Saturday, December 28, 2019
Death Of The Great Things She Has Done - 1138 Words
It has been only 4 months since Rose went into another dimension; it was also the last time The Doctor saw her. Doctor remembers the day quite clearly, he remembers her getting sucked into the portal, he remembers her screams for help; he remembered everything. He saw her for the last time in that other dimension of which she could not escape. He remembers the wind and the sand underneath his feet as he stood waiting for Rose and her family of the dimension to appear. He remembers her crying and he remembers the last hug. That hug was warm, almost like being engulfed in the sun, and it was comforting. As much as he didn’t want to go without Rose-his Rose, he knew he had to in order to keep the world safe. He will always remember her and†¦show more content†¦The drawing showed him in his 9th regeneration; the form he was before this one. Looking at this drawing reminded him of when he regenerated into 10 and Rose helped him to heal. Rose was on his mind once again, and he started to feel sadder than before. He truly did miss her and there was no doubt that he didn’t. Doctor just wanted to forget about this day and move on so, he tried to fall asleep. It was now 4 in the morning and the Tardis was silent. Doctor was still awake focusing on the ceiling; he was beginning to feel drowsy now. 5 AM read the alarm clock in bright red text, still, The Doctor is awake. It took him half an hour more to finally fall asleep. He started dreaming about the day that Rose was sucked into the portal and the last day he saw her. This dream was rather happy for him because he gets to see Rose as the way he remembers her. He dreamt of all the good times they had together. Even though he he can no longer visit Rose, Doctor feels like she’s actually there with him in the dream. The strange part is, that Rose seems to be mentioning things that The Doctor does not even know about. Some of these messages are things only Mickey or Jack would know about. Eve n weirder, these messages seem to be of things that are presently happen in this dimension. Doctor was beginning to roll around in his bed so much that it woke Jack up. Jack came running into his room assuming that something must be attacking Doctor. When jack stopped and surveyed the room, he sawShow MoreRelatedTuesdays With Morrie : Words Of Wisdom1334 Words  | 6 Pagesbelieves that everyone can live a great life no matter how many days they may have left. No one knows the days they exactly have left in their life. In life people should make the best of it and not worry about how much time they may have left to live, they should focus on making things better for themselves and others. They should also impact and do the right thing and be a great example in others lives. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Julius Caesar Political Propaganda - 1120 Words
Caleb Holman Miss Tanner British Literature 1 21 November 2014 Julius Caesar Used as Political Propaganda William Shakespeare was born in 1564, only a little while after the start of Queen Elizabeth I’s reign. As such he lived in a time of civil unrest later in his life because of the ruler being a woman, being childless and not naming an heir to the throne. Therefore Shakespeare used his tragedy Julius Caesar and the Roman politics in the play in order to reflect those of his day. Namely that even the government needs the support of its people, that advice given to political leaders should be taken into consideration, the consequences of rebellion, and the need for an heir. William Shakespeare first looks to show what may happen if the Queen should die without naming an heir to the throne. â€Å"Conceivably, England would revert, upon her death, to the kind of civil chaos through which it had suffered in the fiftieth century†(Maus 1550). Recognizing this Shakespeare uses his plays, particularly Julius Caesar, as a way to explore the possible outcomes of her death. Yet censorship in renaissance England made direct commentary on the political situation very difficult (Greenblatt 1550). Thus Shakespeare used Julius Caesar in order to provide that commentary. It is clear in his play Julius Caesar that Shakespeare believes that a republic is an idealistic, yet very hard to sustain, form of government. Hadfield comments on this saying â€Å"the republic was always an ideal that was inShow MoreRelatedJulius Caesar : A Reflection Of Politics934 Words  | 4 Pagesoverthrown, this cycle of human interaction is what not only binds Julius Caesar to today’s politics but to history in general.Throughout this assignment I will be speaking on how Julius Caesar is reflective of politics today. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Tourist Destination
