions and feelings can non able to command or be proper in some certain state of affairss. The film is besides showing the extremely philosophical topic. The screenplay and filming both have moulded the movie really impressive and emotionally. Scene by scene the charecterzation of Andy and milieus of the prison and peoples makes me really experiencing in certain countries. The film besides shows the corruptness and c onfederacy of warden inside the prison. after being caught the warden Norton have suicide because of slaying and feeling guilty for corruptness. Norton ( Bob Gunton ) performed really unsmooth and strong warden in the film. He is duologues and organic structure linguistic communication performed good shows the pragmatism in action. The scene which is like most is he will state to captives chasten and bible and in shawshank you see both welcome to shawshank he will with smiling in face and raggedness in organic structure linguistic communication. In condemnable psychological science many psychologists mentioned that those how got life sentenced the absence of ego control and prison passiveness are enforced them to miss of esthesis of individuality.The manager Frank darabont has shown the two characters material and psychological behavior imprisonment and how they get released and the chief thing in the film the friendly relationship develops easy between Andy and Red over the d ecennaries and precisely what happens at the flood tide. The manager had done good good study on the psychological character of Andy and Red. The chief thing to observe on Red is he is been imprisoned in shawshank for 30 old ages in between he had applied for word but due to some grounds it was been rejected. So but he did nt lose his hope still he applied at last he got the mildness of his word. Morgans freemans organic structure linguistic communication and playing was good notably when he applies for word and the clip of interview he merely performed good like descent and majestic at interview. But really the fact is largely some penalty given with word and some penalty is without word for captives it core that penalty is based on the offense and psychological behavior of individual and even that excessively is when the captive behavior is good and without any ailments in prison. So this besides scripted in the movie about existent facts of prison life.The duologues are really meaningful and certain countries used as an narrative. The duologue which is makes me experience is that debut to new captive from warden Norton and from the one new captive will inquire when do we eat captain will state to prisoner him you eat when do we state eat so this duologue makes me to believe how the captives life and freedom have ruined and how they find the significance and hope of the existent life in certain fortunes. The movie shows the captives life and their job psychological and physical facets. The most interesting scene in the film is Andy flights from shawshank. That is the major turn and how he program and escaped from the prison. About he takes 19 old ages to get away from the prison. so this scene used narrative that Andy loved geology. I count on the Peel to his punctilious nature. A million old ages constructing geology is force per unit area and clip so this shows the existent fact that how Andy used his geological cope and flights but the clip he t akes really short that besides narrated in the movie that I think adult male take 600 old ages to tunnel through the wall but Andy did less than 20 so these are some interesting and the existent facts are in this narrative by Red. spot analysing this film there is many psychological state of affairs and facts of prison life has been said in the film. Many research plants of human life and prison life was shown in the film. The filming brings the dark tone in the film because the life of captives was holding many jobs and they overcome many sorrows and bad atmosphere so these are some facts brings the film emotional feel. The 85 per centum of the film was taken in bluish coloring material filter and remainder of 15 per centum used brown filters that shows the emotions of parturiency and desperation in the prison are now colour of felicity and freedom. Frank darabont is directed the film does the outstanding occupation. The film was to the full similar classical film. Each and ever y shooting was sketched in dramatic genre. The film seems miss-en-scene was used in the movie to portrays the conflicting government issues. Darabont besides shows the some existent fact and corruptness inside the prison for illustration captain Hadley crushing the captives and murdering of Tommy in the Shaw shank prison you come to cognize about the cess pool of corruptness in the film. Darabont shows the film subject of justness for illustration Andys deserves for justnesss battle and acquire the truth. The journey of each character was explores in the conflicting manner and drastic state of affairss.The another interesting scene in the film is after warden caught for corruptness he suicide and there is one quotation mark from bible that his opinion cometh and that right shortly so this scene shows manager had approached the positive standards and justness fortunes. The film has many justness facts and dramatically impacts. Movie had attacks significance of justness and freedom of life. so the film had many indication and intensions of life.. But while seeing the captives life in the film. The individual who convicts or any unexpended offense have been prisoned for piece or life sentence his entire psychological facets become pathetic. His outlook and organic structure linguistic communication will wholly alter. In the Andy inmates and slay his married woman but it is non pre planned slaying due to certain fortunes and psychological perturbation have been edit Andy to slay because certain human emotions can non be controlled. so in tribunal even though there Andy says he did nt slay his married woman. His organic structure linguistic communication and the manner of looks and his behavior will do the opinion found him into life sentence. The penalty of slaying is strong and there is difference between pre planned slaying and deliberate slaying. So Andy got life sentence for deliberate slaying. So the justness is approached in the film positively. Darabon t had shown message for freedom and justness in the film. So the indications and intensions of the film shows how efficaciously It targeted audience in dramatic manner.On deep analyze we should besides believe that whether the captives will handle harshly and many corruptnesss like mass murder and slaying inside the prison and slaying against the jurisprudence. If we think life this manner we should believe that this is merely a film adapted from the novel and merely a fictious non pragmatism. The film explores many offense struggles and issues the first scene that Andy dufferense convicts the slaying and other in prison Andy was been sexually and violently disturbed by other teammate inmates. And slaying of Tommy in prison so these are some offenses issue make the movie realistic feel.Psychological ANALYSIS OF CHARECTERIZATIONThe psychological jobs are sometime make captives