Monday, September 30, 2019
To Kill or Not to Kill
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: TO KILL OR NOT TO KILL Student: Dave Cameron Professor: Robert Ashley Class: CAN271FA Law & The Citizen The first record of capital punishment in Canada is that of Peter Cartcel, a sailor who murdered Abraham Goodsides, a sailor from another ship, in 1749. Peter Cartcel was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death by hanging. Capital punishment was first implemented in Canada in 1749 when it was under British rule as a British colony. The death penalty was not abolished in Canada until 1976.The last instance of Capital punishment was an execution that took place at Toronto’s Don Jail on December 11, 1962. Arthur Lucas, a man convicted of killing an FBI informant and Ronald Turpin, a petty thief who shot a policeman while fleeing a restaurant robbery, were the last two individuals to be hung in Canada. Over the course of the two centuries that Capital punishment was in use in Canada, 710 individuals were executed. Canada should not re-instate the death penalty for any offences due to the fact that the legal system is still not an exact science and many innocent individuals continue to be wrongfully accused of crimes.There are many disadvantages to Capital punishment and reinstating it would be an egregious error on our nation’s part and we would be taking a step backwards in terms of our civility and humanity. If Canada reinstates the death penalty, there is a possibility that many individuals will be executed for crimes they did not commit. While there are no known cases of wrongful executions in Canada, between the years of 1879 and 1960, 438 death sentences were commuted as a result of newfound evidence etc. Had those 438 death sentences not been commuted, it is possible that 438 innocent Canadian citizens would have been put to death.Despite the fact that there is no evidence of wrongful executions in Canada, there have been many cases of individuals who have been exonerated of their crimes years after they were execute d in other nations. One infamous case of wrongful execution occurred in the United States. Claude Jones, a United States citizen, was executed in the year 2000 for murdering liquor storeowner Allen Hilzendager in 1989. In 2007, a DNA test revealed that the strand of hair that was used by the prosecution to convict Claude Jones was actually a strand of hair belonging to the victim, proving Claude Jones’ innocence.Similar to Claude Jones’ proven innocence years after his execution, there have been many wrongful executions in other nations throughout the world. In the United Kingdom, Timothy Evans was found guilty of murdering his wife and daughter in 1950. The serial killer John Christie in fact committed the murders. The police coerced Timothy Evans into a false confession. The police also did not do a proper search of John Christie’s property and failed to find other human remains. Timothy Evans was granted a royal pardon in 1966, however an innocent life had be en needlessly taken.Capital punishment was abolished in the United Kingdom partly because of Timothy Evans wrongful execution. If Capital punishment did not exist in these nations, the lives of many innocent men and women would have been spared. Therefore, Capital punishment should not be reinstated in Canada because it is not worth the possibility that innocent Canadians will be put to death for crimes they did not commit. If an individual is wrongfully accused for a crime, incarcerated for life and are exonerated, they can be released and resume their former life. However, a wrongful execution cannot be undone or taken back, it is permanent.It has been proven throughout the history of modern of law, particularly throughout the history of English common law, which is the basis of the Canadian legal system in every province in Canada except for Quebec, a province where they practice Civil law, that 50% of eyewitness testimony is false. Eyewitness testimony is the most influential de ciding factor for a Jury during trial and 95-100% of crimes that carry Capital punishment are trails with a Jury. Therefore, there is a very high risk that innocent individuals will be put in jail and sentenced to Capital punishment based on a Jury swayed by false eyewitness testimony.Capital punishment has been used by nearly all nations throughout the world at one point in history. The use of Capital punishment as part of the justice system began with recorded history and it has made many changes and advances over the millennia that it has been in use. To its credit, there have been many movements towards more humane forms of execution, especially throughout the last century. Prisoners are no longer being boiled to death, crucified or impaled, however execution as a form of punishment is still seen as a gruesome act by many countries, including Canada.The more humane forms of execution that have been invented and implemented in modern jails include the electric chair, the gas cham ber and lethal injection. These forms of â€Å"humane†execution are used in the United States where Capital punishment is legal. Many societies with Capital punishment ascribe to the Biblical Old Testament form of law, the idea of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, where a person who has harmed another should be similarly harmed in retribution. However, if you take an eye for an eye every time someone is wronged, the whole world will go blind.Another disadvantage to Capital punishment is that one of the purposes of jails in modern society is to rehabilitate inmates. Jails do not only exist to protect society from criminals that can harm the innocent, they also have the intention of rehabilitating inmates so that they can rejoin society as healthy, functioning members who can contribute in a meaningful way. There are many different types of rehabilitation programs established in Canadian prisons. One important rehabilitation program gives inmates access to educational services that they did not receive prior to their incarceration for various socio-economic reasons.These educational services allow inmates, who are often lacking basic education, to become literate, receive their General Education Development diploma, participate in vocational education programs, earn College diplomas and earn University degrees. One of the leading causes of crime is poverty, which is often caused by a cycle of illiteracy and a lack of education. Inmates should be given a chance to be educated while serving their sentence so that they can be rehabilitated into society, rather than being executed. When Capital punishment is in place in a nation, no societal progress can be made.Thousands of lives are taken and no change is made, the cycle of crime continues. Another leading cause of crime is drug and alcohol abuse. Many individuals resort to crime to support their expensive drug and alcohol habits and the majority have not received drug treatment prior to their inc arceration. Another important rehabilitation program in Canadian prisons is the drug treatment program. Studies have shown that inmates who are required to participate in drug rehabilitation programs combined with therapy show positive results. The purpose of jails is to not only punish criminals, but to rehabilitate them into society.Inmates need to be given a chance to receive the rehabilitation they need, such as drug and alcohol treatment and an education before their lives are taken away. The solution to crime in our society is not Capital punishment. It is finding the source and the root of the crime, such as poverty, lack of education and drug and alcohol abuse and solving these problems and rehabilitating these individuals. Once inmates are successfully rehabilitated the level of crime will greatly diminish and no lives need to be taken in the form of Capital punishment.There are numerous disadvantages to reinstating Capital punishment in Canada, however one of the advantage s to Capital punishment is it costs less money to