Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Individual reflective report on the social marketing campaign. Healthy Essay
Individual reflective report on the social marketing campaign. Healthy Minds Student diet and wellness concerns - Essay ExampleIf it smells bad its to be avoided, and if it smells broad(a) then its to be enjoyed. We do this with our food, smelling it to see if it is still good to eat, which is why foul-smelling food emit such(prenominal) a foul odour. The same thing is supposed to be legitimate with taste. If it tastes bad, then it is bad, and should be avoided and if it tastes good, then it should be partaken of and enjoyed. Or so the theory goes, which is why our prehistoric ancestors had been equal to(p) to make it out of the prehistoric age and make it possible for us, hundreds of generations hence, to be alive and write roughly good food tasting good. But given what we know now, about proper nutrition and health, its right to say that all food that tastes good is not good for you. The words of the good cognizance teacher notwithstanding, it is important to inform the yo ung people today, who make it a point not to comprehend and to sneak away at the first instance possible, about the merits of healthy eating (and disadvantages of unhealthy eating) such as the following (1) Improving the health of prospective mothers would give children a better start in life, reduce infant deaths, and as well as the numbers of low birth-weight babies (2) Educational attainment can be ameliorate and risk of mental illness reduced as well as road deaths, if childrens health could be ascertained (3) The UK could save up to ?100 billion a year if working-age ill health were reduced (4) If adults turned from unhealthy habits, 30% of circulatory diseases could be avoided, ?2.7 billion of state funds deliver due to reduced alcohol abuse, and ?13.9 billion of social costs avoided in terms of reduced drug-fuelled law-breaking (HM Government. 2010). That the adults of today be in a bad way is not debatable. Already, overweight and obesity has begun to actor as much pr eventable disease and death as does cigarette smoking. While the interest is to embark on younger people on the bandwagon towards healthier eating habits, findings to be arrived at in this study would also pertain to social marketing for the health habits of adults. This reflective paper will present this writers ideas about the way social marketing could create an impact in the minds and hearts of our youth, particularly teen-agers, on the merits of eating a healthy diet and living a wholesome lifestyle. Healthy people, healthy state The need to die a healthy generation of people is not the sole concern of the individual, only when more important the community and the nation. This is the reason why the UK has prioritized the promotion of healthy eating in its health policy agenda (EPPI-Centre. 2009). What may seem trivial in the grand scheme of things, such as the guinea pig of telling children to eat their peas and liver and putting up with the inevitable grimaces, is actuall y a matter of state priority. The diet children are introduced to early in life become a habit in their teen years, and a compulsion in their adulthood. More than this, during that period in life when childrens bodies and minds develop fastest, starving them of essential nutrients to support this accelerated growth robs them of the maximum potential they would have attained. Long-term studies are still being conducted to determine the exact effects of poor nutrition on health and developing in later life (Wachs,
Monday, April 29, 2019
Seminar paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Seminar paper - Essay ExampleIn Monas school, in that respect is a girl known as Danielle Meyers. This girl is somewhat of a competition for Mona and she even gives us a detailed description of her that Danielle Meyers wears blue mascara and that she is said to have kissed devil boys (Gina, 1999). Danielle Meyers is said to have French-kisssed unmatched boy and given the other boy a regular kiss since he had braces. This tarradiddle of gorgerin two boys makes Mona envious and she herself begins looking for a boy that she forget kiss in order for her story to be passed round (Gina, 1999).Mona lies to her friends that she knows karate since her ancestors, the Chinese, are believed to have been skilled in karate. This is just a lie only if Mona does not mind as she would do anything for fame (Gina, 1999). Mona is that type of person who tells one lie after some other without even blinking. She tells her friends that a woman can get pregnant from drinking tea. She also tells them that the brains of monkeys are a delicacy for the Chinese (Gina, 1999). Most of the cultural food of Chinese is tomatoes, nothing resembling monkey brains. Mona brags about how her produces cooking is off the charts that her cooking is not even in the cookbooks.The jealousy of Mona towards the fact that Danielle Meyers kissed two boys drives her to peer pressure when she starts looking for a befriend to kiss too so that her story will be aired by everyone. Monss teacher introduces Sherman to Mona as the new boy in class that she may guide him in the first few days at school. Mona thinks that Sherman is cute and begins locomote in love with home (Gina, 1999). Mona is crazily in love and does a lot to show this much(prenominal) as decorating his books, having lunch always with him and taking him places such as the candy butt in and the bagel store which turns out to be great since Sherman is crazy about bagels (Gina, 1999).It comes a time where Mona knows that Sherman will be exp iration in a month. Mona is only worried
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Developing Website and Blog for Caf Cuisine Essay
Developing Website and Blog for Caf culinary art - Essay ExampleThe website would provide information regarding the restaurant over the internet to the customers. Moreover, the coffeehouse cuisine has heady the business model of business to consumer to be presented by the website. In order to market the website of the Cafe Cuisine has decided to have their appearance on one of the Blogs a free web service. The catalogue presents a justification of the business model adopted by the Cafe Cuisine and a detailed interchange on the processes required to develop the website of the Cafe Cuisine for establishing their e-business. The document provides justification for selection of the web table of contents as well as the contents published over the blog for attracting the customers. It is pertinent to identify, analyze and pronounce the issues pertain to the e- business organisation including the electronic transactions, the procurement channel, and the supply chain attention. Consi dering the importance of evaluating the e-business issues on failure or success, the document provides a brief description of these issues. 2. Business Model Business models for the e-Commerce can be categorized into the unhomogeneous categories include but are not limited to the Business - to - Consumer (B 2 C), Business - to - Business (B 2 B), Consumer - to - Business (C 2 B) and Business - to - Government (B 2 G) (Lauden and Traver, 2012). From the given business models, the Cafe Cuisine has selected Business - to - Consumer (B 2 C) considering their type of business i-e provision of cooked provender services to the customers. In Business to Consumer business model, the Cafe Cuisine would sell the food products directly to the customers or consumers. The website of the Cafe Cuisine would facilitate the consumers to visit/ canvas the food products online while sitting at their own places, select and order the food products. The menu hark of the Cafe Cuisine would be available over the website containing the food items and their prices. Once the consumer/customer selected and ordered for the food item, the same would be delivered to the Cafe Cuisine management and they manage to sever the consumer order at their place. As the product of the Cafe Cuisine has directly been utilized by the consumer, therefore, the Cafe Cuisines management decided to adopt the B2C business model. Moreover, the B2C business model can facilitate the Cafe Cuisine to modernise their business by planning and achieving clear objectives and goals. The website facilitates to manage huge customers at a time for reviewing their menus as well as placing orders. Taking into consideration facts and benefits of the B2C business model, the Cafe Cuisine decided to adopt it (Nikov, n.d). 3. Website discipline and Evaluation A website development process has to be utilized for the development of the Cafe Cuisines website (Alexander, B., n.d). Initially, while website development, we carefull y took the requirements of the Cafe Cuisine for the development of the website. The requirements of the Cafe Cuisine consisted of functional and non-functional requirements (Vandeuren, 2012). In the future(a) phase, we iteratively create the inclination of the website that was highly important to make the website usable. The usability is one of the features of the quality website. After completing the design of the website in the Dreamweaver, we started to write the contents of the website, as well as planned the contents of the Blog (Calhoun, 2003).
Saturday, April 27, 2019
MGMT 436 U5 DB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MGMT 436 U5 DB - Research Paper ExampleWhich of the 4 change projects should the consulting group suggest helping the political party design and develop? Which function tooshie the comp both OD do better (as primary lead consultant) than an external group?The consulting group should suggest a change project which would assist the company in generating the most profits inside the minimum cost. As such, the company OD, who has access to pertinent information, which is privy to an external group, would enable them to function better.Generate ideas about how you can move toward making the leadership team up more independent. What would you have to see happen or what record would you look for to see that you can terminate your relationship with the team without any damage being do?To make the leadership team become more independent, the following suggestions are proposed (1) assign a team leader who would be tasked to solicit ideas, comments, suggestions to undertake a particular pro ject or task (2) specify roles and responsibilities of members (3) monitor progress of the project regularly and (4) only elevate crucial issues that cannot be resolved by the team to authorized superiors. As such, when the team is able to operate and perform independently and has been able to systematically deliver the expected outcome or defined goals, then, one could terminate the relationship with the team without any damage being done.Provide your thoughts about with which projects the consulting group should be involved. You know you could help with them all, but what is respectable? How much money and time can you, as consultants, lose or make based on this decision? What should drive the decision process?The projects that the consulting group should be involved are those that have neer been undertaken by any teams within the organization. This means that the project should be new, complex or not within the traditional area of specialization of the organization. It is the refore ethical to
Friday, April 26, 2019
QUANTITATIVE DECISION MAKING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
QUANTITATIVE finis MAKING - Essay ExampleRequirements of playacting a quantitative analysis are the presence of a sample (upon which the analysis would be performed), descriptive statistics, and a deductive reasoning. Practical examples of quantitative Analysis some(prenominal) practical examples of quantitative analysis are financial Systems Analysis and Time Value of Money. Financial systems analysis handlingd by managers, creditors and investors are used to measure the success of a companys financial goals. The income sales ratio of two organizations can quantitatively be compared by analysis. How do managers use this in the business world? Managers use quantitative analysis essentially at every tone and decision within their organization. For a manufacturing firm for example, the videotape of orders fulfilled, the ratio of manufacturing parts incorporated, the record of sales made, the record of labor incorporated and the record of expenses incurred can be analyzed at sepa rate levels by performing quantitative analysis techniques on the raw data. The analysis techniques quantify the raw data by try and grouping it. The data is then analyzed and graphically project. The graphical representation of quantified data displays current and projected trends of the organization.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Joseph H Pilates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Joseph H Pilates - Essay ExampleBy the age of 14 he was the third-year model, and had even begun modeling for anatomy charts.Eventually through the culmination of his own childhood and experiences, an idea began to recrudesce in his mind. He eventually decided that everyones modern lifestyle, bad posture, and inefficient breathing were the roots of unequal health, and he would find a way to combat that effectively.He then began work on what would grow known as the Pilates Method. He created a series of various exercises that would help combat these evils. Ultimately his state to these problems was to design a unique series of vigorous physical exercises that help to correct muscular imbalances and correct posture, coordination, balance, strength, and flexibility, as well as to increase breathing capacity and organ function. He also invented a variety of machines, based on leaping-resistance, which could be used to perform these exercises( http//www.jillianhessel.com/pilates_bi ography.html). He would eventually include these spring Machines into ideas such as the Cadillac and the Universal reformer. Now all that lacked was a name for his new theory of mind, which Pilates would by and by call contrology.The first people to embrace his methods of Body Contrlogy were dancing students.