to suicide or in any incorrect state of affairs because the offense they convicts or the milieus and atmos phere. But largely the individual who is inmates offense sometimes are punished on their psychological state of affairss and the word picture and behavior on analysing these penalty was been given on the wrongdoers if the individual calculated convicts the slaying has get terrible penalty when instead comparing to pre planned slaying. If we look the Word picture of the Andy falsely convicted offense he is good cat may be much concern to other inmates in prison this is based on their outlook and environmental facets its because the milieus and may be we can besides state this is really behviourness of the individual but it is merely a movie merely a hero who is making positive things for others. Most evidently the penalties given based on the wrongdoer s activity and psychological behavior and opinion of truth behind the offense. Robert Morgan a psychologist have said that concern to other inmates in prison will be safety and get bying in prison life for captives.But in existent in my opnion I guess there is no individual like Andy, any cat is who concern to other inmates in prison is. We can besides state that Andy s character is slightly 70 percent existent and 30 individual cinematic. But this is merely dilemma reply because. There is narrative in the movie is fifty comes like Andy is much loved geology utilizing this force per unit area and clip he do tunnel through the wall and escaped we may believe it is merely a film, But in existent it has been proved that cat named Frank Morris is imprisoned in Alcatraz ( 1960 ) for convicted offenses like armed robbery and narcotics have been escaped from prison anyone neer did it before. He merely planned and makes a dummies adult male like him escaped from the prison after two old ages of imprisonment. This issue have been taken as movie called Escape from Alcatraz . So like this many adventuresome flights like this or based upon their age and their capacity. Some adventuresome plants like this may said as Ad renalin haste . This is because in the milieus and ambiance of the prison may alter individual s psychological behavior and physical organic structure linguistic communication because the individual who is independent outside the prison has overcomes many sorrows and many felicity and freedom is different when comparing to the individual who is jailed. His everyday activites is non in his custodies like feeding, working and largely spent the clip in the room so this may set a individual into threading fury and mental perturbation so work outing these jobs the prison includes working activities, gamed, film theaters and libraries and schools. But sometimes false opinion can be doing the good individual into captives based on the environment. So in that status the individual can impact psychologically. And another point is if even though the individual had correctly convicted offense and sometimes wrongly misjudgement make him right individual and non convicts the offense it is bee n really pathetic sometimes. For illustration I like to state about the movie The life of David gale casting by Kevin spacey a professor from university of Texas have been capital penalty for convicted slaying of colza and slaying. For his artlessness newsman Bitsey Bloom ( kate Winslet ) will concern a justnesss and truth and aid David to let go of from the penalty and happen the truth behind the slaying but the clip neer leaves him David put to decease on capital penalty but the last stoping turn that David is the truly guilty and he slay his co-worker and militant. So the movie explores the subject about false Judgement makes sometimes pathetic and affects adult male life into drastic state of affairs. So the false opinion ruins Andy life and put him on gaol.Eventhough Andy falsely accused for slaying his married woman he thinks that he slay his married woman when he was drunken but after cognizing the truth has been revealed from Tommy that Andy did nt slay his married woman he claim to warden but due to state of affairs Andy was badly beaten up Captain Hadley and staffs and put him in dark cell. But after get awaying from prison Andy revealed illegal and corruptness to the constabulary and other main functionaries. So this character of Andy dufferense explores that his intelligence and optimistic individual. On analysing this film while Andy claims that he did nt slay his married woman his organic structure linguistic communication shows his character shows he is guiltless. And after assisting other inmates shows his character that he is Optimistic. On flight from prison and reveals the illegal and corruptness in the Shaw shank shows Andy as a intelligent. So these are the types of characters about Andy was sketched by darabont in the film. So eventually analysing the psychological word picture in the movie the characters explores the good and realistic public presentation good.DecisionThe movie Shawshank redemption was focused on chief subject of the word salvation. the film was set as a classical play which is really impressive and emotional. The film is about the prison and captives life. On analysing the film and characters and contexts It is truly good worth full film and another thing is the film still have good perspective and good evaluation among people. The film is realistic play and life about the captive hope for freedom of life and felicity. Contains many philosophical and psychological facets of prison life. The film is truly the worth ticker and good.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Research Paper
An arising problem in todays world is the destruction of the ozone layer because of the emissions and harmful gases that vehicles ar giving off. give ethanol or biodiesel. The next big thing in automotive fire may very well be enthalpy. Automakers rapidly are block in on making hydrogen dismiss cell vehicles an everyday fact of life, with several test models set to debut over the next some years. Hydrogen fuel cells to power vehicles are desirable, experts say, because hydrogen is a renewable fuel that can be used to create electricity to run cars.A chemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen produces the electric power, and when pure hydrogen is used, the only emission from the tailpipe is harmless water vapor. Many people are asking, Why fuel cells? The gasoline engine in a conventional car is less than 20% economical in converting the chemical energy in gasoline into power that moves the vehicle, under normal driving conditions. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, which use elec tric motors, are much more energy efficient and use 40-60 percent of membrane to the other military position of the cell, the stream of negatively-charged electrons follows an external circuit to the cathode.You can read also Thin Film Solar electric cellThis flow of electrons is electricity that can be used to do work, such as power a motor. On the other side of the cell, oxygen gas, typically drawn from the outside air, flows through channels to the cathode. When the electrons return from doing work, they react with oxygen and the hydrogen protons (which have moved through the membrane) at the cathode to form water. This union is an energy-releasing reaction, generating heat that can be used outside the fuel cell. The early of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles depends on advances in four areas the hydrogen source, the distribution infrastructure, the on-board fuel tank car and the on-board fuel cell.Hydrogen must be made from carbon-free renewable sources before fuel-cell vehicles c an make a dent in the climate problem. One conception is to make the hydrogen by splitting water using electricity from wind farms, or solar panels. Once the hydrogen is made, it must be distributed via special(prenominal) pipelines and tankers to an extensive network of hydrogen refueling stations, which have yet to be created yet. Once in the tank, fuel cell vehicles must store nice hydrogen to go several hundred kilometers between refueling stops.Liquid hydrogen requires insulated tanks at -253*C. so most companies have chosen to compress the hydrogen interior high-strength carbon fiber tanks. The purpose of the fuel cell is to convert hydrogen to electric power. The challenge is to make it light, cheap, robust and durable yet powerful enough to run the engine, lights and air conditioning. Hydrogen fuel cells, while about twice as efficient as internal-combustion engines using gas, cost nearly 100 measure as much per unit of power produced, critics note. And hydrogen is exp losive.It ignites at a wider range of concentrations than natural gas and requires less energy to ignite, Michael D. Amiridis, chair of the chemical technology department at the University of South Carolina, told the Web site and gas-electric hybrid cars advocate hybridcars. com. Its scary you cannot see the flame, Amiridis said. Still, automakers are pushing ahead. What we can do from our side is to show that technology is in the first place feasible, and we have many corporate projects in this area, said BMWs corporate communications manager Andreas Klugescheid.Its North the States Engineering and Emission Test Center in California, for example, has been testing two BMW Hydrogen 7 prototypes that run on both hydrogen and gasoline, using a dual-fuel engine and two separate fuel tanks. With the push of a button on its steering wheel, the Hydrogen 7 can run on all hydrogen or gasoline. It can go 125 miles on its hydrogen mode and 300 on its gasoline mode, thus limiting the possib ility that its device driver might be stranded, given that theres only one hydrogen filling station in California, near Los Angeles.Along with the hydrogen fuel cells high efficiency (from 40-70%), the possibility of utilizing both heat and electricity from them will make a significant contribution to reducing atmospheric emissions. For example, a fuel cell operating at 60% efficiency would emit 35-60% less CO2 at the fossil fuel stage and 80% less from hydrogen. both GM and Honda are hoping to bypass concerns about the lack and cost of developing hydrogen filling stations by creating home hydrogen refueling devices that would accommodate cars to be refilled overnight in garages.Much of the push for hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles is aimed at putting the public at ease through demonstration models and projects Energy sources of the future will have to be cleaner and more efficient than current sources fuel cells fulfill these requirements. Several challenges remain before we will see wide-spread commercialization, mainly because of restrictions with size, cost, reliability and safety, but an environmentally-friendly source of power is definitely on its way.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Domestic violence in mature women in the United Kingdom A review of the literature
AbstractDomestic vehemence (DV) impacts considerably on the long- consideration health and emotional wellorganism of affected individuals. Although the literary works offers some insight into the duo and nature of domestic help abuse amongst the originate population in the UK, at present there is little obtain equal entropy vexing DV in mature women specifically. This break of serve in knowledge is increasingly being recognised as a major shortfall in knowledge and perceptiveness in society, especially for those responsible for the support and mete out of victims.Although the search in this bea is limited, the work already done to date suggests that matured womens experiences of DV atomic image 18 markedly antithetic from those experienced by jr. people and that these differences have not been sufficiently acknowledged. For example, mature women have polar barriers that stop them compositioning abuse, much(prenominal) as animal(prenominal) limitations collect equal to(p) to ho atomic number 18r age. As the ageing population in the UK appends, interior(a) policy initiatives have started to recognise DV as a national issue for mature women. It is inbred that healthc be professionals atomic number 18 able to identify DV and understand the exact experiences and necessitate of mature women that are affected by DV in order to prevent futurity incidents and better empower women in violent relationships.The aim of this publications review therefore is threefold (a) to present a complete review of the impact of DV on matured women generally within the framework of health, (b) to explore particular barriers in recognizing and reporting DV and (c) to emphasize the gaps in our awareness and understanding from a policy and care provision viewpoint. A systematic approach to a review of the literature was use to identify key literature and lendable evidence relating to DV among mature women. entrancewayThe surgical incision of wellness (2000 ) has delimit DV as a continuum of behaviour ranging from verbal abuse, through coercion and bullying, controlling behaviour, physical and sexual attack, to rape and even killing.DV poop take many forms. The most common of these include physical, sexual, verbal and financial abuse (Womens advocate, 2007). Physical abuse typically involves any kind of physical harm such as pushing, kicking or the use of a weapon against an some other individual. Sexual abuse includes using force or threats to impel a partner into unsuitable sexual acts, whilst verbal abuse includes much psychological elements such as persistently attacking a partners self esteem through name calling. Financial abuse usually involves with throttleing money from a partner or forcibly taking everyplace a partners assets or financial accounts (Womens Aid, 2007).In 2012, 1.2 million women suffered from DV (Home Office, 2013). However, fewer than 1 in 4 individuals who suffer from DV will report this (Home Office, 2013) and therefore the estimation of DV in the UK is likely to be grossly underestimated. Thirty-one percent of the funding to DV charities from local authorities was cut amidst 2010/11 to 2011/12, a reduction from ?7.8 million to ?5.4 million ( data obtained using Freedom of Information Act requests by the False Economy project, and analysed by the interrogation team). The National Violence against Women examine (NVAWS) states that about 1.5 million women are raped or physically assaulted by an intimate partner yearly (Tjaden & Thoennes, 2000). The Bureau of Justice Statistics criminal offence Data Brief, which metrical sole(prenominal) physical assaults, concluded that there were 691,710 nonfatal violent victimizations committed by current or former spouses, boyfriends, or girlfriends against victims during 2001(Rennison, and Planty, 2003). Of these cases, 85% were against women (Rennison and Planty, 2003). The NVAWS as well as tack that 22.1% of women surveyed, compared to 7.4 percent of men, and reported being physically assaulted by a current or former partner in their lifetime (Rennison and Planty, 2003).In the United Kingdom, national policy has started to identify DV as a concern for mature women. Subsequently, the Government has put policies in place so that healthcare and affable professionals are able to identify cases of DV. For example, funding of nearly ?40 million has been allocated to specialist support go and help-lines until 2015 and the piloting of a domestic military group disclosure scheme that gives individuals the just to ask about any violent criminal offences carried out by a new partner (Home Office, 2013). An estimated 27,900 women have had to be turned away by the first refuge service that they approached in the last year because there was no space, according to new figures from Womens Aid (2012). These figures demonstrate that services are under some strain to deal with the large amount of DV cases in the UK.Prolonged episodes of DV dope result in the development of psychogenic health problems such as depression, panic attacks and genial breakdown (Roberts et al., 1998 Astbury et al., 2000). . Women often find it difficult and challenging to communicate about the psychological abuse they suffer during DV and often favour to suffer in silence than complain about it (Home Office, 2013). This may have resulted in creating a barrier to finding data on mature victims of domestic craze. Abused women are three and a half times more likely to be suicidal than non-abused women (Golding, 1999). Furthermore, the World health Organization (WHO, 2005) indicates that domestic violence puts women at risk from a range of negative health outcomes such as physical injury, mental health problems, sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS, unwanted pregnancies, depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, emotional distress, fatigue, sleeping and eating disorders and command fear. at that place ar e a wide range of social factors thought to contribute the higher(prenominal) feature of DV against women in the UK. These factors include some religious and political practices that undermine women (Walker, 1999). Factors such as financial hardship. a lack of resources, educational shortcomings, extreme alcohol consumption, high levels of jealousy, belonging to a large family and substance abuse have also all been linked with the rising risk of domestic violence (Martin et al., 1999). Furthermore, in comparison to their younger female counterparts, mature women may have a limited understanding of the term abuse as a result of their older generation (Zink et al., 2003). For example, DV may have not been considered as a criminal offence when they were growing up and feminist movements were commonplacely unheard of.Despite figures showing that DV against mature women is rising considerably the UK, the government is considering serious funding cuts for crime prevention programs as well as staff cutting plans including over 50, 000 job cuts in the National health Service (NHS) over the next 10 year period (Scripps, 2013). In light of these cuts, this research aims to study the relationship between DV and the prevention programs that have been designed to tackle this crime. In particular, a counsellors perspective will be adopted and the challenged that counsellors face in the light of budget constraints will also be explored. Using an extensive review of the literature, the following sections plenty over a brief overview of the various aspects pertaining to DV and its psychological influence. The review will conclude with a treatment of government interventions and policy recommendations.This review will evaluate and critique the available literature pertaining to DV including an assessment of the historical evolution of DV as a general concern for mature women, theoretical explanations of DV and consideration of the significance of gender. This underpinn ing process will be used as a basis for examining the impact of DV against mature women (39 historic period old and above). It will also look at the value and effectiveness of current resources, initiatives, and support networks used to tackle DV and assist victims. This review will illustrate that DV in mature women is a complex and multifaceted subject.Definition of TermsFor the purpose of this review, the following terms shall be defined as followsDomestic violence The term domestic violence is defined as a physical type of abuse carried out by an individual directly towards their significant other previously or currently, through the use of violence. The intent of the abuse is to somewhat establish and maintain a sense of dominion and control over another person, and is depict in a context of uneven authority or entitlement. This therefore increases the likelihood of inflicting harm to both the physical and emotional welfare of that individual.Well-being consort to Ryan and Deci (2001), the term well-being refers to the full spectrum of peoples emotional experiences and to their quality of life.Mature women Mature women would be defined as those persons aged 39 years and above.Health This is a state of physical and mental well-being, and thus not necessarily means the absence of symptoms, illness and morbidity (WHO, 2004b).Quality of life This is an individuals understanding of his or her status in life, in relation to the culture and value system of society, viewed against their personal goals, prototype, and expectations in life (The WHOQOL Group, 1995).Qualitative Study Qualitative studies are exploratory and are particularly well suited to social research. Cresswell (1998) defines a qualitative study as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants chooseed in a natural setting. Typical data gathering tools employed in a quali tative research design include observation, interviews, video documentaries, and focus groups.Quantitative Study Quantitative studies taproom instruction in numbers using a set of pre-defined variables as the focus of the study. Using the definition given by Cresswell (1998), it is an inquiry into a social or human problem, based on testing a opening composed of variables, deliberate with numbers, and analyzed with statistical procedures, in order to determine whether the predictive generalizations of the theory holds true. Data collection methods typically include questionnaires, standardized tests and codified forms.Scope and Objectives The main objective of this research was to increase awareness of DV against mature women and to improve the standard and efficacy of the care that is declare oneselfd to the victims. The researchers experience in looking after this group of victims has been challenging and may have been much improved