execute a prisoner than to house them for life. In Canada, rather than receiving the death penalty for crimes such as murder, individuals receive 25 years in prison without the possibility of parole for the duration of those 25 years. It is possible that these individuals will remain in prison for the rest of their lives. If the crime is particularly heinous, the prisoner is designated a dangerous offender.This makes the possibility of parole much more difficult to obtain. Prisoners can also be designated long-term offenders. This is less serious than being designated a dangerous offender, however it is still difficult to receive parole. The designation of dangerous offender and long-term offender are made after individuals are convicted. The prisoners only given these designations once they have received a fair trail. Prisoners such as long-term offenders and dangerous offenders who remain in jail for 25 or more years cost Canadian tax payers and the Government an enormous amount of money.One advantage to Capital punishment is it’s financial benefit to the nations that implement it. The annual cost of housing an inmate in Canada can range between $52,000 to $250,000 a year depending on level of security of the facility in which the inmate is being held. Multiply that figure by the 25 years an inmate serves when sentenced to life in prison instead of receiving Capital punishment and the housing of an inmate for life in Canada ranges from $1,300,000 to $6,250,000. It is Canadian taxpayers who pay for the housing of inmates through the Government.However, the financial benefit of killing individuals instead of housing them for life is not worth potentially killing the innocent. There are many advantages and disadvantages to Capital punishment, however it should not be reinstated in Canada. The disadvantages far outweigh the advantages and it is simply not worth the possibility of potentially killing innoce nt individuals just to save the taxpayers and the Government money. Works Cited List Jobb, Dean. Bluenose Justice: True Tales of Mischief, Mayhem and Murder. â€Å"First Blood. †(Hantsport, N. S. : Lancelot Press, 1996), pages: 135-40.Napolitano, Angelina. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. University of Toronto. 2011. http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Web. 9 Jul. 2012. American Psychological Association. â€Å"Inmate Drug Abuse Treatment Slows Prison’s Revolving Door. †American Psychological Association. 2004. http://www. apa. org/research/action/aftercare. aspx. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. â€Å"Doing The Crime And Doing The Time. †Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. 2012. http://www. cbc. ca/canadavotes 2006/realitycheck/crimetime. html. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. Center on Wrongful Convictions. Claude Jones. †Northwestern University School of Law. 2006. http://www. law. northwestern. edu/cwc/issues/wrongfulexecu tions/ txjonescsummary. html. Web. 9 Jul. 2012. Correctional Service Canada. â€Å"Staff Development and the Formation of Curriculum in Prison Education. †Correctional Service Canada. 2012. http://www. csc-scc. gc. ca/text/pblct/forum/e031/e031l-eng. shtml. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. Crime Museum. â€Å"Wrongful Execution. †National Museum of Crime and Punishment. 2008. http://www. crimemuseum. org/library/execution/wrongfulExecution. html. Web. 9 Jul. 2012. Michael Bromby.Glasgow Caledonian University. â€Å"An Examination of Criminal Jury Directions in Relation to Eyewitness Identification in Commonwealth Jurisdictions. †Glasgow Caledonian University. http://gcal. academia. edu/Michael Bromby/Papers/9952/An_Examination_of_Criminal_Jury_Directions_in_Relation_to_Eyewitness_Identification_in_Commonwealth_Jurisdictions. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. Steven Duke. Yale Law School. â€Å"Eyewitness Testimony Doesn’t Make It True. †Yale Law School. 2006. http://www. l aw. yale. edu/news/2727. htm. Web. 10 Jul. 2012. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ].Dean Jobb, â€Å"First Blood,†in Bluenose Justice: True Tales of Mischief, Mayhem and Murder (Hantsport, N. S. : Lancelot Press, 1996), pages: 135-40. [ 2 ]. Dean Jobb, â€Å"First Blood,†in Bluenose Justice: True Tales of Mischief, Mayhem and Murder (Hantsport, N. S. : Lancelot Press, 1996), pages: 135-40. [ 3 ]. Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 4 ]. Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 5 ].Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 6 ]. Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: http://w ww. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 7 ]. Angelina Napolitano. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: http://www. biographi. ca/index-e. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 8 ]. Claude Jones, Center on Wrongful Convictions. http://www. law. northwestern. edu/cwc/issues/wrongfulexecutions/txjonescsummary. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. 9 ]. Claude Jones, Center on Wrongful Convictions. http://www. law. northwestern. edu/cwc/issues/wrongfulexecutions/txjonescsummary. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 10 ]. Crime Museum. http://www. crimemuseum. org/library/execution/wrongfulExecution. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 11 ]. Crime Museum. http://www. crimemuseum. org/library/execution/wrongfulExecution. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 12 ]. Crime Museum. http://www. crimemuseum. org/library/execution/wrongfulExecution. html. Date of access, July 9, 2012. [ 13 ]. Crime Museum.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Managerial tasks Essay
A. Every business requires managers to control and execute the business. But the skills required for each individual industry will vary. Here we will study the managerial skills required for a manager of a vending machine business, a housecleaning service and an appliance repair business. Vending Machine business: The markets for such business are targeted to the pedestrians and passersby. The vending machine should have sufficient stock and should be refilled at regular intervals. The manager concerned must have the idea about the demand and supply of the product, have the idea about stock taking and to identify locations with maximum sales. The manager should be mobile in order to verify the potential of each vending machine and identify any shortfall or lacuna. Also, have idea about advertising and marketing at vantage locations. Housecleaning service: The business is more about relationship, because the clients will be repeat customers. The better service you can provide the better business you can generate. The manager should know where to tap customers, should be a good man manager and ensure quality of work. Good PR skill is a must. The manager should also ensure the safety precautions required during house cleaning. Appliance repair business: This business also requires good PR and is based on repeat customers. But, the manager also need to be technically sound, and should have knowledge about repairing the specific range of product. He should be a good man manger, stick to tight schedules and ensure quality service. The manager should keep himself and his team upgraded with the newest technologies and latest changes in the product. It is a technology driven business, which requires lot of excellent technical skill set apart from the basic requirements of marketing and sales.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Compare and Constrast Classical China and Classical India