The Firm and Strategic Human Resource Management Essay
The Firm and Strategic Human Resource Management - Essay representativeIn order to function efficiently and effectively, heap must be managed well. Human resources management (HRM) is the device and science of dealing with people at work for the optimum achievement of individual, organization and societys goals. While general management is the orchestration of all the resources, human resource management is limited to people management their motivation, acquisition, maintenance and development. Strategic human resources management (SHRM) is defined by Boxall & Purcell (2003) as concerned with explaining how HRM influences organisational performance. They to a fault point out that strategy is not the same as strategic plans. Strategic planning is the musket ball process that takes place, usually in larger organisations, defining how things will be done. However strategy exists in all organisations even though it may not be written down and articulated. It defines the organisations behaviour and how it tries to cope with its environment. Boxall & Purcell have been intrigued by theories and applications of SHRM that they have written several dis railss on the subject including the condition entitled Strategic Human Resource Management Where have we come from and where should we be going?In this regard, this essay aims to present a brief synopsis of the paper to outline the content and to identify the personality of the discourse. A discussion of the results of the paper would be proffered in terms of stating the key claims of the findings and determining what it adds to the body of intimacy on SHRM. In addition, the findings from the article would be related sporadically with discussion from the literature in the course module. An assessment of the methods used by Boxall & Purcell would be touched on, as required. Likewise, an identification of the researchs practical implications would be unflinching as well as an assessment of the strengths and weaknesse s of the paper, as finale.Authors Boxall & Purcell proffered in
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Analysis on the Importance of HR Practices in Managing Organisations Essay
Analysis on the Importance of HR Practices in Managing Organisations - act ExampleAnalysis on the Importance of HR Practices in Managing Organisations The literature suggests of the importance of managing human resources for the emolument of the company, entirely this practice is app bent to the large organizations. HR practice in SME has been the center of research because of the issues raised. The field of study found out that the size of the company is congruent to the choice of implementing HR policies because of resource constraints. This paper analyses the signification of HR practices such as training and development in managing organisations. Resourcing an Organisation SME has captured the attention of researchers due to its speedy growth which contributes to the national economy. Thousands of small businesses be established, which increase the employment of individuals hence, failure of small businesses to remain in their business operation hurt the economy. Europe and UK narrate that two-third of its job are employed in SME, but the enterprises lose a huge number of jobs due to business failure. The business failure of SMEs is caused by the despicable management of resource and informal practices of HRM. Beaver and Hutchings support that SME rejects the value of HR as the source of gaining warlike advantage. Due to their lack of knowledge in the managerial aspect, the growth of the company is sacrificed. Furthermore, majority of small and moderate enterprises believe that HR practices are hindrances to the generation of profits because training and development require budget. ... commitment, adaptability, and consideration of employee. To accentuate commitment, SME should adapt HR policies to strengthen the loyalty of employees and motivate them to render their maximum potential. Thus, it is inappropriate for SME to think that HR policies will lead to unproductive. The management of people is strategic to success (Harney & Dundon, 2006, p.48 ). This statement accentuates the role of HRM in aiding companies to strain their mission statement. The knowledge on HRM is critical in ensuring that sort out employees are recruited and trained at the right time. Zheng, et al. (2009, p.177) confirm that consistent and effective manner of human resources management through recruiting and maintaining competitive staff who are talented will add to the companies competitive advantage and sustain superior performance in the endless term. Therefore, the failure of most companies is rooted to their inability to support HR practices. In UK, the government encourages SMEs to implement HR best practices because of its positive outcome to the organisational performance. Studies have shown that companies employing HRM have attained excellent performance compared to those who are neglecting HR (Bacon & Hoque, 2005, p.1977). According to Pfeffer (1994 cited in Reid, et al., 2002, p.249), successful organisations have common HR practices such as employment security, self-managed teams, ample training, high compensation contingent on organisational performance, recruitment, sharing of information, and reduction of status differences. The HR practices of organisations motivate employees to be competitive and productive in their job design and role designation. Job design and role specifications are crucial in matching the talents of the
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Proposal for the analytical report Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
For the analytical report - Thesis Proposal ExampleTechnology has revolutionized business activities especially sales and marketing. I give register a variety of smartphone options that the alliances sales and marketing section can use to ensure the achievement of gilds vision in sales. I will then do a comparison of the options gauging their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the objectives of the company. I will ultimately present my recommendation to the company suggesting the best option that it can settle that is relevant to the same objectives.The company is direct in a highly competitive environment where success involves an integration of many factors .The sales know been dwindling in the past couple of months owing to inadequate networking between the sales staff and the companys product consumers. The high cost of advertising via the local media (radio and television) has made it virtually impossible to promulgate these products adequately. The sales manager noned that the company started losing some of its customers to rival companies. He noted that this was not inescapably due to the competitors having better products but attributed this to the loss of personal touch between the company sales agents and the customers. The company realised that the figures they were getting from r stock-stillue sales were way less than the ones projected at the beginning of the financial year. The scope of the options that I chose for the report have features that will help address these concerns and hopefully provide even more benefits. The company has a goal of further expansion of its network and its afraid this would not be possible with poor sales and without an effective system of communication. With this goal in mind, the company would standardised a recommendation of my report to suggest a good brand of smartphone that it can invest in for use in sales and
Monday, April 22, 2019
Management Concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management construct - Essay ExampleThe accompaniment is, with onset of new era of globalisation, the workforce is increasingly varied and faces problems imputable to geographical constraints, multilingual offices, changing organisational cultures and shifting domains as seen in case of IT organisations. The need of the hour is to breach a strategy to project a unified organisational culture which defines the whole character of the organisation and fosters an lieu of comradeship across employees, verticals, units and businesses thus creating a potential for organic and inorganic organisational growth. The new model on motivation that combines tenets of neuroscience, biology and evolutionary psychology points towards four basic needs (or drives) that guide motivation levels in people. (Nohria Groysberg & Lee 2008) These four drives, namely, drive to acquire, bond, comprehend and defend underlies every thought and action of employees and it is only by satiating these drives that an organisation can boost employee morale, enhance creativity and extract higher productivity which leads to wholesome growth. The article emphasises on the need to focus on all four tangents for the desired results as there is determination among Managers to overlook one or all aspects of these drives with disastrous consequences in terms of attrition percentages evoking high levels of acquittance n terms f experienced resources and business correspondly. The tunnel vision of handful of managers can pay grievous consequences according by squelching creativity and life out of the organisation and promoting a stagnant organisational culture.(Amabile 1998) The foot cause of loss of creative inputs are attributed to various factors that affect the three pillars of creativity in resources which admit expertise, creative thinking skills and motivation. and then from the ideas of these researches it is imperative to develop a theory that would promote the motivation levels and serve up in retaining the creativity of the employees. The organisational culture reflects the degree of interrelationship between the employees and the set of values and ideals that join them. Organizations with understandably codified and enforced cultures enjoy great employee and customer loyalty, in large part because they are strong in either altering ineffective behaviours or disengaging from values-challenged employees in a timely manner. ( Hessket Sasser and Wheeler 2008) Thus it is imperative that there is a positive culture that facilitates individual and organisational growth. The federation can begin by promoting a clear, well organized mission literary argument which reflects the values and ideals stands up for and distinguishes it from its peers by reflecting for what it stands against. (Talbot 2003) The mission statement is important as it differentiates the company and lays down a clear line of ethics to be followed according to the organizations core values. The IBMer values that are instilled in every employee of IBM remind them of the core values of the organisation and its allegiance to excellence in balancing personal and organisational goals. IBM markets itself as one of the best places to work due to the fact that it believes every employee is special and this is also propagated in its recruitment ad campaigns under the tag-What makes you special? Thus the company promotes a healthy image and strong organisation culture of mutual respect and camaraderie. The employees are give proper induction
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
terrorist act - Essay ExampleTerrorist acts committed by women and children are becoming a widespread phenomenon. Joann Chesimard is a double-dyed(a) example. Terrorist groups understand that it is much easier to commit a terrorist act if you are a charming woman or a little child. People usually do not tend to suspect women and children in existence capable of committing a violent act. Thus, terrorists can reach their goals easier. Certainly, the representatives of fair sex, and especially little children, can be criminals and victims at the same time, because many of them are forced to commit terrorist acts or they can be oblige upon by some religious believes with this purpose. (Hoffman, Inside terrorism 3). 2. Hezbollah brought too much violence to the knowledge base in the past, so its present activity must also be considered as violent. Terrorist organization is the adept that uses terror to achieve certain goals, but terror may have different forms (Hoffman, The Logic of felo-de-se Terrorism41). Notwithstanding that now the organization does not commit terrorist attacks, it still wants to have much powerfulness by controlling its own TV stations and news channels. Terrorists try to impose their influence on different governments that testifies virtually their desire to have much power. People should not trust the individuals who were terrorists in the past. Their conduct may turn to violent any moment, thus, European Union is quite right blacklisting them. 3. If we talk about the difference between the terrorism in Europe and in the joined States, we should recognize that the terrorism itself and the tactical maneuver of struggling with it are very different in both continents. The difference is connected with the way terrorism is treated and the history of terrorist attacks. It is a well-known fact that the goal of the United States is to influence Muslims and impose western sandwich values upon them. The goal of the US is very understandable as Muslims behavior is sometimes cruel and violent, so it would be better if they accept some western values. However, Muslims value their culture and religion very uplifted and are not going to lose their values or substitute them. They got used to the way of life-time they conduct, thus, they try to resist the imposed changes. For example, the terrorist act of September 11, 2001, was the Muslims response to the United States governing in their countries. Thus, the main goal of the United States regarding terrorism is not to prevent further attacks, but to defeat terrorism as a phenomenon, to eliminate terrorist groups in the bud (Campbell 2). Speaking about Europe, the attitude to terrorists there is very different. If the United States, as a more democratic country, tries to help Eastern countries become more developed, Europeans are average proud of their culture and consider it to be much better than a Muslims one. Therefore, Europeans consider terrorism to be the act of t he wild part of the world against civilization. Thus, the tactics of struggling with terrorism in Europe is enjoin on providing Europeans with necessary protection and on the prevention of further attacks. Thus, it we talk about terrorism, we should recognize that the politics of the United States is more aggressive due to the number of reasons, while the politics of Europe has a some defensive character. 4. The main task of mass media is to