if their experiences and needs were better understood.This piece of research aimed toCarry out a literature review of DV in mature women. Identify how the government and society in general support victims of domestic violence in recovery. Identify the counsellors role while caring for victims of DV. To provide an opportunity for mature women to speak of their experiences in order to highlight their experiences and to develop resources to support and inform mature women (Mears, 2002). To explore the prevalence of physical and verbal abuse among the study population (Mouton at el, 2004).This research will use a positivist approach, focusing on the dilemma a mature victim of DV often faces and the importance of the therapeutic relationship they hold with their counsellor. This approach focuses on gaining positive evidence from observable experience, alternatively than depending on intuition or assumptions on behalf of researchers. In particular, this approach accepts that there are general patterns of cause-and-effect and tha t these can be used to predict natural phenomena such as DV.Research MethodologyThis dissertation will use review the literature and conceal analysis of secondary data and the summarising of the literatures findings on the topic of DV in mature women.ProcedureThis piece of research used a literature review to gather data on the topic of DV amongst mature women in the UK and beyond.The following key terms and words were used in various pedantic search engines including Web of Knowledge (http//, Science Direct ( and PubMed (http// violence AND mature women. Domestic abuse AND mature women. Domestic violence AND women.Due to a limit in the number of articles generated using these search terms, no exclusionary criteria were applied.Literature reviewThis is a secondary review research project involving an extensive literature review on the topic of DV and its impact and set up on mature women. The material for this review was obtained from peer reviewed psychological and counselling journals, which were accessed through online journal databases such as PUBMED and CINAHL. Governmental reports such as those published by the Department of Health (2000), BACP (2000), World Health Organisation (WHO, 2004) and technical reports from scientific research groups and operative papers from social welfare committees were also used within the research. This review adopted the best evidence synthesis method proposed by Franche et al. (2005). This method involves summarizing the literature and drawing up conclusions, based on the balance of evidence.Epidemiology and Economic ImpactDomestic violence among mature women is a pressing national problem. As a recent report from the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2004) indicates, domestic violence against mature women has increased five-fold resulting in increased depression, physical ill health, psychological effects and other mental health disorders (Sc ripps, 2013).In addition to the huge impact DV has on women, there is also a large economic cost. The Centre for rational Health (2010) has reported an annual loss to the tune of ?30.3 billion due to mental health problems suffered by abused women, with over two thirds of this amount be for lost productivity within the workplace. Mental ill health which may be the result of DV has been identified as the primary reason for incapacity utility payment and over 43% of the 2.6 million individuals presently on long-term health-related benefits present with psychosocial behavioural disorder as their primary condition (Department of Work and Pensions, 2010). DV can also have a direct negative impact on witnesses. Hewitt (2002) claims that almost 90% of DV circumstances are witnessed either directly or indirectly by children. Furthermore, the British government have stated that women can be distressed by witnessing DV carried out against other women (Hewitt, 2002).The literature also reveals differences in the prevalence of DV between younger and older women. For example, mature women are two to three times more likely to report minor physical attacks such as been pushed grabbed just about and shoving than men (Tjaden & Thoennes, 1998). It has also been found that women are 7 to 14 times more likely than men to report serious physical attacks of DV that include having been strangled, endanger with weapons or use of weapons (Tjaden & Thoennes, 1998).Barriers to Accessing CareThe literature search highlighted a number of key differences between the experiences of younger and mature women when it comes to DV. For example, unlike younger women, older women may be even less aware of the services available to those experiencing DV. For example, Scott et al. (2004) reported that there is a widespread myth among service providers and women themselves that Womens Aid and other DV services prioritise younger women and younger women with children.Friedman et al. (1992) h ave postulated that abused mature women volunteer to contribution their uncertainties and concern to their health practitioners the absolute majority of the time. Those women that do not share their concerns may not do so because of pride or shame. The other reason that mature women do not disclose DV is a fear of being judged by society and this has been challenged during the research as well as shortage of theoretical clarity concerning this matter since the majority of affected women were embarrassed to put crossways what they are facing and this has made data collection challenging.Zink et al. (2003) investigated the reasons for staying in an abusive relationship in women aged over 55 years. It was found that reasons could be split up into three categories cohort effects, which included reasons such as lacking education or job skills, period effects such as rejection from help services or difficulty accessing services, and aging effects, which related to the physical limita tions that their age can cause. These results suggest that although mature women experience similar barriers to leaving abusive relationships such as a lack of faith in their ability to find employment and support themselves, there are also barriers unique to mature women such as worries regarding their physical strength. Therefore, health workers and counsellors must be privy to these differences in order to improve the level of care and support that mature victims of DV receive.Theoretical ConceptsThere are a number of different theories that make be used to explain how DV comes about and what motivates its perpetrators.. For example, the social exchange theory (Emerson, 1976) offers a bag for law enforcement and the prosecution of offenders. Furthermore, this assists in helping to explain how children who observe abuse mostly grow up to be abusers themselves. In contrast, a feminist approach may provide support for interventions targeted at supporting perpetrators to improve th eir behaviour and helping to empower victims. However, looking at these theories they do not appear to provide an inclusive foundation and a comprehensive approach for dealing with the various underlying outcomes or scope of DV. The more integrated ecological framework theory (see for example, Heise, 1998) is the one