Though they had some different qualities, Classical China and India were very similar. The complexities of both India and China’s social hierarchy systems were very different. However their religious views and ideas were similar, and they both began to decline but were able to recover and maintain stability. Both China and India used social hierarchy systems, but they were used differently. India used a very strict system called Varna, or the caste system. People only associated with people in their class. Marriage outside of your class and helping people in lower classes was absolutely forbidden.People couldn’t even eat or drink with people outside of their class. The Chinese rules of social hierarchy were very different. The Chinese believed in reciprocal respect within relationships. For example, the ruler respects the subject and the subject respects the ruler. Another major difference was the specific levels of the social ladder. The caste system of India had four basic levels: the Brahmins (priests), followed by the Kshatriyas (warriors), then the Vaishyas (work people), and finally the Shudras (peasants).All four of these castes were divided into subgroups called jati. This system was very complex and stratified and a person could not change castes. The Chinese only had three steps on their social ladder. On top was the educated bureaucrats and landowners. The peasants and the urban artisans were in the middle class and the â€Å"mean†or meaningless people were at the bottom. Priests in India were considered very powerful and they were at the top of society. The Classical Chinese emperors used a centralized religion called Confucianism and a priest class wasn’t necessary.There was other religions in China but the priests were isolated from the rest of the population. The Chinese social system was very simple and the Indian caste system was more specific. India and China used different hierarchy systems, but they had similar r eligious views and ideas. At this point in time Hinduism was very popular in India and the Chinese emperors stressed confucian ideas. Hinduism and Confucianism were very similar. In both religions there was no specific gods to be worshiped, but there was religious shrines.People were obedient to confucianism because it stressed respect to all people. The goal of Hinduism was to free your soul and reach moksha. In order to do so people had to follow the rules and do the right thing. Confucianism and Hinduism worked because all people benefited from them. Another major similarity of India and China was the cause and effects of the declines of their golden ages. Both India and China had strong enough civilizations to withstand the challenges they faced and not completely fall.Because of China’s strong political system and because of India’s uniform religion, both civilizations were able to recover and revive themselves. Nomadic invaders attacked both civilizations and thi s was a setback but strong emperors helped regain order. The strength of the political systems was also challenged. Arab invaders tried to convert India to Islam but failed because Indian religious leaders worked to strengthen HInduism. In China bureaucrats became corrupt and started fighting for power and assassinating each other.Thankfully the Sui and Tang dynasties worked to regain power and they restored Confucianism because they knew it worked in the past. India and China lost power but they were able to maintain stability. China and India had some qualities that contrast each other, but the two civilizations were very similar. Their social hierarchy systems were different, but they shared common religious views and ideas, they both suffered a decline but they were able to recover and maintain stability.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Body of Lies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Body of Lies - Essay Example According to Hoffman, terrorists are now going back to traditional if not Stone Age technique of communication. Because of this fact, Hoffman has to rely more on Ferris’ operation and human intelligence. Roger Ferris met the head of the Jordanian GID named Hani Salaam and they had an agreement to help each other in finding Al-Saleem. But whatever agreement they have to each other, they are still bound to their responsibilities to their own countries. Hoffman was able to discover an Al-Saleem safe house and immediately contacted Ferris to check and watch the place closely. However, without Ferris’ permission, Hoffman conducted another operation which blew the whole safe house operation and ended up with Ferris bitten by dogs. It was this time when he met Aisha whom he eventually developed romantic interest. Another bombing was reported in Amsterdam which killed 75 people at the least. One of the men in the Al-Saleem safe house was recognized by Hani as Karami and compell ed him to become their asset in the Al Qaeda terrorist using his mother as Hani’s assurance for his cooperation. Hoffman wanted Karami to be interrogated by the CIA but Hani refuses to hand him over. Without the consent of both Hani and Ferris, Hoffman contacted Ferris’ new subordinate and instructed him to bring him Karami. Because of this, the safe house was blown and Ferris was blamed by Hani and instructed to leave Jordan. Hoffman and Ferris eventually thought that the only way to track Al-Saleem is to create another terrorist group that will threaten Al-Saleem’s ego and power. They planned and staged an attack and used a Jordanian architect named Omar Sadiki as the terrorist cell leader. But Ferris’ plan was made known to Al-Saleem when Sadiki was caught by his man and tortured. After which, Aisha was then kidnapped and while Ferris tried to recover her, he fell into the hands of Al-Saleem just across the border in Syria. He was interrogated and when he was about to be killed, Hani came to a rescue and Al-Saleem was arrested by the group. Hani admitted to Ferris that it was them who kidnapped Aisha to have a deal with Al-Saleem in exchange of Ferris. The movie ended with Ferris quitting the CIA and chose to stay in Jordan while leaving the audience the thought if he was going to reconcile with Aisha. The movie was not really about the politics or war but instead, the Body of Lies involved double-crosses and did not really have anything to say about the War on Terror. But this movie about Iraq war is something that offers good thriller standards. The movie offered moments of suspense but it offers more on how Ferris communicated with people and tries to gain information on the sought after terrorist Al-Saleem. In Markert’s (2011) book, the film Body of Lies belongs to the fictional features belatedly appear. According to Markert (2011), the films from 2001 to 2010 were mostly documentaries and films depicting villains suc h as Osama Bin Laden and revolving on the World Trade Center bombing. Several fictional films involving wars on Iraq and Afghanistan were made such as this film. However, this film did not involve Bin Laden or Hussein who were the favourite villains in the post-9/11 films.Â
Thursday, September 26, 2019
E-Commerce Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
E-Commerce Strategies - Essay Example The strategies used are comparable to those used by companies that sell to businesses, having both similarities and differences. Apart from using the above strategies they companies are benefitted because an organization or business can easily locate more customers, the best suppliers and the most suitable business partners across the globe. The shipment is often in large quantities, and heavy machinery may be required to package products into bulks. This is because websites following B2B business model sell their products to intermediate buyers, and then they sell their products to the final customer, which can be any wholesaler’s retail outlet (Haag & Cummings 2013). The IT mechanisms used by both are similar. Payment for both involves transaction systems use non-cash payment including PayPal, Gift Cards, and VISA etc. Security mechanisms make use of SSL (Security Socket Layer) which uses encryption and authentication which prevents large business and thus large companies being part of an external hack or