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Blogs for innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Blogs for blueprint - Essay ExampleDuring their arrival, Orchha was gradually emerging as a tourist attraction. Due to poverty and wishing of knowledge in the region, it prevented the growth of tourism (Sisodia, 2013). As a result, Asha came up with a Village domicil Stay program intended for Orchha village.The aim of the program was to exploit tourism opportunities in the region in order to enhance local economic development, education, cultural exchanges between locals and visitors as well as environmental protection. It had also to flip the people of Orchha with superior work opportunities, which would positively influence the individual life of the residents. In 2007, Asha founded Friends of Orchha with the aid of a few friends from Europe to enhance tourism that is socially responsible and one that would offer an opportunity for cultural exchanges and a source of income for the needy families (Sisodia, 2013).Friends of Orchha provided help to the poor families to build and r enovate their courtyards that would be hired to visitors. The families were engaged to participate voluntarily in the construction of three residencestays. At that particular moment, the families were unable(p) to carry on their main activity, which was farming that was brought to a halt by drought from 2003 to 2007 (Sisodia, 2013).Therefore, they had no peachy to invest, and the organization had to set up a revolving fund, which helped to build the first three home stays. Participating families provided repulse in building the sanitary block and rooms. In 2009, the first room was rented out and since then the home stay has hosted more than 500 visitors from different countries. The exploiting of the tourism opportunities improved the economic conditions of the residents as well as their live style (Sisodia, 2013).With this regard, I agree with the case as it attempts to point out issues in in operation(p) gainful employment amongst a large rural population in India. It address es that the inability to dialogue in spoken
Friday, April 19, 2019
Restaurant Business as One of the Most Rewarding Type of Small Essay
Restaurant Business as adeptness of the Most Rewarding Type of Small Businesses - Essay ExampleAccording to the research findings, it can, therefore, be verbalize that restaurant air is one of the most rewarding types of grim professiones. The researcher has witnessed one of his uncles advances so much economically because of owning one of them. His restaurant is a fast food restaurant located in the middle of one of the busy streets in Saudi Arabia. The main types of food served at the restaurant atomic number 18 chicken, chicken burgers, fries,burgers,pizza, sandwiches, junk food among other fast meals. Fresh fruit juices be also served at the restaurant. The restaurant offers quick dining for those who have time to sit and eat but for those who have no such time, quality food packaging services are offered. The legal ownership structure of the business The legal ownership structure for the restaurant in question is the sole proprietorship. The business is classified chtho nian sole proprietorship type of business because only one person legally owns the business, and he and the business are treated as one entry. He did not collaborationist with anyone in or international the family in the setting up of the business or running it. Instead, he is the overall manager of the business, overseeing operations, and employees ilk chefs, customers attendants, and cashiers. At the end of every month, all the profits or losses are upon him alone and he carries liability for any debts incurred. Alternative possible structures An alternative for the sole proprietorship is General Partnership. However, their losses are determined by the extent of their investment. Peacock states that as for a Limited Liability Company, no partner is personally liable for any debts incurred by the business. Before commencing with business, all partners make a written treaty detailing the organization of the business, alienability of interests, provisions of management, and distr ibution of profits and losses. Sole proprietorship as the most steal structures Sole proprietorship is the most appropriate type of business ownership structure, especially for a small business. It is best fitted for hardworking individuals and those who can learn to sacrifice for a better tomorrow. This is because the owner can settle to plow back a large portion of the profits accrued over a stream just to ensure that the business expands within a short period. As for partnerships, not all partners could be ready to make this sacrifice. It is easy to make decisions in sole proprietorship since opinions are sought out front undertaking anything. Such structure protects a business from the weaknesses that are found in some discrepancy of partnerships with family businesses where decisions are emotionally driven instead of being driven by logic. The owner is not have to hire any family members but qualified persons for the business. Out of the hard work of the month, there is n o one to take away any portion of the profit from the owner. Reed points out that such business is not subject to government taxes.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Research Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Research Methodology - Essay typeFinally, iodin has to note what cardinal is likely to conclude in terms of the research worry and unitarys hypothesis (an early conclusion in other words). All this goes into a brief and pithy introduction, to be termed Introduction and/or Abstract, of the proposed research. To illustrate the research process thus described, I shall in the following adopt the perspective of anthropology, the intuition of culture, as an example of a an inductive, falsifiable social science with appropriate methods to tackle social science research questions Literature Review Having thus described the contents of the proposal, one now turns to these items, one by one, beginning with a focused analysis of relevant literary sources and notions in order to answer the research question. The critical review reflects the state of the art regarding knowledge of the research topic. The review will highlight various issues that are particularly relevant to solving the identified research problem. background knowledge and Sample Next, one describes the setting and/or sample size. Depending upon ones choice of research problem one describes the setting which, when social science research is conducted, may be a community (e.g., affluent, middle-class, poor), an base (e.g., a school, a bank), a neighbourhood, street corners, a slum, etc. (Hannerz, 2007). Based upon this choice, a sample is defined. one may want to work with a small, large, partial or complete sample, a random selection, a certain quota or a representative sample. The economic anthropologist Polly Hill studied cocoa faming and development in southern Ghana. She used maps and air photography to define her sample (Hill, 1963). This may seem an extreme choice, and it isnt for an anthropologist conducting research in a non-Western setting. Methodology 1. Induction-Deduction Research, the search for knowledge and problem-solving, is a process whereby one continually adds to knowledge (Ellen, 1984). By this understanding, research is an ongoing process. There are, however, certain procedures to be followed and standards to be adhered to, be they of an inductive (experimental arriving at a theory based on facts) or deductive (facts are nonionized to match theory) nature. Based on this division, one arrives at a positivistic and relativistic location, resulting in a contrast of explanation (deduction, positivism) and understanding (induction, relativism) (Manners and Kaplan, 1968 Alexander, 1983 Gellner, 1985). Within anthropology and with its emphasis on induction and empirical research, the contrast between induction and deduction has been conceptualized as two modes of inquiry that are opposed to one another. The renowned anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski advocated 90 years ago long-term immersion in the research site chosen and the use of a set of qualitative methods, considered suitable to such an approach (Malinowski, 1922). Since the nineteen twenties a nd Malinowskis statement, the tension of deduction and induction is thought of as contrast between the natural sciences, such as biology, insisting on distance, and the human and social sciences stressing the value of experience-nearness. The contrast has been exemplified by the different emphases placed upon
Looked After Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Looked After Children - Essay ExampleThe Refugee Act, as amended, incorporated the 1951 Geneva Convention and the 1967 Protocol into Irish Law and with it our international obligations (Separated Children Living in Ireland, 2009, p7).Article 42(5) of the Irish Constitution states State as guardian of the common good, by appropriate means shall endeavour to supply the place of the p arnts, but always with repayable regard for the natural and imprescriptible rights of the electric razor (Separated Children Living in Ireland, 2009, p14).Of the 9 accommodation centres, 7 are non registered or inspected residential centres, contrary to the requirement that all childrens residential centres be inspected by the Social service Inspectorate downstairs the Child direction Act, 1991 (Separated Children Living in Ireland, 2009, p22).Inconsistency exists in how separated children are tough and tendingd for in Ireland, with different shares of the Child Care Act, 1991 being used by differe nt professionals, depending on where they are working around the country. In some instances, separated children are treated as homeless children under section 5 of the Act and are placed in hostel accommodation. They are therefore non received into the care of the Health Service Executive (HSE) and do not benefit from the potential to be allocated a social worker, or care planning. In Dublin, by comparison, separated children are dealt with under section 4 of the Act and are taken into the care of the HSE.EnglandThe government policy for all children in England is either child must be healthy, safe, enjoy and achieve, and make positive contribution (McAuley, Professor Colette Children in Care in the Republic of Ireland Some Statistics and Comparisons).The key objectives are to improve outcomes in these areas for all children and narrow the hurly burly between outcomes for LAC, and children in the general population.However, there is considerable gap in the attainment levels and q ualifications achieved by children in care and their peers in the general population, leaving care literature found that the level of qualifications achieved whilst in care was a strong predictor of their outcomes in adult life.Only 6% care leavers in England do 5 or more GCSEs grades A-C compared with 53% of all children and over half leave school with no formal qualifications of any kind, less than 1% care leavers go on to higher education/university compared with 43% of young people who live with birth parents (McAuley, Professor Colette Children in Care Educational Outcomes).The administration of child welfare was satisfactory although the number of children found to have mental health disorders was rather high. In the maiden national prevalence survey of over 10 000 children aged 5-15 years in Great Britain, 10% of children had a mental health disorder. Of this, 5% had clinically significant conduct disorders, 4% had emotional disorders and 1%
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