Questions: 1. Analyze issues that affects the popularity of tourist destinations.2. Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community. Answers: 1. Analyze issues that affects the popularity of tourist destinations The cause and effect in the relationship of tourism is difficult and complex to identify. The issues on tourist destinations differ according to the place. The issues can differ according to the place; it can be the affect of development issue or environmental issue. It can also impact the culture and communities of the organization. Nepal has taken as a tourist spot so analyze the issues associated with it. Nepal, which was once the most attractive tourist spot, is affected because of reasons like lack of infrastructure development, environmental problem, and lack of publicity and safety facilities for the tourist. Further the country gets involved in internal conflict (Briassoulis and Van der Straaten 2013). Lack of infrastructure development- Lack of infrastructure contributed to affect the country to a considerable amount. Nepal has infrastructure issues like transportation and communication problem. Electricity is also a major issue for the country. Failure to match the demand of the tourist along with the electricity problems adversely affects the tourists of Nepal. Nepal is a landlocked country with China from the North and India from the south. The total road network and density are low and only 435 of the population of their country can access to all-weather roads. Moreover the capital of the country Kathmandu is considered as one of the seismically unstable Himalayas. The tourist of the country faces lack of drinking water within the economy. Environmental issue- Nepal has various environmental problems like loss of forests, forest degradation, soil erosion, air and water pollution and unmanaged solid waste. Trekking is the most attractive tourist activity of Nepal. The growth of it curbed because of the environmental problems like landslides. The earthquake of 2015 has affected the tourist to a considerable amount. Further the forest land declined from 30% to 22% in relation with the total area. The air and water is the most significant environmental problems in Nepal. The tourist mostly prefers Nepal because of participating in the activities like rock climbing, Bungee Jumping but people preferring o shift o other countries like India because of its major environmental problems (Holden 2016). Lack of publicity and safety- publicity makes a country more attractive and enables to gather tourists. However, the lack of it can affect negativity to the tourists. Bangkok and Malaysia is an example of it. The publicity attracts more tourists from all over the world (Tarlow 2014). However, Nepal does not incur much cost in publicity. It enables the tourist to visit other places as most of them gets ignore about the activities and scenetic beauty of the country. Safety is another concern for all tourists. Besides landslides and earthquake the country is affected by theft in the tourist sites and in hotel rooms. Internal conflict- Internal conflicts in a country makes people threaten for visiting the country. The feeling of security is most important for a tourist (Sharpley and Telfer 2014). However Maoists intervention in Nepal threatens the tourist to a considerable amount. The publications in various journals and articles hold the government responsible for not managing the crisis of the tourism. The internal conflict gave birth to loss in the tourism sectors of Nepal. 2. Discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community Nepal has been taken as an example of tourist destination to better understanding about the responsible tourism. The part enhances the responsible tourism focusing on Nepal. Responsible tourism is the principles of the social and the economic justices and respect towards the environment and its culture. It helps to recognize the centrality of the host community and develop a sustainable and responsible tourism. It helps to create a positive interaction between the tourist industry, local communities and travelers (Sharpley 2014). It helps the operators to grow their business providing benefits in terms of social and economic to local communities and enables to respect the environment. The main form of responsible tourism is to address the environmental and the social concern through its policies and practice. The trek and expeditions of Nepal contributes in the responsibly tourism. Nepal has place porter welfare the top priorities. Nepal complies with the International Porter Protect ion Guidelines (Mihalic 2014). Further a member of Kathmandu Environmental Education project is a non-profit organization works for ecological and cultural prosperity of Nepal. The country further embraces the responsible tourism through encouraging the tourist to buy local products. The country further maintains the environmental and cultural ecology so that it does not get hampered. The flood in the eastern Nepal the country enables to take initiatives and distribute cloths, necessary items and tents to the victims. Responsible tourism helps to initiate benefits of tourism to local people and the places. It enables to make the place better to live and for the people to visit. The Cape Town declaration recognizes the Responsible Tourism through its variety forms. It characterized to minimize the negative impacts of economic, social and environmental. It imitates to enable economic benefits for the local people and enhance the host community. It also includes the local people in the decision that affect their life and changes in positive manner (Leslie 2012). It encourages