Organizational Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Organizational Communication - Essay Example About Toyota Motors Inc Toyota Motors Inc. is one of the top-selling automobile manufacturing companies in the United States providing breakthrough products that cater to a wide range of consumers, and promoting quality, dependability and reliability for over fifty years (Toyota Inc., 2013). A significant proportion of the company's success can be attributed to its almost flawless communication strategies. The company has successfully managed to communicate its visions and ideas concerning its environmental approach, its emphasis on recycling, and providing top quality products to its customers. The effectiveness of the communication strategies adopted by the company is apparent from the unprecedented success of its green environmentally friendly products such as the Prius, which managed to become a revolutionary product idea and a leader in the automobile industry. For the purpose of this study, the concept of organizational communication will be probed with respect to the following management theories: Classical Scientific Management, Human Resources, Systems and Contingency, and Culture with reference to Toyota Inc. Theoretical analysis: Classical Scientific Management: The classical theories of management primarily focus on establishing the most effective job performance functions. The key aim of scientific management is to ensure enhanced job efficiency by developing technical skills, implementing strict rules for compliance, and effectively managing the organizational structure. The Scientific management theory also alternatively referred to as Taylorism, was pioneered by Fredrick Winslow Taylor, for scientifically analyzing jobs and redesigning them in order to improve their efficiency (Daft, 2009). The key elements of this theory include (Lussier, 2011: 40): Development of a systematic procedure that entailed a detailed description of each specific job assigned to the workers Promote job specialization Implement scientific methods of training and develo pment across the organization to improve worker efficiency Establish a systematic work schedule Introduce standardized methods and times for accomplishing each task Offer piece rates and bonuses to employees as positive incentives to encourage improved performance. The production management system employed by Japanese firms such Toyota, for instance, which introduced the just-in-time systems, can be classified as scientific management method. Since this system was introduced by engineers it is most aptly effective in manufacturing industries (Besser, 1996; Price, 2011). The large scale production processes implemented by Toyota were highly scientific in approach and focused on detailed planning. Key emphasis was given on division of labor, effective allocation of jobs, and introducing innovative techniques to enhance worker coordination to minimize the risk of errors and avoid wastage. Such scientific management approach adopted by Toyota ultimately helped the company in catapulting to instant fame, making them the industry leaders in automobile manufacturing, customer service, and product innovation. The key
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Importance of Internal and External Factors to Economic Development Essay
Importance of Internal and External Factors to Economic Development - Essay Example However, the biggest question in the minds of everyone is what has causes varying rates of economic development in a country. What are the reasons that have seen countries such as Japan and China emerge to become among the greatest economies in the world with a record time? Additionally, one would always want to understand whether the involvement of the government in the economic process causes accelerated economic growth or should the government give the private sector autonomy in determining how they conduct their activities. Additionally, countries do not live in vacuum but have to trade with their neighbors and their security may be threatened by the activities of others and therefore they have to keep into consideration the external factors in economic development. From the foregoing introduction, it is clear that one cannot argue entirely that the level of economic development in a country is attributable to only internal or external factors. Although interplay of both internal and external factors determines the path of economic development of a country, internal factors are the greatest determinants economic development of a country. The major internal factors that determine the pace of economic development in a country is the type of governance adopted. ... It is undisputable that the leadership of a country determines the level of economic growth that a country is able to achieve. In a country, governments hold much power and are expected to offer leadership in terms of economic and social developments that take place. Consequently, when a government fails to carry out an analysis of the impacts of its policies, this may spell out the starting point of its failure. The argument that governance really plays a role in determining the pace of economic development in a country is collaborated by Gerschenkron. When assessing economic backwardness in different countries, Gerschenkron argued that there is a strong correlation between economic underdevelopment and centralized bureaucracy in a country. The type of governance adopted determines the way in which the required capital for industrialization is mobilized and allocated. In a country where the government encourages private to public sector investment, the rate of economic development i s expected to become accelerated due to efficiency in resource allocation and monitoring thereby reducing wastage. In such an economy, the government concentrates in development of the right infrastructure required for development while the private sector provides and invests capital required for industrialization. Countries that promote public-private sector partnership in economy leads to development of free markets that have high productivity and efficiency. In countries where free trade thrives, high productivity is achieved since the owners of such resources closely monitor and control the production process unlike in countries where the government controls production. Government control in the production process leads to
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Health Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Health Promotion - Essay Example First of all, each program should be described for the sake of clarity and specific goals thereof. In this vein, ACAP is well based on the provision of proper information on the issue and the way of emergency training (Asthma Australia, 2011). The main objective is to implement educational standards applied to the healthcare in the country. It is vital to note that the main parties concerning ACAP are education staff, parents, and adolescents (Asthma Australia, 2011). Thus, it is aimed at providing children with ultimate care so as to make sure their attitudes will be loyal toward the program itself. Triggered in November 2009, the program is advantageous for training more than 148 104 staff in schools and preschools providing 7 514 1 hour Asthma Australia training sessions across Australia (Asthma Australia, 2011). Thus, the program is aimed at making education staff aware of the problem itself and safety options required for keeping up a good job with children with asthma accordingly. Moreover, it is valuable in a hospital setting, involving children into a friendly atmosphere of understanding and counseling on the part of adults. Moreover, keeping in mind the fact that the rate of asthma prevalence in Australia is one of the highest in the world, the annual costs varies from $500 million to $1 billion (Mulberg, Silber, & Anker, 2010, p. 25). Definitely, ACAP is seen to have the largest amount of funding on the part of the government. Nevertheless, it needs more inclusion of additional directions aimed at the optimization of ACAP’s mission throughout different states in Australia. ACSP is another program included in the national program on community and hospital admission of asthma