The Rise and fall of Enron Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Rise and fall of Enron - Research Paper ExampleIt turn out to be an empire constantlyy ambitious employee wanted to dress for. With human resource removes, consumer demand and investor interest the empire cemented its position in the market as the best business empire ever created. The business empire was known as Enron Corp. Enron drew interest to all analysts and audit companies. Many analysts predicted a downfall of the Company. However, the downfall was long to come by as Enron made business contracts with many low-down organizations which reduced their risk exposure and increased asset worth. The predicted better of the confederation finally occurred. Form a market value share of $126 per share the share dropped to a record low below 30cents per share. The collapse was very big that no stakeholder in the play along was spared. From employees, investors and partners all experienced the harsh conditions. The fall of the company drew criticism towards the government on its efforts to protect investors. The big fall formed the biggest debate in the corporate world up to date. With the increasing profits of the company a good counsel depart be the only key to keep the company in its successful status. The growth of a company will reflect on the depth of loss it may incur. In the case of Enron the management was up to the task. The company enrolled top educated professions in the industry. With such a talented workforce the status of Enron seemed to be improving. However this was not the real picture behind the profit making company. The management created an internal affair in the organization. The management came up with a cruel way or be employee performance. The ranking was to locate whether an individual will be fired all retained. Mr. Skilling the then director of operations defended the move adage it would improve the performance. Although the performance levels increased, the conflicts between employees opened up a venue of secrecy with in the company. The employees ceased to work as a team as each employee sought to impress Skilling. According to the management they ranking systems made employees work harder. To the employees, the ranking dictated their performance since it would determine their fate in the company. False whimsy The secrecy culture in the organization infested even the management. The company had looses in its account books but they were not made public. With the profile of the company still protected, more investors and customers became interested in the company. At the first egregious the company was able to contain the loss in the finances without the public being informed. The company keep to venture into high risks investment without the consideration of the investments in its stocks and assets. In the 1990s the U.S market was at its flyer and investment opportunities were opening up. With the great profile Enron had in the market, it could not resist the urge to invest. The company had unfledged staff which was not able to compete in the peak season of the U.S market. The management again downplayed that position and ventured into many investments in the period. Permitting organizational abuse After the resignation of the C.E.O Kennedy Lay, Skilling was appointed the C.E.O. From the change in the management of the company, games of personal interest took charge on the finances of the company. The share value dropped to $24 per share. In asset to these mistakes, the management still declined to release in public the financial report of the company. Mr. Skilling resigned as
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
How to Care for a Dog Essay Example for Free
How to C are for a Dog EssayDog-Naming Tips Naming your pooch is a joyful task, but one youll want to gear up close to thought into ahead of time. Both you and your chamfer bequeath have to live with the name you train for your entire time together. There are many ways to come up with appropriate fire get over names, including appearance, heritage, special characteristics, and behavior. We cover them all in this section. We pull up stakes also arrest out you about some get over names and click-naming mistakes you will definitely want to avoid. Dog Supplies Think of how many personal items you have, and how many of them are indispensable to your health and happiness. Dogs require fewer accessories than us humans, but theirs are no less vital, and by selecting the proper items, you tramp improve your poochs health in ever regard. If youve ever ventured inside a favourite store, you know how confusing it can be just picking out a collar or leash. We will cover all the b asics like food and grooming accessories, as healthful as specialty items like a carrier.Dog Feeding Nothing is more than vital to the health of your dog than proper feeding. Dogs are eager eaters, and this is part of their charm. just now it also means that you need to be well informed about what is will give a dog good health and energy and what could be bad for her, despite her willingness to try it out. Here are all the details, including several make-it-at- home(a) recipes for delicious, nutritious and economical dog food. (We also answer the eternal question, Why do dogs eat plants?) Puppy-Training Tips A immature puppy can really melt your heart, but they can also be a handful. The sooner your pooch is habituate to doing his business outdoors and on schedule, the better for all of you. Interestingly, this is made easier when correlated to the feeding schedule. There is more to training your puppy than housebreaking, however. You must also know the correct way to humanely discipline your impertinently dog when he misbehaves. All the details of this crucial stage in your dogs life are in this section.Dog-Grooming and Bathing Tips Dogs can get messy, and they dont naturally keep themselves quite as clean as adopt like them to be as co-habitants in our homes. As the owner, proper grooming on bathing is your responsibility. But there is more to caring for your dog than simple bathing. You must also care for your dogs nails, teeth, eyes and ears. So in this section we cover key strategies for keeping your pooch clean and everyone happy. Well even tell you when its time to throw in the towel and seek the aid of a professional groomer. Dog-Proofing Your Home Dog-proofing your home can be just as challenging as proofing your home for a child or for allergies. For instance, do you know which types of houseplants can be poisonous for dogs? You might also be surprised to admit that some of your favorite treats can really upset your dogs stomach.For everyone s health and happiness, its vital to make your house effective for your dog and to train the pooch to respect the home, as well. In this section, we give indispensable advice for forging a good relationship between your pet and your residence. Dog-Proofing Your Yard Most dogs spend at least a little time in the yard, but this congenial tooshie poses its own challenges and dangers. First, you will need the undecomposed type of fence to keep your dog from roaming the neighborhood where he could possibly get injured or hurt others. We will examine the option of invisible fences and the so-called shock collars. Also, everyone needs a place to call home, and that includes your dog. Well tell you how to design and build the perfect doghouse. Learn how to keep both your dog and your yard safe and happy.Dog-Identification Tips Nothing else matters when your dog is lost. Taking a few simple steps when she basic comes home can save everyone heartache later. The right tag can get your dog rearwards home where he belongs in a matter of hours. Here we discuss the best methods of providing identification for your dog. We will also discuss some identification options that you may not have heard of. Did you know that some pet owners tattoo their dogs with vital identification information? How about microchip implants? Regardless of the method you choose, we will also tell you how to register your dogs identification. Before you can really get to know yourdog, you have to give him or her a name. Move on to the first section for some tips on christening your new friend.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Ap English Language Composition Free
Ap English Language Composition Free Response Questions EssayWould the ferment be worthwhile? It would. According to the Environmental Defense Fund, or EDF, we can solve climate change, gift in a clean energy future, and save billions in imported oil (Samuelson). Many bespeak that the United States government cannot afford to become involved in energy initiatives and anti-global warming legislation to counter, what opposite alternatives does the nation have? With the typical family spending about $1,900 per socio-economic class on home utility bills, energy is be this nation a fortune (Energy Savers). With 2. people ii the average household, family spending would drop from $1,900 per year to $91. 25 per year (Samuelson). To say our government cannot afford this concept is an inaccurate, false, misguided statement. However, would the Statess efforts alone be enough? After all, this is a global issue. The Energy Information Administration states the United States, China, R ussia, Japan, and India report for fifty-four percent of the worlds total carbon dioxide emissions (graph). In contrast, recent polls draw out that Americans are not the only ones interested in energy conservation (graph).The Gallup Polls conducted in 2007 launch that America, Japan, China, Russia, and India have all attempted to reduce negative environmental impacts by the following using less(prenominal) water in the household, avoiding using certain products that harm the environment, voluntarily recycleing newspapers, glass, aluminum, motor oil, etc. , and nearly have even involved themselves in a group or organization that works to value the environment (graph). While Americans, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, and Russians attempt to save money by reducing energy usage, Singapore offers citizens monetary tax cuts on energy efficient cars Webber). Not only does Singapore offer tax cuts to those who funding the environment clean, they also financially punish those who pollute the environment with gas-guzzling engines (Webber). Innovation and inspirationthe combination that makes America unbeatable (Friedman). By drafting energy conservation and anti-global warming legislation, the American government will book the planet to prosper. Better for the planet, better for the people, better for youthe American government needs to take an active spot in promoting a green revolution.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Successful people Essay Example for Free
Successful people look forFailure is not what sets us apart from the successful individuals around us, but it is how we see and what we do just about this failure that actualizes us outshine them. I finished high school in a humankind school, but I have never seen this as a deduction from my character or my knowlight-emitting diodege. yet scarce resources were back then, I managed to perform well. It was not until I was in college when I had my first meet with failure. I only passed one course, out of the five that I was taking.This made me question my own vox populi system and how I managed the academic aspect of my life. I know that at one point I did something unacceptable to my own standards. Once I have pull aheadd my gaffe I was willing to make up for it. As I tried to recuperate from my letdown, it dawned on me that one of my teachers embarrassed me in face up of the whole class and questioned my ability and the lack thereof, leaving me with feelings of resentmen t. Instead of being supportive and encouraging me, she did the opposite.I have al panaches had the assumption that educators educate children, not make them feel inferior to them because of the numerical bill of their abilities. Educators are not only teaching concepts, they teach life. And what she taught me was that I did not have what it takes to be better. This is when I realized that I wanted to change what she does, and I wanted to be that change. I deem that I can become a better educator than her, especially to the underserved students because I understand what they go through and I empathize, not pull them down more.I will be able to see from their sales booth because I grew up in a place like this and can relate to them by utilizing my familiarity with the stopping point and my personal experiences as a means of teaching. This realization, along with my lifelong passion to share my knowledge and experiences, has led me to the dream of becoming a teacher. If I can show these students my passion for education through a context that they can understand, I can help change their lives. My own failure made me realize why education is vital to everybody.It teaches about life and about the failures that we get to encounter along the way and how to remain standing even after all thats happened. I worked hard when I was in high school, not because I am underserved, but because I know theres a great deal more to life than just being caught in a place like this, knowing that I could do better. A lot of these children think that they do not warrant a beautiful coming(prenominal) ahead, because of where they came from. But, I can be the example of that beautiful future, I struggled, I was victorious, I went downhill, but I was strong enough to get back on track again. If I can, so can them.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Domestic Violence Essay Example for Free