that appears to provide the required basis for an inclusive approach. The ecological framework theory has been used to conceptualise DV as a multi-faceted and complex phenomenon that has its foundations in a multitude of different factors including those of a situational and socio-cultural foundation (Heise, 1998). Unlike other theories, this theory is not reductionist and acknowledges that DV can be the result of many different factors.DiscussionThis researcher desire to increase knowledge and understanding regarding DV against older women by allowing older women themselves to speak out about how they define domestic violence their views about causes, reporting, inte rventions, and consequences for perpetrators factors that deter or prevent help-seeking from the justice system and community agencies and elements of outreach and intervention strategies they see as acceptable and/or desirable. Results and Conclusions Two important constructs that emerged were Domestic Abuse (DA), which encompasses emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, and Barriers to Help-Seeking (BHS), which appears to be closely related to the experience of victimization. In addition, eleven sub-concepts emerged from the data. Seven of these, Isolation, Jealousy, Intimidation, Protecting Family, Self-Blame, Powerlessness, and Spirituality, appeared to be related to both the experience of DA and BHS. An additional four factors defined as Secrecy, Hopelessness, Concern for Abuser, and Justice were identified.This review has highlighted that violence amongst mature women has reached endemic proportions in most parts of the world. It also finds that no ethnical, racial, or socio-ec onomic group is loathly from DV. Nonetheless, the review emphasized considerable heterogeneity in methodologies, sampling periods, sample sizes and the population studied. In some studies, ethnicity, age, and socio-economic status were not reliably recorded, resulting in difficulties in comparisons and evaluations. However, it must be emphasised that the WHO multi-coun tense up study was a significant effort to amass globally similar statistics by the use of identical study approaches.There were a number of key methodological issues identified in the studies included in this literature review.A key weakness of surveys is that they may not measure the real figures of abused women, especially as some abused women will be unwilling to reveal and report DV against them. In view of problems associated with self-reports, it is likely that results are biased by both over-reporting and under-reporting (Koss, 1993).According to Krauss (2006) DV differs from nation to nation, and occasion ally within the same culture. Therefore, there are cultural factors to take into account when comparing research. For example, in Asian cultures women are brought up with the belief that family needs are select to individual members needs (Rydstrom, 2003). Though women from poor countries are possibly most pre-disposed to believe that men have a right to beat their wives, it has been found that women in developing and developed countries can also be inclined to beliefs which vindicate violence against them (Fagan and Browne 1994). Furthermore, there are cultural differences in the societal view of DV. For example, the review has shown that not every woman who suffers abuse identifies themselves as battered women (Mahoney 1991). For example, Moslem nations do not view domestic violence a major issue, despite its increasing incidence and serious consequences. Extracts from religious tracts have been improperly used to validate violence against women, although abuse may also be the r esult because of culture as well as religion (Douki et al. 2003). Nonetheless, power issues and gender (Caetano et al. 2000), rather than race and ethnicity (Anderson 1997), are likely to be more significant in building and preserving male supremacy and the inequality of power between wives and husbands (Harris et al. 2005). Furthermore, various ethnic groupings are frequently distorted into one single class, for example Asians (Mobell et al. 1997). Due to this, statistics collected on violence amongst minority populations are regularly inadequate, thereby preventing significant generalizations.Waltermaurer (2005) argues that the choice of measuring and the practice used to establish the occurrence of domestic violence have important bearings on the occurrence rates being reported. The majority of television and film images, as well as the images in magazines, often display images of abused younger women who have children and this may give a pretended impression that domestic viol ence is not something that may occur later on in life. This literature review has found that in comparison to younger women, older women throughout their lives have been less aware of all services and treatments pronto available for those going through DV. The previous Government legislated in the curse and Security Act 2010 for the introduction of Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPN) and Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs). On the 30th of June 2012 the domestic violence valueion notices and orders (DVPO) were introduced in West Mercia, Wiltshire and Greater Manchester through three police forces. The operations will continue for another year while the Home Office works hand in hand to assess the pilot and decide whether or not a permanent change in the law system is required.. The scheme gives victims who talent or may have fled their homes the kind of support they may need. There was a gap in protection in DV before the scheme was founded in 2012. Previously, pol ice were unable to charge perpetrators because of lack of evidence and also because the process of granting injunctions to the perpetrators took time. The (DVPO) scheme closes the gap between then and now and gives the police and the magistrate the power to protect a victim after the attack as soon as they possibly can and try to stop the perpetrator form getting in contact with the victim or returning home for up 28 days. Disclosure of being abused itself is insufficient to reduce the risk of adverse mental health outcomes for mature women who have been victims of DV unless the listeners response to the disclosure was repeatedly supportive (Coker et al. 2002). Mature women report key characteristics of helpful encounters with health-care providers as non-judgemental, harmonic and caring response (Gerbert et al. 1999).Public and private organizations have kept on enhancing their contributions in fighting DV. In the United Kingdom, The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004) furnishes superior power to police and the courts in dealing with cases of DV and in providing security to victims. Furthermore the British government has recently issued a national domestic violence carry out plan which sets fourth ambitious goals Reduction in the occurrence of domestic violence Increase in the rate that domestic violence is reported increase the rate of domestic violence offences that are brought to justice Ensure victims of domestic violence are satisfactorily protected and supported nationwide Reduce the number of domestic violence related