training in order to increase people’s awareness of the diseases while decreasing cases of emergency in the future. The program deals with both community and hospital awareness and is based on education, information, and support (Asthma Australia, 2011). In this respect the program is effective due to its widespread popularity a a host of positive feedbacks from all participants engaged in this program. The question is that ACSP is called to prevent Australians with asthma from lethal outcomes. It is all about the conclusions made by the Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring state that during the period of 2000-2005 there were 145 deaths per 100,000 patients with the highest rate of mortality among patients over 45 years old (Watson, Pharma, & Rabe, 2007). Thus, commenced in response to such a poor statistics in November 2009, ACSP provides the hospital staff al ong with the rest of population with proper training and assessment regarding asthma. To say more, 511 session were realized in the last year (Asthma Australia, 2011). However, the program lacks impact on the western states of Australia having less performance in there. Finally, AAP is the oldest health-promoting anti-asthma program commenced in Australia at the end of the 1980s in order to timely analyze and define the detrimental factors for and preventive measures against asthma. In this respect the first two programs seem to repeat the methods prescribed in AAP. It is all about the main benefits of AAP for Australians realized through the awareness of the symptoms, seeking medical attention, resources for better management of asthma, training community members with what they can do in cases of asthmatic manifestations in an individual, etc (Harver & Kotses,
Monday, September 23, 2019
Literature review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Literature review - Assignment Example Students that learn English as a foreign language naturally come from countries where English is not the native tongue that is spoken. These countries often speak other languages and therefore have cultures that are diverse and different from the basic English culture. But as students of the English language, can their understanding of it be complete without a proper cultural understanding? And if not, how much culture do they need to be functionally taught, and more so, in what manner? The conflict over the syllabus design used to teach English as a foreign language is divided over one basic difference. Some writers argue that the target language's culture should be incorporated into the syllabus, while others argue that culture may be incorporated into the learning process, but through additional activities, not necessarily as an integral part of the syllabus design itself. To investigate the debate, it is first necessary to explain what culture in terms of languages actually is. I n fact it is this definition, and thereby the methods of incorporating it, where the debate arises from. The four integral part of learning any foreign language, English naturally being no exception, are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure and other such sub-clauses are divided across all four categories, with each category playing its part in teaching each sub-category. Culture is considered the fifth skill. But should this skill be taught independently of all other skills, or should all four incorporate culture into themselves? Those such as that support incorporating culture into English as foreign language curriculum support that culture is an integral part of any language: so much as to say that language is basically verbal depiction of a particular culture (Damen, 1997). To simply learn the vocabulary and grammar of a language does not necessarily enable one to be able to use that language (Vernier et all, 2005). Furthermore, accor ding to According to Brown (2000), the basic purpose behind learning a language is to be able to communicate effectively, and that arises not only from studying a language, but also from fluency and accuracy in a particular context, outside of a classroom setting. So much so, that it is not something that can be taught independently but rather it should be the core of all other lessons (Kramsch, 1993). The basic methodology adopted when teaching was that of Segregated-Skill Instruction (SSI) where each skill, reading, writing, speaking or listening, was independently taught, with specific emphasis on the clauses and specifics of each, in technical terms, rather than actually teach how the skills would be used in a practical situation (Brown, 2000). But over the decades, this is being seen as an obsolete system of teaching and instructors are looking to move towards Intergrated-Skill Instruction (ISI). ISI is further divided into two sub-schools of thought, Content-Based Language Ins truction (CBLI) and Task-Based Instruction (TBI). The former is when the lanugage itself is not the focus of interest, but rather just a medium through which other content is explained (Brinton, Snow & Wesche, 1989). Whether this is a successful approach is debated however, but Oxford (2001) states that if the content is at a level directly proportional to the skill of the learners, then it
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Friedrich Nietzsche Philosophy Essay Example for Free
Friedrich Nietzsche Philosophy Essay Friedrich Willhelm Nietzsche, a German Philosopher of the mid 1800`s was Born 1844 and died after a long medical condition that was thoroughly investigated but with no found result in 1900. Nietzsche is most renowned for challenging the moral integrity of Christianity in the late 1800’s despite having grown up with a background and family history of Lutheran ministers; where his Father, Uncles and Grandfathers were all Ministers. This philosopher was the most outspoken on topics such as power, pain, culture and moral acts, and from that has influenced some of the most commonly known philosophers we know of today; such as Sigmund Freud. Nietzsche viewed evil or immoral acts as â€Å"self-consciousness, free will and either/or bipolar thinking†(Curry, B. (2008). The Perspectives of Nietzsche. Retrieved from Nietzsche believed that Evil is within and dependant upon the determinants that affect ones moral perception. Nietzsche view on evil came from a very passionate outlook on his world, on culture and of rights and freedoms. Nietzsche put it quite plainly when he said†¦ â€Å"Some moralities are more suitable for subordinate roles; some are more appropriate for dominating and leading social roles. What counts as a preferable and legitimate action depends upon the kind of person one is. The deciding factor is whether one is weaker, sicker and on the decline, or whether one is healthier, more powerful and overflowing with life†(Brandhorst, M. (2010). Naturalism and the Genealogy of Moral Institutions: Journal of Nietzsche Studies. Issue 40, p 5-28, 16p). Nietzsche particularly critiqued Christian and Kantian morality, related to these 2 moral components of which express cultural out casting of freedom of speech and natural free will. i. Presupposes three particular descriptive claims about the nature of human agents; pertaining (connecting) to free will, the transparency of the self, and the essential similarity of all people (â€Å"the Descriptive Component†); and/or ii. Embraces norms that harm the â€Å"highest men†while benefitting the â€Å"lowest†(â€Å"the Normative Component†) In this Nietzsche is explaining that (1†²) Hold agents responsible for their actions (2†²) Evaluate and â€Å"rank†the motives for which agents act (Brandhorst, M. (2010). Naturalism and the Genealogy of Moral Institutions: Journal of Nietzsche Studies. Issue 40, p 5-28, 16p). These views help support and defend Nietzsche’s logics on moral and psychological action: these precise opinions and views influenced one of the most famous Psychologists, Sigmund Freud. In Nietzsche’s first historical writings during the early 1870’s he was merely a student studying and exploring