Domestic Violence actDomestic Violence, found on typical legal definition, encompasses psychological, sexual, physiological, and verbal actions of an individual against his or her partner (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). The prevalence of these kinds of abuses has propelled the civic group to clamor from the govern manpowert for the victims legal protection and preservation of rights. Said Pournaghash-Tehrani and Zahra Feizabadi as members of section of Psychology and Institute of Psychology admireively in the University of Tehran in Iran are both judge to be senior high schoolly adept in the field of applied psychology. Their study entitled Comparing demographic Characteristics of Male Victims of Domestic Violence is one of the spirit-awakening researches in terms of internal force play. It draws break attention on the issue of interior(prenominal) vehe take shapeforcece where the typical scenario fe viriles are abused while staminates are the perpetrato rs. The stereotype of municipal power has treated it as entirely womens issue for a long time (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). Thus, close to countries have a definite law concerning strength against women.However, through the efforts of civil groups and social scientists, gender correspondence movement on domesticated forcefulness has made a nonion that males are victims of domestic force at least as often as women. Meanwhile, the work of Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, as acknowledged by the Asian Network for Scientific Information in 2007, was published in the quadrupletteenth of the seventh volume of daybook of Applied Sciences. Their study revealed that male victims of domestic emphasis are not only limited in the United States but are also detect in the Asian region.Goal and Hypothesis establish on the studies conducted on the Western countries revealing the capacity of women to commit violence against their male partners, Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feiza badi aimed to focus on the socio-demographic attributes of the male victims of domestic violence. Thus, they intended to find out the relationship of the domestic violence experience of male victims with respect to their age, developmental acquisition, and income level the possible interaction among age, educational attainment, income level, and domestic violence experience of the male victims.Specifically, their study sought answers to the following questions do the male victims have differences in physical violence experiences with respect to age, educational attainment, and income level? and do the male victims have differences in psychological violence experiences with respect to age, educational attainment, and income level? is the interaction surrounded by age and educational attainment, age and income level, educational attainment and income level, and among age, educational attainment and age, income level significant with physical violence experiences? and is the inter action between age and educational attainment, age and income level, educational attainment and income level, and among age, educational attainment and age, income level significant with psychological violence experiences? Literature Review The prevalence of domestic violence, in any form, across cultures gave impetus for the creation of legal policies for its prevention, efficient prosecution of the perpetrators, and impressive programs of advocacy for the victims.However, legal advocacies are only focused on women for men are typically comprehend as the doers of domestic violence (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). In this connection, studies accounted the significant correlation of socio-demographic factors such as age, educational attainment, income level, socio-economic status, and signification abuse with the occurrence of domestic violence (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). Meanwhile, as revealed by contemporary researches conducted in the United States and spectacular Britain, men are also victims of domestic violence at least as often as women.In fact, based on statistical reports in Western countries, about 20% to 30% of domestic violence like punching, throwing objects, biting, slapping an biting are done by women towards their male partners (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). Moreover, the meta-analysis conducted by Archer in 2000 and 2002 on eighty five marital conflict studies divulged that women have higher tendency for physical violence due to stress levels than men (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007).Aside from physical violence, women are also capable of psychological violence through oral arguments towards their husbands. Further, Hindin and Adair in 2002, Jeyaseelan et al. in 2004, and Perez et al. in 2006, exposed that regard little of gender, low level of education contributes to the occurrence of domestic violence in marital relations (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). Also, Jeyaseelan et al. argue d that even though domestic violence is not limited to a particular social class, it is of frequent occurrence among the poor (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007).On the former(a) hand, Perez et al. reported that incidences of domestic violence are more often to take place in vernal couples than in octogenarianer couples (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). The inevitable fact that women are also perpetrators of physical or psychological violence led to growing consciousness in supporting the notion of gender symmetry in domestic violence through intensive researches. Since most studies are done on behalf of female victims, socio-demographic attributes of male victims involve to be further investigated.As such, the characteristics of male victims susceptible to domestic violence and its implications can deeply be explored. Materials and Methods An author-made questionnaire was utilized as agent in the determination of domestic violence. The tool has thirteen and twen ty four items for the evaluation of psychological and physical violence respectively. Each item was formulated based on the easy literature in the valuement of violence. Also, each item was strayd based on five-point Likert-type scale.In line with this, the asperity of the instrument was evaluated by co-administering with the Conflict Tactic scurf in a hundred of couples. The correlation computed between the two instrument was +0. 89 indicating the high daring of the author-made questionnaire (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). On the other hand, the measured Cronbachs alpha for the consistency of the devised instrument was +0. 81 (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007). In 2006, the devised instrument was administered to one hundred twenty male victims of domestic violence from four family courts in Iran (Pournaghash-Tehrani and Feizabadi, 2007).The subjects were randomly and voluntarily selected, and were informed that they are free to move out from the study anytime they want. They were also oriented on the purpose of the study and that any information will be treated with high regards of confidentiality. Then multivariate analysis of variance or MANOVA and Scheffe test were employed to assess the set up of socio-demographic factors and their interactions to the incidence of physical and psychological violence. Results and Discussion RepondentsFrom twenty five to eighty years old was the age range of the samples wherein among them 40% has education above high school diploma, 25% earned less than high school diploma, 20% earned above high school diploma, and 15% has a high school diploma. In terms of calendar monthly income, 30% has above $590, 35% has $160-$380, 29% has $380-$590, and 6% has beneath $160 salary. Age and Domestic Violence It was found that age has a significant effect on the incidence of physical violence. As showed by the Scheffe test, men of ages thirty five to fifty have the highest rate of physical violence experience.In terms of psychological violence, age has entailment in the incidence of denying choices and knifelike off marital intercourse. Additionally, based on Scheffe test cessation of marital intercourse was in general find among thirty five to fifty years old men while denying choices was mainly observed among men of sixty five to eighty years of ages. Educational Attainment and Domestic Violence Based on MANOVA, educational attainment has significant effect on throwing of objects. Through Scheffe test, it was found that men with bachelors degree were most often victimized by object thrown.In terms of psychological violence, educational attainment has significance on the incidence of denying choices, cessation of marital intercourse, and devaluation of work. As the Scheffed test showed, denying of choices was much observed in men with Bachelors degree while cessation of marital status was mainly observed to men with low educational attainment. Also, devaluation of work was commonly ob served among men with diploma. Level of Income, synergetic Effects and Domestic ViolenceAlthough the study failed to prove any connection between domestic violence and level of income, the interactive effects of age, educational attainment, and income level have significance with the incidence of hitting. The Scheffe test showed that physical violence was generally experienced by thirty five to fifty years old men with Masters level of education, and above $590 monthly income. With regards to psychological violence, the interactive effects of age and educational attainment were significant to denying choices. This type of physical violence was mainly observed in men with bachelor-at-armss degree and of above sixty years of age.Moreover, the interactive effects of age and level of income has significance with the incidence of forced household chores task, devaluation of work, and denying choices. The study revealed that forced household chores task was mostly observed in men with $ 380 to $590 monthly income within thirty five to fifty years old range devaluation of work was mainly observe in men with the ages twenty to thirty five years old earning $380 to $590 per month and denying choices was observed prevalently in men of fifty to sixty five years of ages earning $160 to $380 monthly.Meanwhile, the interactive effects of age, educational attainment, and income level were significant with forced household chores task. This relationship was mainly observed among men with Bachelors degrees, of thirty five to fifty ages, and earning $380-$590 monthly. Analysis Even though this study is unique and really revealing in the sense that this was the first research conducted in Iran with respect to the domestic violence pull by women towards their respective partners, there are also weaknesses and limitations.First, the validity and consistency of the author-made questionnaire as the singly instrument utilized to measure the presence and extent of domestic violence is of great question. The validity and consistency of the author-made questionnaire were based solely on the validity and consistency correlations with the Conflict Tactic Scale which is commonly used in the mind of domestic violence against women.In addition, there are other instruments available for the evaluation of domestic violence such as the Partner-Abused Scale, Abusive Behavior Inventory, and Index of Marital Satisfaction. The validity, reliability, and consistency of these instruments have been verify and established for a long time. Since these available instruments on violence are typically used for the assessment of violence against women, it is then invalid to construct an instrument specific for male victims based only on one of these instruments.Thus, there was a possible bias on the construction of the instrument utilized in this study that probably served as source of error in data collection. Furthermore, the Conflict Tactic Scale which is the solely basis of th e author-made questionnaire was tested primarily through the researches conductive in the Western and in round European Countries, hence, cultural differences may possibly serve as interference in the study.Even though domestic violence is ubiquitous across cultures, but cultural factors may influence socio-demographic attributes of the subjects of the study. As such, the validity and reliability of a particular instrument in a specific nation may not hold true for another country. In this line of reasoning, the correlations revealed by this research on socio-demographic characteristics and domestic violence on men may only be valid and reliable with respect to the populations of their own country.Although the resultants seemed to be comparable with the results of studies conducted in different countries, the authors failed to discuss crucial aspects of those studies in relation to their study like the instrument used and statistical treatment applied. Result comparison among cond ucted researches with different research design and methodology would result to bias abstraction. In fact, in meta-analysis or the integration of the results of several studies, only researches with logically designed methodology and with validated data are included in order to derive a valid generalization (Wolf, 1986).Similarly, by comparing the results of this study with other researches of different research designs so as to make it likely would lead to erroneous generalization. References Pournaghash-Tehrani, S. and Feizabadi, Z. (2007). Comparing Demographic Characteristics of Male Victims of Domestic Violence. Journal of Applied Science, 7(14) 1930-1935. Wolf, F. M. (1986). Meta-Analysis Quantitative Methods for seek Synthesis. Michigan Sage Publication.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Plot summary of the old man and the sea Essay Example for Free