to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the country and maintain diversify of the world. It provides enjoyable experience for the tourists through its connections with the local people and understanding of the local culture, social and environmental issue. It further concentrates to give access for the people with disabilities and disadvantaged. It contributes culturally sensitive and engaging respect between the touris ts and the hosts to initiate pride and confidence. The benefits can initiate from the responsible tourism in economic benefits, soci-cultural benefits and environmental benefits. Economic Benefit- It enables to provide jobs in terms of tour guides or hotel housekeeping. Indirect employment can also initiate through agriculture, food, production and retail sectors (Sharpley 2014). Social Benefits- It can bring sense of pride and identity to the community especially in the rural and mountains areas of under developed countries. It also helps to preserve the traditions which might be risk in some countries if wouldnt preserve (Raviv et al. 2013). Environmental benefits- It provides financial support to secure their ecosystem and manage the natural resource. It enables to add values to the local business. Reference List: Briassoulis, H. and Van der Straaten, J. eds., 2013.Tourism and the environment: regional, economic, cultural and policy issues(Vol. 6). Springer Science Business Media. Holden, A., 2016.Environment and tourism. Routledge. Tarlow, P., 2014.Tourism security: strategies for effectively managing travel risk and safety. Elsevier. Sharpley, R. and Telfer, D.J. eds., 2014.Tourism and development: concepts and issues(Vol. 63). Channel View Publications. Sharpley, R., 2014. Teaching responsible tourism.The Routledge handbook of tourism and hospitality education, pp.171-184. Mihalic, T., 2014. Sustainable-responsible tourism discourseTowards responsustabletourism.Journal of Cleaner Production,30, p.1e10. Leslie, D. ed., 2012.Responsible tourism: Concepts, theory and practice. CABI. Raviv, C., Becken, S. and Hughey, K.F., 2013. Exploring values, drivers, and barriers as antecedents of implementing responsible tourism.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research, p.1096348013491607.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Critical Thinking and Interpersonal Decision Making
Question: Discuss about the Critical Thinking and Interpersonal Decision Making. Answer: Introduction Decision making refers to the channels through which logical choices are sought and the best alternative reached. During this process all information to do with the available options has to be considered. Through critical thinking, all the known data and information surrounding the alternatives are expounded on and a more benefiting option sought. The negatives and positives of each alternative. Projecting a forecast is one way through which predictions in favor or against an option can be reached. The primary objective behind video dairy in decision making is study design and rapport development among the participants. It assures trust and excellence moderation through the process. The mix of activities and conversations ensures a deeper process coverage. Video dairies have a strong eminent way in giving details on how a process has developed. They detail on every personal view and opinion of the participants. The also deeply detail on the steps and processes taken to reach a decision. one is able to achieve an in depth understanding of a concept from video dairies. Through the use of video dairies in the decision making process opens a channel through which the ideas of every individual can be sought and be understood. The rich data sets derived from video blogs plays a major role in critical thinking and decision making purposes. Decision making and critical thinking The decision making processes should always be done on a step by step basis. In this manner, the decisions reached are always thoughtful and deliberate. The solution selected is essentially more specific to the eminent problem. Decision making and critical thinking need to follow a process as illustrated: Identifying subject matter The initial step is to get a deep understanding of the issue to be addressed. Knowing the details about it ensures a deeper development of a decision for it. Among the questions to ask at this level include: What the issue is. When it started. What causes it. What the solution need to address. The scope of cover. Information collection on the subject matter This process entails collection and documentation of all relevant information relating to the issue. The information should be sought both internally and externally. Essentially conducting a self-assessment reveals much of the data needed here. A research on the issue also provides additional insight to the scope of the issue to be decided on. Identifying alternatives and solutions after gaining in detail knowledge of the issue, one develops a better insight on the kind of solutions to be used to address the issue. All the possible alternatives need to be documented. The alternatives can be identified through imagination and by research. Assess the options Conducting a SWOT analysis for each option at this step ensures a