Saturday, December 28, 2019
Death Of The Great Things She Has Done - 1138 Words
It has been only 4 months since Rose went into another dimension; it was also the last time The Doctor saw her. Doctor remembers the day quite clearly, he remembers her getting sucked into the portal, he remembers her screams for help; he remembered everything. He saw her for the last time in that other dimension of which she could not escape. He remembers the wind and the sand underneath his feet as he stood waiting for Rose and her family of the dimension to appear. He remembers her crying and he remembers the last hug. That hug was warm, almost like being engulfed in the sun, and it was comforting. As much as he didn’t want to go without Rose-his Rose, he knew he had to in order to keep the world safe. He will always remember her and†¦show more content†¦The drawing showed him in his 9th regeneration; the form he was before this one. Looking at this drawing reminded him of when he regenerated into 10 and Rose helped him to heal. Rose was on his mind once again, and he started to feel sadder than before. He truly did miss her and there was no doubt that he didn’t. Doctor just wanted to forget about this day and move on so, he tried to fall asleep. It was now 4 in the morning and the Tardis was silent. Doctor was still awake focusing on the ceiling; he was beginning to feel drowsy now. 5 AM read the alarm clock in bright red text, still, The Doctor is awake. It took him half an hour more to finally fall asleep. He started dreaming about the day that Rose was sucked into the portal and the last day he saw her. This dream was rather happy for him because he gets to see Rose as the way he remembers her. He dreamt of all the good times they had together. Even though he he can no longer visit Rose, Doctor feels like she’s actually there with him in the dream. The strange part is, that Rose seems to be mentioning things that The Doctor does not even know about. Some of these messages are things only Mickey or Jack would know about. Eve n weirder, these messages seem to be of things that are presently happen in this dimension. Doctor was beginning to roll around in his bed so much that it woke Jack up. Jack came running into his room assuming that something must be attacking Doctor. When jack stopped and surveyed the room, he sawShow MoreRelatedTuesdays With Morrie : Words Of Wisdom1334 Words  | 6 Pagesbelieves that everyone can live a great life no matter how many days they may have left. No one knows the days they exactly have left in their life. In life people should make the best of it and not worry about how much time they may have left to live, they should focus on making things better for themselves and others. They should also impact and do the right thing and be a great example in others lives. 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