Plot sum-up of the grey-haired populace and the sea EssayThe aged Man and The Sea is the story of an epic t chapeau makes a very high-risk effort between an old, who has a lot of experience of a particular action mechanism and he is the epitome of a modern hu macrocosm life, it was happened in a small fishing colonisation near Havana,Cuba, The waters of the Gulf of Mexico, in the 1940,s in the twentieth century.The writers of modern age focused on humanity as well as psyche of man rather than society, so that Ernest Hemingway wants to write the old man and the sea ,which was the old(capital of Chile) suffered from alienation ,that alone all the age, it was one of the features of modern age. (Miller, 2002 3). In 1930,s and during the second military personnel war Ernest Hemingway was lived in Cuba, and because he was loved hunting and fishing and in the age of childhood he fished and hunted with his father, so that he began to write the old man and the sea in the last days of his life and published in the 1952 as a single issue of human life in modern age. Miller, 20055). NoteIn that small village, the villagers mustiness work, which work it is fishing to get money so as to sustain in life, so that each members in the village go to sea with his gravy ride or skiff in the early morn for fishing, and capital of Chile, old Cuban pekan was one of them, notwithstanding alone. As (Ernest Hemingway said). He had a shack which was a small grammatical construction made of woods, in it a bed, a table, one chair, a picture in colour of Sacred heart of Jesus and an different of unadulterated of Cobre of his wife on the shelf in the corner under his shirt. He had a small boat and gone lxxxiv days without took a fish.The son named Manolin, that the old man took him when he was five long time old and the boy loved him too much and loyalty for him, when the boy saw him without taking a fish in the first forty days while he took three fish in the first week. It made the boy, unlucky to see the old man each day went and came, went and came with his skiff empty and without fish, thusly the boy came to help him such as coiled lines or the pole, harpoon, brought coffee, sometimes with some food from Martin or Perico, and newspapers that talked about baseball, then(prenominal) it would been the discussion between Santiago and Manolin, that Santiago had a huge dmired for the Great DiMaggio, he was great in baseball player, and whose father was fisherman.The boy left him because his parents forced him to do, and go to another boat. The parents of the boy with the villagers called Santiago salau or unlucky and laughed at him, except Santiago said toward Manolin I knew you did not channel me because you doubted, then the boy said no it was true because my father made me left, so I must obey him, finally the boy left him and Santiago goes to sleep, in his sleep he dreamt lions that played on the white beach of Africa, this was a sense when he was a very young man.The next morning before sunrise Santiago went to Manolins house to wake Manolin so as to carry Santiagos gear to his boat and drinking coffee, on the beach wished each other good luck. (Miller, 1988 3-20). This time that started with the new day Santiago decided to go far out from others fisherman in the sea, he rowed steadily away from prop toward the deep waters of Gulf Stream. The first he heard the leaps of the warm fish then he saw flying fish pursued by dolphins a diving, god seabird, he considered to be his friend, and he followed farther and farther out the seabird that was hunting for fish.One of the old mans lines goes taut, and then the old man said out laud, would made a lovely humankind of bait. Big fish pulled the boat every day farthest from shore until lost lights of his village. He give the sackt increase the tension on the line, because if it was too tauted it pull up stakes be break and the fish will get away. It was a kind of p are big fish (Marlin), and Santiago, that Marlin wants to get free and the old man wants to get his aim, goal, and desire that stands for life.Because he could not took big fish in to his boat and said a loud I wished I had the boy, but nothing, then he said to himself you have to work better, it was a kind of encourage himself, and he was optimistic all the time although he was alone, and cant gather in a fish, so as to helped himself he said toward Marlin I loved you and I respect you but I will killed you dead before sunset, after that a small tired bird named (Warble) came from normality toward the old mans boat, perched on the taut fishing line that linked the old man to the big fish, the old man told the bird to stayed and rested here to live and to sustain like other any man or birds, he said you were tired and loneliness as me.He didnt mentioned the Hawks that waited for little bird, suddenly the Marlin surged, and the bird left him without any reaction, Santiago didnt awa re of the bird because his founder was bled, while marlin was quiet, the old man took the line with his back and ate the tuna that he caught day before, then turned to his imaginary mind to baseball, the great DiMaggio, and he wondered if DiMaggio would stayed with the marlin.The marlin woke and jumped out of water again and again and began to circle around the boat for hours and the line taken by Santiagos hand that fought with the circling fish, after hat he pulled the fish on to it was side by the boat and plunged his harpoon in to it. (Miller Asiaing. com, 10-37). Note straight off he was happy, comfort and without any harm or pain because he got or completed his great aim, desire with the catching of big fish. Here the long strength struggle finished between The Old Man, and the Marlin with the fish lurched out of the water and dead, he pulled the boat toward the fish fastened the fish to the side of the boat. He thought how much money he could make from such a big fish, and he imagined that DiMaggio would be proud of him.The old man found himself wondered, luck, happy, and got his aim, goal, and he rowed toward his village with the great won in his life, but his happiness long less which an hour later amako shark arrived having smelled the marlins blood, the second fight and struggle began with sharks that wanted to eat the marlins flesh, he was able to killed a number of sharks with his knife and weapon, but he lost his knife and things in the process. He was failure after all and when he got back to the shore of his village there was nothing left but the head, the Skelton, and tail of the marlin. He beached his boat and went to his small building slept and dreamed the lions and turtles.The next morning, Manolin came to the old mans shack with brought a coffee and despite the old mans bad luck he decided to go fishing with him again. The entire fisherman had gathered around the Santiagos boat and measured the Skelton at eighteen feet. Hemingway employ ed a number of images that link Santiago to Christ, the gravel of transcendence, who turned loss in to gain, defeat in to triumph, and crimson death in to new life, and as a representative character for everyone in the society. (Miller, 200226-31). Major Characters in the old man and the sea *Just we had two major characters, 1-Santiago, (The Old Man). 2-Manolin, (The Boy). -Santiago The old man of the novellas title.He was a Cuban fisherman, suffered terribly throughout The Old man and The Sea, he had went eighty-four days without caught a fish, and became laughingstock of his village, but he was able to patient. (Miller, 2002 5). -Manolin was present only in the number 1 and in the end of The Old Man and the Sea, but his presence was important, because Manolins love and loyalty for Santiago highlighted the Santiagos valued as a person and as a fisherman. (Miller, 20056). Minor Characters in the old man and the sea We had four minor characters in the old man and the sea. 1-Marli n, (Big fish). 2-Joe DiMaggio. 3-Martin. 4-Perico. *Marlin It was a big fish, which was the greatest aim and goal of Santiago.The struggle more than three days between Santiago and Marlin, it was the attempt by Santiago to catch Marlin, he had took marlin, but it was destroyed by sharks later. (Miller, 20025). *Joe DiMaggio although he never appeared in the story. He was one of American most famous baseball players Santiago worshiped him as a model of strengthen and young. (Miller, 1988 55-56). Note he always *Martin Martin a cafe owner in Santiagos village, didnt appeared in the story. Manolin often went to martin for Santiagos supper and others. (Miller, 198812). *Perico perico was the owner of the bodega in the Santiagos village. He didnt appear in the novella the old man and the sea, but he served an important percentage in the fishermans life about the scored of the baseballs newspaper.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
The Inhabited Woman Essay Example for Free
The Inhabited Woman EssayLa Mujer Habitada (The Inhabited Woman), a semi-autobiographical sweet of Gioconda Belli. The novel, which was published in 1998 foster much attention. The novel dealt with the Sandinistas grapple for liberation as well as her native Nicaraguan feminist effort to be recognized and achieved equal justs in a antiquated society (Salgado 235).The Inhabited Woman grabs us from two unexpected directions its consciousness of the centrality of woman in struggle, and its recuperation of the cycles of birth and rebirth which atomic number 18 such an important part of indigenous cosmology (Randall 6). The novel to a fault dealt with gender issue in Nicaraguan revolutionary narratives. To Timothy Richards, this is a narrative of female struggle in society, through a progressively much comprehensive amour in her society, the protagonist learns to distinguish the square from the false in her and the world around her (Belli 209).Lavinia, who is an hurrying c lass woman, also carries out her own feminist struggle by refusing to get married. She chooses her independency over her lover. Lavinia, believed that marriage, would mean placing limitations to ones selfunless, the right man would came along (Belli 22). She begun to accept and embraces the principles of the apparent movement.Her being an oligarch is quite apparent in her conversation with her childhood friends Sara and her conserve Andrian as well as her parents. The principal(prenominal) character of the story, also wanted to proved her worth as a person her struggle to proved her knowledge will be eventually unravel in the story she as an architect strive to prove her self worth and received a stagger of merits. In the field where men always dominate Lavinia proved them wrong. She, despite the adversities in look in the long run succeeded in the field where men dominate, which implicates the gender and/or feminist struggle of the novel. indorseardized with Lavinia, Giocon da also proved their worth as a person her choice to be involve in the movement is in itself a worth proving decision. Leaving the life of luxury and offering life in the service of the people is a tough and firm decision to make. Putting your life to danger in exchange of serving the oppressed and underprivileged people. The rampant oppressions, which she herself is an eye-witness, inflame the caseistic spirit in her.As the novel continues, the parallelism surrounded by the main character, Lavinia and the writer herself is being introduced gradually. Both were raised(a) in an upper class family, had a good educational confirmground and were raised in a society unworthy from political and economic turmoil. Both were also living a life of luxury and extravagance. But two women, obstinate not to be indifferent about the current political situation of the country. They twain were unflinching to struggle the rights of the underprivileged, less fortunate and oppressed majority. Belli, met someone from the movement whom she got intimately involved while Lavinia met Adrian her maintain before she met Felipe, whom introduced her to the ideology of the movement.Lavinia and Belli were involved in the movement at time when both were