deeper understanding of all the alternatives. The evaluation should be focused on addressing the questions raised in the first step. have a theoretical prediction on how each alternative shall be effective in addressing the issue. Once done, prioritize on the alternatives starting with the most effective option. Select and implement the best from the alternatives At this point a decision need to be made on the best alternative with all considerations in place. The alternative can then be implemented in to the process. Decision review After the implementation, there is need to continuously assess the effectiveness of the chosen alternative. The alternative need to exhaustively address all the issues raised in step 1. This ensures the issue is sufficiently addressed. Video diary in decision making and critical thinking Video diaries make a strong way through which users can make documentations and keep track on processes and decisions. The videos may as well be referred to as self-ethnography. The videos are recorded as a response to issues and concerns over time. The interactions in the activities result in a development of better understanding and relationship among the participants. From the video dairies one is usually able to ascertain the authenticity and actual attitude of the respondents and as such be aware of the attitude. The behavior comes natural as opposed to other channels through which this could have been recorded. They form a strong basis through which decisions can be made. When well detailed, the video dairies carry all the content that is discussed in a forum or process. Impact of video diaries in decision making and critical thinking. Develops a narrative journey to a decision or thinking Listening a well-documented video dairy will always take the audience through a deeply articulated steps and process through which a decision can be reached. They take the audience along in all the processes. The videos guide the audience, while providing every little details, through the channels used to reach a decision. From the tone and attitude, an audience is able to relate with the topic of discussion. To realize success, the videos need to be spontaneous. It ensures no detail in the decision making process is not left behind. Detailed in information dissemination Video dairies document every little detail through a process. There are minimal chances of information loss. When doing a critical thinking, all these details are needed to be included. Addressing them implies that the decision reached is all inclusive and considerate. They ensure a detailed narrative development Decision making and critical thinking have to be done in a particular manner. The development has to be in a definite direction. Concept development from a previous video is highly aided. It ensures the process is continuous. Challenges of loss of track in records are effectively addressed. The story line is definite ensuring minimal data loss and deeply sought process for a solution to be reached. Easier concept sharing While developing the video dairies, it is easy to incorporate details such as charts and previous results. Through this, keeping track of a process is ensured. An audience is able to instantly keep up to speed in all the elements within the subject matter. In a collaborative environment, the participants are able to gain knowledge on ongoing processes faster. Learning points From the course I have developed a stronger understanding on the proper channels through which a decision is made. I have strengthened my understanding on critical thinking and the need to keep track on all the steps and procedures passed through before a solution is reached. I have developed skills on proper and effective development of video dairies for managerial uses. I now have a strong intuition on powerful documentation of processes and steps necessary for sensitive steps. From this knowledge, I shall be in a better position to lead team members in making strong supported critical thinking and decision making in my career. I shall be able to make powerful insight on the modalities and channels for effective decision making. I shall also be able to ensure information flow and share among peers and management through video dairies to ensure efficient processes. Do data mining and manipulation for managerial decision making. Analyze managerial issues and ascertain inferences and theories surrounding them. I am also able to do evaluations on reasoning and judge self-opinion. Conclusion Decision making and critical thinking require strong interpersonal skills. They make critical managerial roles which need sensitivity while addressing. All the steps taken to reach a decision need to be sufficiently documented. Each participant need to exercise the art of listening and contributing. With effective video dairies, developing content for the decision making purposes get highly enhanced. Decisions are reached through a high developed content. The dairies are available for making revisions and revisits. The dairies are also available for a later stage revisit and recap. Sharing of ideas and concept among the decision making participants is also highly enhanced
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