philosophical logic and legislations of his time. With an opinionated and different perspective of immoral acts than the culture surrounding him he took initiative in making his own decisions of what was right and what was wrong. In his first published writings The Birth of Tragedy (1872) it showed his advocating view for cultural adversity; though it was deeply put down by other scholars renowned for sharing Christian based opinions of that era, Nietzsche continued to express his abrasive view against unethical stringent laws (Robertson, S. (2009). Nietzsches Ethical Revaluation: Journal of Nietzsche Studies; Issue 37, pp 66-90). This philosopher indulged himself in cultural adversity, interacting with music, nature, sciences and exploration of other cultures and religions. Nietzsche counter acted with the book Human, All-Too-Human (1878) (Robertson, S. (2009). Nietzsches Ethical Revaluation: Journal of Nietzsche Studies; Issue 37, pp 66-90) that gave him a name and furthered his career, this book touched on health and the idea of hedonistic ideas in regards to pleasure and pain relevance amongst cultural and physiological phenomena. Nietzsche is a naturalist expanding on views related to animals, earth, air, wind, fire, body touching on illogical ideas of, especially, the Christian based religion. Nietzsche was very passionate and outspoken towards Christianity however that was not his only passionate topic. The power behind Germany in the late 1860’s due to wars prior and present were a huge influence for him as the shift of legislations due to new authority was erratically changing Germany, most notably, Politically, Economically and Culturally (Osborn, R. E. (2010). Nihilisms Conscience: On Nietzsches Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism. Modern age; Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308). Therefore the idea that Germany could be altered so quickly not only enraged Friedrich Nietzsche but empowered him in his righteousness as an open minded scholar and as the next generation of Germany. This shift in Germany’s political system greatly affected Nietzsche’s era, and as a passionate advocate for freedom in culture Nietzsche felt compelled to speak out against the evil of which was the becoming of Germany. In conclusion Nietzsche’ views on evil were that to have bad moral or to act in an evil way, it is an act of conscious natural behavior. He believed that Evil is within and dependant upon the determinants that affect ones moral perception. Friedrich Nietzsche was in his prime during the change of an era in Germany’s political, societal and religious systems and was compelled to stand for what he believed in. It is extremely interesting that during the early 1870’s the new King Otto von Bismarck introduced healthcare, social security and a rise in socialism to promote the economic deficit and reduce potential hierarchy, however advocated anti-socialist laws (Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). Historical Philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p). The anti socialist laws were created to shift the power of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) which stood for Civil and Political rights in an open society. Bismarck also reduced the affiliations and influence of the political system on Catholics; making Catholicism a growing religion that was before the early 1870’s mostly Christian based. This seems to have been a huge influence on Nietzsche as his first book, The Birth of Tragedy (1872) was based upon open society and cultural adversity. This history of Germany is so significant due to the shift in power of the church, beginning at the attempt to stop the SDP after they had just begun in 1875 in the German Parliament as a Christian based society; immediately shifting the change from Christian to Catholicism (Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). Historical Philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p) this provoked outrage as this meant less freedom of choice for citizens. Although Friedrich Nietzsche far from advocated Christianity, the shift of religion affected him as this meant a cultural change amongst his peers. It greatly fuelled further writings based upon honest questions surrounding concepts that drain life’s energies. These strong views are now known as ‘Nietzschean affirmation’ expanding on Nietzsche profound writing based around existentialism; Friedrich Nietzsche along with Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) were the two philosophers renowned for doing so in the late 1800’s (Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). Historical Philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p). Existentialism is a term used by philosophical thinkers expressing that one’s life affirmation, one’s existence is determined by ones self. Despite life’s distractions and obstacles it is ones choice to live passionately, with sincere moral integrity as best as possible. This further supports how Nietzsche’s opposing thoughts towards empiricism of which means ones moral integrity is derived from senses and experience, however socially prevalent those views might have been by Germany, Nietzsche still profoundly opposed them. In books such as Daybreak: Reflections on Moral Prejudices, 1881 (Morgenrà ¶te. Gedanken à ¼ber die moralischen Vorurteile) (Osborn, R. E. (2010). Nihilisms Conscience: On Nietzsches Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism. Modern age; Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308), Nietzsche’s most memorable, clearest, and intimate volumes, expressing many social-psychological insights and cultural relativity using Christian Based moral evaluations as reflections on good and evil. There were several books to follow Daybreak in the late 1880’s, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883–85) and Ecce Homo (1888); this volume expressed the deepest of understanding power, humans and moral behaviors. Friedrich Nietzsche’s crusade against morality had begun and he followed up with The Gay Science (Die frà ¶hliche Wissenschaft, 1882) (Osborn, R. E. (2010). Nihilisms Conscience: On Nietzsches Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism. Modern age; Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308) a book in which Nietzsche becomes famous for his existential ideas pertaining the existence of life. In this book I believe Nietzsche was encouraging the citizens of Germany to speak out against the injustice towards freedom and lack of moral integrity that the German political system was advocating. As Nietzsche’s world changed around him he felt more and more compelled to change it, standing by his own philosophical views and taking his life into his hands; becoming a martyr for the freedom of speech and cultural adversity that he so dearly believed in. Nietzsche felt very patiently towards open culture as well as freedom and this era of Germany was a huge influence on his work as it was a significant shift in decisions set by the new acclaimed authority. The Battle of good and evil is a constant in a world with no balance and a constant struggle of power. Friedrich Nietzsche so profoundly advocated freedom and cultural adversity, in which has inspired leading figures in all walks of cultural life, including dancers, poets, novelists, painters, psychologists, philosophers, sociologists and social revolutionaries; however there is always a power working against that and thus the problems that were his era are still amongst us. Until people accept others and are willing to live with respect to cultural adversity then there will always be evil immoral versus good moral. Throughout the history of any sovereignty there is a constant battle for power, beliefs and cultural relativity. Friedrich Nietzsche stood for freedom of choice and through his passionate writings did so very well; however as Nietzsche has expressed so dearly it is within ones choice to act with moral integrity based upon there perception of good and evil. These are