still at a youthfulness age. Their young age did not get into the way of their involvement in the movement. In fact, during those times they were envisioning their society to be more kind among its people. Their acknowledgement to this inspires them to get into a more cause oriented and more meaningful engagement in society. The formal years were quite a struggle for both, since they were raised in a well to do family. But as the novel continues Lavinia rear herself to being involved in the revolutionary movement while on the part of Belli, she recognizes that these oppressions must end. In order to end the suffering and oppression of the people, one has to get involved and make a difference.In substantiating the above claim, Be lli and Lavinia, the main character of the novel, were raised in a conservative and protective family. Belli, decided to join the Sandinista movement because of her belief that oppression and suffering under the Somoza regime must come to and end. She became late involved in the movement and later on played a significant mapping. Belli became the courier of the movement during the height of the oppression. And because of her deep involvement in the Sandinista movement, she exiled in Mexico in 1975.In 1979, the overthrow the Somoza regime, Belli continued her involvement in the movement and she took several important posts. In 1982, she became the FSLN (Frente Sandinista de la Liberacin Nacional) liaison officer. Then in 1984, she became the director of State Communications and was responsible in organizing major literacy programs and projects.Just like the novel, during the 1970, Managua is experiencing a political and social turmoil. The Inhabited Woman is based on an episode of Nicaraguan experience, where oppression and injustices are rampant. This is where the novel took off its narrative. All the events if not all that was reflected in the novel were all inspire in the current political and societys situation (March 53).As for Lavinia, her lover Felipe, became instrumental to her involvement in the revolutionary movement. The movement intends to overthrow the current military dictatorship governing the whole country. Notice that both Lavinia and Gioconda were influenced by their lovers to be involved in their respective revolutionary struggle.Both struggled wanting achieve national liberation and recognizing equal rights of the people (March 83). Gioconda was recruited in the revolution by the Camilo Ortega, but the one who really inspired was the one whom she called the poet. Belli felt that she could transform her life and empower herself as a citizen and as a person, this realization allowed her to break from her marriage. A marriage where she was q uite unhappy. It was a combination of things that led her to defy convention and switch that affair with the Poet (Salgado 237).It was also the time of the sexual liberation. People were talking about open marriages. It was all those things combined. She emphasize that her my political stance was never determined by the men she was with. Belli had her own ideas and convictions. She exemplifies her admiration with the Poet because Belli believed that he candid doors for her not only in terms of getting to know the Nicaraguan history better as well as everything that was going on in Latin American literature. The poet had imprinted a great influenced to her, as an individual and a writer.Take note that, Felipe had also been influential to Lavinias social awareness their patronage conversation which led to her deep involvement in the revolution is exemplifies in this manner. Under the protection of the tree, the young protagonist and Felipe discuss the revolution and the role of w omen in it. And, it is during these discussions that Lavinias social consciousness is awakened (March 235).In the novel, Lavinia, the main character often goes to a secluded part where her grandfather stays. She returns to her home when she needed time to prize and to get away from the crowded and strident sound which the city brings. Like Gioconda, she often remembered her country where she was raised by her family where she was educated and she became socially conscious about the current situation of her country. She oftentimes, felt that longingness and going back to where she really belonged. Noticed the following narration of the writerIt was a clear day. The grace disrobed at her feet, nonexistent of fog. The tiny houses, the lake, the row of blue volcanoes, were spread out in the distance, silent, motionless, majestic. Up closer, the vegetation in the mountains unfolded in green toward the valley where the city lay.Twisted tree trunks hung dangerously over the edge. J Th is landscape was hers, her idea of homeland this is what she dreamed of when she found herself on the another(prenominal) side of the ocean. This landscape made the virtually outlandish dreams of the Movement understandable. This land sang to her flesh and blood, to her sense of being a woman in love, rebelling against opulence and misery. This land deserved a better fate. (Belli 348-49)The narration above depicts the idealized and post-revolutionary Faguas which was Lavinia is fighting for where wealth and misery is not a problem anymore. Belli, dreamt of it in her life. In fact he fought for it, she envision a country with no repressive army, freedom and democratic responsibilities.During the height of the dictatorship, Belli handled few accounts that had to do with businesses with Somoza regime. And because of that she was able to evoke documents, which later on she provided to the Sandinista movement. The character of Lavinia in the novel also invented with the ruling regi me. Thus, substantiate the parallelism between the two, Belli and Lavinia. As much as Lavinia hated the military leaders she had no choice but to work with them. She had to meet and had conversations with people from the government, whom actually she despised. Belli, on the other hand had also experience that of Lavinias sentiments in the novel. Belli, actually had to go to different embassies and talk to people whom she dont like that much.As farthest as their revolutionary experience is concerned, both women continued to contribute to the success of the movement. Belli, played an important role in the Sandinistas Movement same as Lavinia when she become involved in the revolutionary movement. She dedicated her life in the struggle to eradicate oppression and injustices. And she even forsakes her life to realize that goal.Lavinia during the height of her consciousness held several(a) educational discussions among several groups to raise their consciousness. Also the discussion be tween Itza and the main character Lavinia reveals this claim. Belli, on the other also organized group discussions among citizens of Nicaragua to rouse their consciousness as to what is happening in their society. And to encourage them to stand for their rights and liberate themselves from the oppressive ruler of their country.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Ethics †Current Events Essay Example for Free
Ethics Current Events EssayThe issue between the United States accusing China of hacking the Pentagons calculating machine ne devilrk is in a way a rapine of the Data Protection fair play and international law. For many years the Pentagon has been the subject of cyber attack and attempts to penetrate its most kept defense selective information which if this musical arrangement will be intruded there would be a possible attempt for an international terrorism. Although the intrusion was only discovered recently according to the US plea Department it was possible that China has been laborious many ways and means to penetrate Pentagons database system. The problem here lies not only to the citizenrys Liberation Army which Pentagon was pointing but Chinas Foreign Minister, Jiang Yu is denying the accusations saying his country has no part in the intrusion attempt to the Defense Departments systems. Fortunately, the US defense system is equipped with the most advance military technology that could detect and tract such intrusion. The Pentagon greatly considers the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army in staging such hacking although it did not disclose that capital of Red China which is Chinas seat of Socialism is involved here.Although the US Department of Defense confirmed that the human race of such group could be a small group formed out of the PLA, its intention is pass judgment in trying to get information using technological advances (Starr, Todd and Payne). But it is just obvious that crimson the most highly advanced technology could not stop an ever changing development of computer viruses, spywares and worms to mutate into a more than advance and destructive programs.All of these are man- do and unfortunately those muckle on the other parts of the world are trying to take advantage and could developed these into more powerful and persistent programs so they can merge themselves to the existing programs for destructive purposes. Not only the US is grieving about such violation of international law but even London as well who holds the same position as a powerful country is confirming such an intrusion.Although at this time China is showing its meekness with the present issues, no one can really put forward if this is the result of a shadowing other Cold War between the two large countries. The US cannot totally eliminate espionage on its defense system and has a rich history in violation of its secret information. But what causes other personalities or even countries to have an interest to gather information from the US is still unfathomable to the ordinary people. China with its olden years of co-habiting principles with the old Russia has not totally erased its character as a communist country.Indeed it has grown in terms of its economy because of the free portion out but many believe that this was just superficial because China was trying secretly to be another growing superpower in the making. In terms of manpower a nd number of armies indeed China has not lost its capability to be an independent country. President Bush still wanted to play it unassailable and could not directly convict China of such intrusion. After all he is trying to habitus rapport to avoid another international issue that could destroy relationships between nations.On the contrary, the people in the White House are all aware of this issue and are not sleeping with two eyes closed. Fortunately, the incident only happened on the surface attacking the unclassified netmail in the Defense department before it can penetrate the militarys database. The Pentagon had to shut down its unclassified e-mail for a few weeks although it is not networked to military network that contain confidentialities. No harm done so far and Pentagon officials verbalise none of their operations were disrupted.Not only has Washington is confirming such an violation from the group but even the Britains Parliament and the Foreign Office has been hack ed according to the Associated Press and defender newspaper of London. AP who is keen on making research involving China and international espionage has made a compensate that the day before the German Chancellor Angela Merkels visit to Beijing, the local newspaper Der Spiegel said they found Trojans (spy programs) at the Chancellery computer system.Everybody is not safe even to the extent of breaking laws and bypassing international boundaries. in that location are only countries that are only moving for their advantage notwithstanding privacy and securities. Indeed, the technology has made a great advancement with great leaps and development. It is only unfortunate that sometimes leaps and bounds are get over the borders and surmounting other peoples space of confidentiality.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Perfume Essay Example for Free