homicides.The review has shown that despite all Government initiatives towards domestic violence, healthcare agencies are still under-represented (Hague et al., 1996). It was not until the year 2000 that the Department of Health (DoH) started to take steps to implement front-line interventions from health professionals by publishing two documents known as Domestic Violence A Resource Manual for Health Care Professionals and Principles of Conduct for Health Professionals (Department of Health, 2000a, 2000b). The aim of these documents was to integrate best practices recommended by the various governing bodies of differing health professionals. This documentation aims to provide guidance for healthcare professionals in their practice and daily fundamental interactions with women experiencing DV. After the publication of these documents, DV was seen for the first time as a health care issue as opposed to a mainly social care problem.The police and the criminal justice system cannot address the issue of domestic violence alone. The cost of protection for those women who experience domestic violence is of such a scale that it should be considered a major public health issue (Department of Health, 2000a 2). Validity and Reliability As most of the literature referred to in this research was phenomenological, there are some key methodological limitations. For example, phenenological research is often open to interpretation. In particular, the same words may have different meanings for different people (Beck, 1994). This may be of particular importance for the topic of DV as some women who are included as participants may report that they are abused but may not attach the same negative connotations that the researchers do. The most reliable estimates of the extent of domestic violence in England and Wales come from the Crime Survey of England and Wales (CSEW formerly known as the British Crime Survey). The CSEW asks people about their experience as victims. Being a household survey, it picks up more crime than the official police figures, as not all crimes are reported to the police, let alone recorded by them. Two sets of figures are available from the CSEW the first, collected from the surveys inception in 1981, come from the results of face-to-face interviews the second, available from 2004/05, come from confidential self-completion modules, which respondents complete in private by re sponding to questions on a computer. The unwillingness of respondents to reveal experience of domestic violence to an interviewer means that the first measure significantly underestimates the extent of domestic violence.ConclusionThe high occurrence ofDV experienced by mature women suggests that doctors and other healthcare professionals working in all areas of medicine must identify and explore the potential significance of DV when considering reasons why mature women present with ill health. The issue of DV against mature women should be integrated into medical training, therapist training and also into governmental policy. Heterogeneity within the methodology of the different studies discussed in this review has highlighted the significance of developing stronger definitions to improve coherence across findings during a literature search. Future research work must try to recognize cultural differences when working with families and women of ethnic minorities.Contrary to previo us assumptions that mature women may consider DV as acceptable, results of a study found that mature women were able to identify abuse and actions seen as abusive, which demonstrates suggesting that care workers may be misinterpreting victims feelings. The study also demonstrates how the attitude of mature women has been altered over time, from something acceptable to something that must be dealt with.Society must stop viewing domestic violence against mature women as a problem which only affects women, as the issue is overall a public health issue. All forms of violence against mature women are abhorrent and support for those who have been abused in any form should be readily available. We need a clear and decisive answer for calls for help from the health sector, in collaboration with womens organizations and other related public powers. As find by Hamberger et al. (1992), future research is essential in order to help determine the reason behind some re-occurring factors that are prevalent in bestow toward cases of DV against mature women.A collective societal intervention is necessary to address the social determinants of DV. Counsellors, as frontline care providers, have an essential role to play in controlling the negative impacts of DV amongst mature women. Counsellors can be proactive in their approach and target unguarded individuals and groups based on initial assessment or treatment programs. Counsellors and healthcare providers should effectively liaise with various governmental and non governmental agencies that participate in delivering individual treatment plans for mature victims of DV.By improving the coordination between these alive(p) agencies and the women that need intervention, healthcare providers can promote greater access to and utilization of these services.Future Work The researcher discovered that there is not much data available on the topic of DV in mature women from previous researchers. In future the researcher will conduct r esearch herself when qualified enough to conduct research using questionnaires and interviews to collect qualitative data.REFERENCESAnderson, K. L. (1997). 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Monday, May 20, 2019
Computers & social change Essay
To argue for and against, use authors that ar for and against scientific determinism. In order for me to carry out this task effectively, I will define what is meant by the term technological determinism then break down the mystery of these term into parts and also demonstrate out round different technologists who have had a say on the term. According to Babylon, Technological Determinism is considered as an free heather and is defined as technology beingness developed by its own ruling, with its potential limited by material resources.1 Authors For As said by Neville Holmes a senior lecturer at the University of Tasmania Computers argon merely tools. They are not members of society they are not even pseudo members, like corporations and governments. They are not main(a) agents. Like cars and telephones, they only do things if and when someone uses them. They can neither be diabolical for what they do (are used for), nor given credit for what they do (are used for).2 Here H olmes is arguing in favour of the above statement, he is telling readers that computers should not be classified as living being that they are just machines which we can control or use to assist ones doing, they are helpers or assistants. also Jacque Ellul is arguing alongside Holmes, he also apply that computers are not independent of social kind as he wrote that Technology, is symbolic of a cancer which as it grows increases the fundamental danger to its host, in this part society Ellul verifys the idea of technology as a whole as an autonomous means with no ruling.He suggests that computers can not be autonomy of social diverseness because they are not only created by humans but they are also used by humans. 