the choices that affect us daily and round us as individuals; personally I have faced immoral decisions and it is in those moments, that you do not always realize at once, the affect that decision can have on another. In agreement with Friedrich Nietzsche, to recognize and feel remorse in your conscious or subconscious decision is what differentiates good and evil. For instance, contemporarily when you are in a delicate discussion of religion amongst peers of various cultural background I have to think open-mindedly with conscious acceptance to the reasoning behind cultural and religious background before making a judgmental statement. As well as Politics in Canada is directed for different groups of people, as politics usually is, so immediately there is a divide in Canada’s cultural, ethnic, and working class; because it is in the current political power to protect Canada’s Economic, Environmental or Social well-being. There is no balance and I believe without balance in a person, country or cultural group there cannot be a sustainable approach to good and evil; there is always a stretch for that much more power on any side, affecting moral. References Brandhorst, M. (2010). Naturalism and the Genealogy of Moral Institutions: Journal of Nietzsche Studies. Issue 40, p 5-28, 16p. Curry, B. (2008). The Perspectives of Nietzsche. Retrieved from Osborn, R. E. (2010). Nihilisms Conscience: On Nietzsches Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism. Modern age; Vol. 52 Issue 4, p 293-308. Palante, G. (2009, June 1st). Historical Philosophical Forum. Vol. 40 Issue 2 p265-273, 8p. Robertson, S. (2009). Nietzsches Ethical Revaluation: Journal of Nietzsche Studies; Issue 37, pp 66-90.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Electric Vehicles And Their Effect On Society
Electric Vehicles And Their Effect On Society With the depletion of the earths ozone layer and the shortage of our oil supply becoming an issue, we have had to look at alternative fueled vehicles that will not harm the environment, but will still provide us with a reliable source of transportation. Compared to gasoline powered vehicles, electric vehicles are considered to be 97 percent cleaner, producing absolutely no tailpipe emissions that can place particulate matter into the air. Particulate matter can increase asthma conditions, as well as irritate respiratory systems. Because Electric Vehicles produce no emissions, there are no requirements for Electric Vehicle owners to ever take in their vehicle to an Emissions Testing Facility for an emissions inspection. Another factor that makes these vehicles so clean is that since they dont use half of the parts that a gasoline powered vehicle does (including gasoline and oil), they are not at risk of shedding any worn out radiator hoses, fuel filters, etc, to be dumped in our over crowded landfills, and leaking contaminated oil into our water supply, killing plant and animal life. Exceptionally quiet, Electric Vehicles produce no noise pollution. In fact they are so quiet that manufacturers are thinking that Electric Vehicles may one day require some kind of noise device on them to alert pedestrians that they are within the area. In a gasoline powered vehicle, the then engine must be kept running even when the vehicle is idle. When an Electric Vehicle is idle, the electric motor is not running and the vehicle is not using any energy. On hot days, a few hundred gas-powered cars sitting on the freeway produce an unimaginable amount of pollution. Electric Vehicles can run during hot days, cold days, at night, and can accelerate or remain idle and not produce any pollution. Many people claim that Electric Vehicles merely relocate the source of pollution to the power plants. Even though Electric Vehicles produce no tailpipe emissions, they still need electricity to be recharged, which means they need power plants to produce the electricity. These people fail to realize, however, that many modern power plants (especially in states like California) are clean, meaning they produce no pollution. Examples of clean power plants include nuclear reactors, windmills, hydroelectric plants and solar panels. Also, it is much easier to deal with isolated pollution sources such as power plants than it is to deal with millions of automobiles, each a source of pollution. As more and more power plants become clean and as more people realize what Electric Vehicles can do for the environment, Electric Vehicle use will increase, and our environment will become much nicer. Electric cars have been thought of as one answer to our dependence on fossil fuel burning vehicles. Their main appeal is that they produce no air pollution at the point of use so provide a way of shifting emissions to less polluted areas. Unfortunately also out of sight are the environmental consequences of manufacturing and recycling the lead- acid batteries electric vehicles require to run on. A recent drew attention to the problem of lead batteries in electric cars: Smelting and recycling the lead for these batteries will result in substantial releases of lead to the environment. The researchers compared the power, efficiency and environmental effects of electric cars with gas powered vehicles. Not only are electric cars comparatively slower and far more restricted in the distance they can travel but release more lead into the environment as well. The study showed that an electric car with batteries made from newly mined lead releases 60 times more lead than that of a car using le aded gas. Although the lead discharged in lead smelting and reprocessing is generally less available to humans in the U.S. than that dispersed by leaded gasoline cars driving where people are still using leaded gasoline. Even when precautions are taken there are still significant hazards. Lead processing facilities release lead into the air and waterways, and lead in solid waste leaches slowly into the environment. Clearly electric cars, despite their good for the environment image create far more of a problem than leaded gas cars and unleaded gas cars. In addition if a large number of electric cars are produced, the demand for lead for batteries will surge, requiring more lead to be mined. Manufacture needs to be halted until an alternative safer power source is found. These rules out current alternatives such as nickel-cadmium and nickel metal hydride batteries which are also highly toxic and far more expensive. Researchers speculate that lithium-polymer technologies may eventuall y be used. Should cities with a population in excess on 5 million such as LA, New York or Mexico city, which suffer from the adverse effects of smog, implement an electric car society, or a car tax by 2009 or would these measures be too costly to execute and burdensome for the average citizen. The creation of an electric car city would be a grueling task indeed. For it follows that the car in many countries is ubiquitous. A cultural symbol that is deeply embedded in the worlds psyche from the day it was created. To some it seems as though it is an impossible task, that we replace so many cars or that we limit the number of cars in the populated areas Although many argue that it is the car that contributes to the blight on this earth, spewing its pollutants into the air, and that a society without them would be a better one. The nature of todays world and in todays modern cities demands that we have a form of fast transportation. We would not function at all without it and walking, while it woul d make us all healthier, would consume too much of our time. I feel that if carefully planned and thought out, we neednt get rid of one without having to lose the benefit of the other. It is felt by many that the cause of urban pollution is as a result of too many cars. The poor design of many cities with regard to transportation has caused urban congestion. Consider of course the fact that many cars right now in cities are running but not moving. For example, in New York City, trying to find a parking space is both a cause