fragrancy EssayThis essay will compare and contrast the various methods rehearsed by the author and theater director of the novel Perfume. Perfume, written by Patrick Suskind and adapted by Tom Tykwer, is a dramatic, crime thriller about the lifetime-time of a murderer. Born and raised in Paris, Jean-Baptiste survives the to the highest degree gruelling childhood his gamyher unknown and commence executed for attempting to kill him, rejected by the wet nurses in the village and when finally takingsn in by Madame Gaillard at the orphanage, the children endeavour to kill him. They fear he is dangerous because of his lack of ad hominem scent. moreover Grenouille survives through even their outdo efforts, survives the measles, dysentery, chicken pox and cholera. It is clear that this child is special not solely because of his amazing ability to endure the most appalling conditions but also because of his exceptionally talented sense of smell. The title Perfume gives the indorser/viewer a good idea of what to expect from the very beginning. exhausting to translate Grenouilles olfactory language into visual picture was from the beginning a mammoth delegate than is expertly accomplished by the director through the use of audio and several visual comp cardinalnts.It is all the same much easier to do in a al-Quran because the reader cannister be whileipulated through their personal experience with smell. Therefore from this point the defy is mildly better even though it is at a disadvantage because the reader has no visual aid. The main themes of Perfume are black humour, emotionally/mentally challenged people, hatred of humanity and seeing importance in new(prenominal)s life only when they affect your own. These themes are visualised well throughout both the handwriting and mental picture. The most prominent is seeing importance in others life only when they affect your own.For example, Madame Gaillard dies in a tragic way shortly after she sells Grenouille. In the book of account she dies of cancer in a crowded bed, in the film she is slit at the throat as she returns home. Monsieur Grimal falls into the river on his way home from celebrating the sale of Grenouille. Giuseppe Baldinis house falls into the river not grand after Grenouille leaves for Grasse. All these deaths symbolise that Grenouille can only value human life if it has both(prenominal)thing to reward him with when this is make they no longer exist in his mind.This also explains why Grenouille can kill the innocent girls, take what he wants and leave without feeling any remorse for his actions. One of the best adapted scenes is the opening chapter, Grenouilles birth. Suskind does an extended description of the putrid place where Grenouille was born. The streets stank of manure, the courtyards of urine, the stairwells stank of mouldering wood and rat droppings, the kitchens of spoiled cabbage and mutton fat, this quote goes on for a considerable amoun t of time yet it is necessary because there is so many rotten smells included that everyone can relate to at least one.This provokes the reader to think of the most revolting smells they hold ever experienced and then try to imagine them worse. In the film, Tykwer uses a degenerate moving, rolling shot to show the reader the various scents that inhabit the area. And he uses shots of typically revolting objects such(prenominal) as rats, fish guts, sick and rotting vegetables. These smells are relatable to humans and so the viewer can value how bad it smells, however this may not be as powerful as the smell that the human imagination can fabricate from the book.Also he employs the sound of a heartbeat and rapid suspire of the new-born babe to humanise the situation and to portray the struggle the baby has to survive. The heartbeat makes us anxious and so we wonder whether the baby will survive. The baby breathing rapidly makes us question if it can continue. stock-still regardles s of this the baby lets out a scream. The audio effects stop and this could symbolise that as briefly as the baby chose to live it ended the life of his mother and shows that the world is not the same.Obviously some scenes from the book have had to be cut to stay within a reasonable screen time, one of the scenes cut is the scientific study that is carried out on Grenouille nevertheless this is not missed and the film makes up for such scenes in other aspects. One of the biggest advantages the film has over the book is that it can use the best actors suited to the determination. The actor that plays Grenouille, Ben Whishaw is perfectly suited to the character.He has a childlike voice that represents his innocence, not that his disposition is innocent but because he has been void of all love for his whole life. His life was only treasured by those wanted something from him. His character is also very good because his expression can be changed in an instant. In one scene he can ap pear helpless and angelic while in another he can be closer to the devil than a human. The way he sets himself into the role is nothing less than perfect he scuttles as he should, hunches as he should and does everything as weirdly as is should be.Grenouille is a disturbing character and this is very well portrayed by the actor. In the book Grenouille doesnt say much because the book is written in third person. This is used so that the reader can get close into the minds of all the characters instead of being limited to one. This also means that we can observe events happening in all the different places. In the film this is done through the use of a narrator. However the narrator does tend to disclose information that as viewers might have preferred to interpret ourselves.So even though the narrator is used in both the book and film the effects are far better in the book. To conclude, there are many similarities among the book and film adaption of Perfume that are equally as good as each other but some aspects such as the narrator are stronger in the book. Equally particular aspects of the film are better, for instance the ability to use actors. One of the primary differences is the character change of Grenouille from book to film. The book shows him as a conniving parasite that is very good at manipulating people.The film shows a man who is unaware of the effects of his actions and is somewhat innocent. The strongest parts of the book are the descriptions of the in-depth break down of the various scents and how fatheaded into Grenouilles mind the reader gets, since spoken language is not Grenouilles strength. The best bits of the film are casting decisions and the superb adaption that captures the soul of the book and enhances it through captivating music and images. Its like smelling with your eyes.
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Cycladic, Greek and Roman Collection Essay Example for Free
Cycladic, classical and Ro earthly concern Collection assayCycladic, classical and romish collection of various kinds of vases has played a great role in reflection of their culture and belief. classic philosophy of art is realistic and that ambits reflect the sights custom and myth. Basic every(prenominal)y, designs and liberal arts in vases served two purposes in the lives of these people in terms of form and function and the mythology associated with their beliefs. These painting in vases according to an online article come in four classes, in which the first two are accepted as relating to ancient form of art, such as (1) relating to mythology and (2) relating to heroic age and ancient Greek traditions. However, in some instances, myth is not depicted in the art. Thus to view vases of this period is to understand the inbred uses of these objects to Greek culture and traditions that are suggested in the figures. Amphora for instance is a two-handled vase comm plainly used for storing transporting foods most images drawn here speak the activity associated with it. There are others that are used exclusively for mixing and cooling wine and for drinking water and wine in the same way describe the perspective of the people who are using it.General Impressions Attic Black-Figure Neck-Amphora of 525-500 BCE (myth/everyday deportment scene) This type of Greek pottery represents a culture and art that is mimicry of activity usual of these people of their period. As Robin Osborne puts it they dont just symbolize, they do things, and the things they do are of interest for their mental as well as their visible side (p. 29). The figures on the vase could be interpreted as a celebration of young men in which the man at the center performs while the rest are expectants.The gestures are suggestive of what the celebration was all nigh obviously, the activity has something to do with competition of physical strength. As the designs in this amphora are close ly associated with activities make outside the home, it is presumed that designs represent the activity of the carriers. Red Figure Volute Krater of 330-320 BCE (large and with a sister-piece in the same gallery) This Apulian vase has a unique characteristic because it is highly mythical as reflected in the figures representing angelic beings, a bearded man and two women.The images portray the lighter side of life, in which men interact with the underworld. The figure on the bonk is presumably a noble man because of the decorations around the image. The vase as Tom Rasmussen and Nigel Jonathan Spivey noted is attributed to the Underworld panther (p. 181). The Krater is a kind of vase used for mixing wine and water. This scenario only depicts that wine had always been part of Greek celebrations and tradition, in which some of these celebrations were associated with religious festivities such as in Anthestiria, or a celebration of wine.The image of paragons in the vase is only a r epresentation that a religious activity is celebrated with the presence of wine. Greek Theatrical Masks Masks for ancient Greek Theater according to Graham Ley have been significant elements of the worship of the god Dionysus (p. 17), in which early vase paintings may have adopted. Early existence of theater was not to entertain earlier it was to celebrate Dionysus- the god of wine and fertility. As part of tradition, plays of that period dramatized mans experience and family relationship with gods. There are many reasons why early actors and actresses wore masks.Primarily, they help recreate or portray divers(prenominal) characterization especially when there were few actors were available. Masks such as the one used to show cataclysm may show exaggeration of facial expressions that is little bigger than the face enough to envelop the head. Masks in its primary function help create a powerful effect since one or more(prenominal) roles may be played by one actor. Red-Figure Cho us, 400-350 BCE A wine jug or a chous dated 400 to 380 BCE with figures of a man and hounds slaying him to death, while the legs of a lady is shown turning off from the scene.The head of a man is at a distance looking at the mans direction. The chous named Oinochoe is a red-figure vas, which according to the description is Aktaion depicting his death (Museum of Fine Arts). The story of Aktaion is only a myth that was very popular in ancient Greece. The story which is also played in theaters during that period represents that the talismanic beings like Artemis mingled with ordinary people. Likewise, in the presentation of the story in a chous, it shows only that not only existing events are drawn on jags myths are also painted because it tells about their beliefs.Libation Bowl (Phiale Mesomphalos) This vessel is really interesting because it is made of pure gold dated around 625 BC. It has no decoration move out the inscriptions The sons of Kypselos dedicated (this bowl) from Her aclea (Museum of Fine Arts). Libation bowl mirrors an ancient Greek culture because by tradition, it is used in rituals when gushing something as an offering. Greek just like other refining of the world was highly ritualistic in expression of their religious beliefs.Name three things you learned about ancient Greek and Roman life from this collection. I discovered and appreciated Greeks artistic ability, intelligence, and religiosity. People at that time in the absence of paper had recorded important aspects of their history through arts that parts of their existence were expressed with their interaction with what they hump as their gods as shown in arts and lastly, I think myth is not myth in the perspective of these people rather, the gods and their stories were real for these people.What impressed you personally about the museum collection and the opportunity to view actual artifacts from an era 2500 years ago? The opportunity to see various collections of artifacts has amaze d me and gave an impression that Greek and Roman culture had shared tremendous impact in the present time. The ingenuity and intelligence of the people is so vast that the absence of formal education, people were able to leave a wonderful legacy for this contemporaries and the generation to come. How can we today learn from this ancient civilization through its arts?Ancient Greek civilization as Kerri ODonnell puts it is the birthplace of western civilization (p. 4). Around 2500 years BC when this civilization flourished, signs of developments have been noted such as the development of sports, religious beliefs and practices, literature, arts, and customs that have depicted in the figures drawn on vessels. Though many of those beliefs are considered highly mythical, yet what people should appreciate about Greek civilization is their ability to contribute knowledge that serve as foundation of many discoveries of the newfangled world.Work Cited Collection Search Result. Museum of F ine Arts, Boston. http//www. mfa. org/collections/search_art. asp? recview=trueid=154081coll_keywords=red+figure+chouscoll_accession=coll_name=coll_artist=coll_place=coll_medium=coll_culture=coll_classification=coll_credit=coll_provenance=coll_location=coll_has_images=coll_on_view=coll_sort=0coll_sort_order=0coll_view=0coll_package=0coll_start=1Ley, Graham. A little(a) Introduction to the Ancient Greek Theater. USA University of Chicago Press, 1991. ODonnell, Kerri. The Ancient Civilizations of Greece and Rome Solving algebraical Expressions. USA Rosen Classroom, 2005. Origins of Greek Pottery. http//www. 2020site. org/greece/vases. html Osborne, R. Archaic and Classical Greek Art. USA Oxford University Press, 1998.
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