3 Arthurs Against Whereas the Dutch social critic Michiel Schwarz is against the above authors opinion as he stated that Technology has amaze our environment as well as our ideology. We no longer use technology, we live it. Schwarz is arguing for computers, he believe s humans see computers as the structure of society.He is trying to tell us that computers are independent of social change. Also Marshall McLuhan is arguing alongside Schwarz, he believes that computers are independent of social change as he stated that inventions in technology invariably cause cultural change. McLuhan is trying to express readers of his theory that the introduction of technology has changed the world, is still changing the world and will always have some kind of connection to do with the rapid evolving of the world.4 Conclusion As a whole having looked at different authors point of view over the past years, one can see that computers have vie and are still playing a great responsibility amongst our society since technologies are improving in terms of their functioning and capability, the society is adapting to it. I agree with (name of author u fink is right) and because of his/her point, we can see that technology is definitely the motor of our society therefor e, I recon.1 Babylon Translation, Available at http// (Assessed on 17-December-2008)2 Neville Holmes, University of Tasmania, Available at http// (Assessed on 3-November-2008)3 Jacque Ellul, Available at http// (Assessed on 16-December-2008)4 Amy Schick, Technological Determinism A Critique, Available at http// (Assessed on 17-December-2008)
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Assessing different approaches to customer service
For my Customer servicing Unit I will be interviewing 2 leisure centres, College of St. Mark and St. John and the Mayflower leisure core.I have chosen these two centres because they argon slightly contrasting and I thought it would be interesting to divulge how several(predicate) companies have different customer service.The College of St. Mark and St. John is in Derriford, Plymouth. It covers a very large area and its facilities include a 25 metre indoor heated swimming pool, a fitness suite, two squash courts, a fully equipped gymnasium, three sports halls, individually with four badminton courts and a specialist built-in rock-climbing wall, computing facilities, and an open-air(prenominal) pursuits centre. In addition to extensive playing fields, there is a full surface all-weather floodlit pitch for top level hockey and football.A smaller all-weather surface accommodates tennis and provides a good training surface all year round. In addition to this there is a 36m. squa re(p) sports hall for participation in a variety of sports which is also large enough to accommodate concern Fairs and other large events a gymnasium for martial arts, aerobics, step and tone & trim classes a standard size sports hall available for volleyball, basketball, badminton 2 squash courts and a Fitness Suite with up to date cardiovascular and weight training equipment. Although this sports centre is within the college, it is open to any member of the public, not just the students at the college.The Mayflower Leisure Centre is situated in Central Park, Plymouth. It is quite old and may take in to be revamped within the next few years. Its facilities include a fitness suite which has treadmills, cross trainers, climbers, bikes, rowers and immunity machines and it also has squash courts, indoor bowls and sun beds. There are two sports halls, one is a 5-a-side football hall and the other is a multi purpose sports hall, which can house badminton, volleyball, basketball, short tennis and change board diving.The College of St. Mark and St. John is a sports college therefore it has numerous amounts of sports facilities. The college is a Church of England voluntary college, with a history of over 150 years and it moved from London to Plymouth in 1973.The Mayflower Leisure Centre is quite old, as I mentioned previously but is the most well used public orbit leisure facility in the area. It works in close partnership with the Central Park go Pool which is its neighbouring building.To find out the information I want, I am going to visit each venue for an interview. For letter, see Appendix 1. I am going to ask them several questions on different topics to find out as much as I can about the Customer Service in their establishment. For questions, see Appendix 2.I will then analyse the answers of the questions and compare the two companies to see who has the best customer service.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Explain Legal Issues, Policies and Procedures Relevant to Assessment
Q beg off legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to assessment, including those for confidentiality, health, safety and welf are.Ans For the smooth running of organization or/and to meet the internecine and external requirements of awarding bodies, it is must to have some legal policies and procedures ready at hand in assessment. If, at one hand, it helps us go through the whole process of assessment smoothly, at the other, it builds a confidence among the learners who feel secure in the process. Training organizations are also subject to inspection by OFSTED so have to keep records for performance, safety and financial reasons.Registers-attendance at lessons. Visit Report Forms-proof you are see candidates. Individual Learning Plans-Targets and timescales. Equality and Diversity Forms-Ensuring no discrimination. Health and Safety Check Forms-Ensuring safe working(a) environment. Course feedback forms-feedback from candidates. Course assessment sheets-record of tests and progress There are some basic policies and procedures that ought to be an constituent(a) part of whole organizational set up.Health and Safety Policy and Procedures These are important. All organizations must carry out arisk assessmentidentifying the risks to employees, other workers, clients, members of the public and anyone who comes onto the organizations exposit or uses its services. They must then draw up a health and safety scheme tantrum out a program to reduce the risks, or to minimize the negative impact if they do happen. Since in assessment, there is possibility of learners being under 18, the assessor or the authority has to carry out a specific assessment taking into account the fact that young people may be inexperienced, childish and/or less aware of risks than adults. These requirements are set out in the Health and Safety (Young Persons) Regulations 1997. info Protection Act The main thrust of Data Protection is protecting against abuse of data held on individu als. Data collection has to be fair. This now means that the individual must know who is doing the collecting, and the purposes for which the data are intended to be used. Data shouldnt be kept for longer than necessary, must be kept secure, and should be adequate, relevant and accurate. Thus the learners, in assessment, will feel secure as it ensures confidentiality.
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