and symptom of poor urban design. Clearly when there is not enough space in the city to house all of our cars, when parking space is considered a rare commodity then we have a problem. But in other cases such as Mexico City or Los Angeles the problem of poor urban design is even worse. Clearly when these cities were built the planners did not foresee the large number of gasoline chugging vehicles that would clog them. In addition there are various health problems that are suffered by urban dwellers as a result of the pollution. Asthma is a prime example, as it is the fastest growing childhood disease in urban areas, and most likely the result of the billions of particulates spewed into the atmosphere. Electric vehicles have more than technical hurdles to overcome: Some experts fear that the vehicles environmental impact is no lighter than that of gas-powered vehicles. And the biggest concerns center on the vehicles all-important batteries. Now researchers have published the first in-depth environmental analysis of electric cars using lithium-ion batteries, and have found that they beat their gas-fueled counterparts. When experts consider batteries environmental footprint, they worry about a range of issues, including the impacts of mining the necessary metals, the chemical manufacturing process, and whether the batteries end up in landfills or get recycled. According to the researchers analysis, about 15% of an electric vehicles total environmental burden comes from manufacturing, maintaining, and disposing of the lithium-ion battery. Most of those costs, about 50%, stem from mining and manufacturing the copper and aluminum used in the battery and its connecting cables. Extracting the necessary lithium produces only 2.3% of the batterys total environmental footprint. Still, the largest contributor to electric vehicles total environmental burden comes from recharging the battery. These operational costs were three times greater than the battery alone, but they fluctuated when the researchers looked at other electricity sources besides the typical European power mixture that includes nuclear power, hydropower, and fossil fuels. When the vehicles charged up on electricity from coal-fired plants alone, their total environmental impact increased by 13%, but it dropped by 40% when the electricity came solely from hydropower. Overall, when the researchers compared battery-powered vehicles to their gas-fueled counterparts, they calculated that a car with an internal combustion engine would need a fuel economy of about 60 to 80 mpg to achieve a lower environmental impact than a battery-powered electric vehicle that recharged using Unites States power sources. Overall, Electric Vehicles are stating to change the way people think about à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Going Greenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ . With the advancement of battery technology and alternative fuels, these vehicles are producing fewer emissions and going further than ever before. We need to start relying on these technologies to start reducing our carbon footprint. As the years continue to pass, these vehicles are going to start changing the way we live, and operate in society. Bagatelle-Black, Forbes. EV WORLD: Electric Vehicles and the Environment. 27 Nov. 2007. Web. 04 May 2011. . Electric Vehicle. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 04 May 2011. . Gustafson, Sven. How Would Electric Cars Affect Our Environment? Michigan Local News. 14 Feb. 2008. Web. 04 May 2011. . Zemanta. The Negative Impact of Electric Cars on the Environment. News and Reviews on Electric Cars, Hybrids, Plug-in Electric Vehicles 9 Mar. 2010. Web. 04 May 2011. .
Friday, September 20, 2019
George Washington Carver Essay -- essays research papers
George Washington Carver 	George Washington Carver was born in Diamond, Missouri at about 1865 as a slave child on Moses and Susan’s farm. Born and raised by his mother Mary, George was always having a whooping cough. One cold night, night raiders or slave robbers, came and took Mary and George from their home. The Carvers hired their neighbor, John Bentley, to go and find Mary and George. When John returned he had only brought back George and said that his mother could not be found. This was the beginning of George Washington Carver’s life. 	Since George was a very sick child and always having a whooping cough, he was given the job of working around the house and his favorite job, working in the garden. When George was not tending the garden or doing house chores he was always roaming the nearby woods and streams. He explored anything unusual such as reptile and insects. George kept his own frog collection and geological finds in a place where nobody could find as he would watch them progress. He had his own nursery in the woods and learned how to turn sick plants to healthy plants. This helped him be friendly with his neighbors and gained him the name "plant doctor." George had his own playmates to play childhood games with. Though his parents and playmates were white, he developed a strong friendship with most everybody and continued contact with them even after he left his hometown. The nighttime was about the same as everybody’s, except George and his brother went out to explore while the elders were asleep. During the night he would observe plants and also have fun riding sheep until punished by his parents. George learned very quickly. He mastered everything that was taught to him. This life style helped him become aware of his special talents before the difference of his skin color. Having white friends and white parents, George was excepted by anybody he came into contact with. He had a strong religious faith. There was no official religion for him, but he attended a little Locust Grove Church. While attending this church, he received religious practicing from a large variety of Methodist, Baptist, Campbellite, and Presbyterian circuit preachers. This gave George an unorthodox and nondenominational faith that would stay with him for the rest of his life. Part of that faith was a deep belief in revelation being give... ... nutritional value and could be used in cooking and baking. Over the years he invented many useful ways to use peanuts. Many synthetic products were also developed by George such as the ones listed below. Adhesives Axle GreaseBleach ButtermilkCheese Chili SauceCream CreosoteDyesFlour Fuel BriquettesInkInstant Coffee Insulating BoardLinoleumMayonnaiseMealMeat Tenderizer 	Metal PolishMilk FlakesMucilagePaperRubbing OilsSalveSoil ConditionerShampooShoe PolishShaving CreamSugarSynthetic MarbleSynthetic RubberTalcum PowderVanishing CreamWood StainsWood FillerWorcestershire Sauce Source: Hattie Carwell. Blacks in Science: Astrophysicist to Zoologist (Hicksville, N.Y.: Exposition Press), 1977. 	It is no doubt that George Washington Carver had a major impact on our lives. From everything he accomplished and everything he developed the world may not have been that same, thanks to him. George died on January 5th, 1943 at 7:30 P.M. He was laid to rest near the grave of Booker T. Washington. Before his death, he created the George Washington Carver Foundation in which Henry Ford was the trustee. In Tuskegee, Alabama is where the George Washington Carver Museum is located.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Marxs Theory of Money and the Theory of Value Essay -- Karl Marx Mone
Marx's Theory of Money and the Theory of Value The most important point to emerge from Marx's theory of money is the idea that money is a form of value. The difficulty with this idea is that we are more familiar with money itself than with value in other forms. But value does appear in forms other than money. For example, the balance sheet of a capitalist firm estimates the value of goods in process and of fixed capital which has not yet been depreciated, as well as the value of inventories of finished commodities awaiting sale. Each of these aggregations of commodities has a value, usually expressed as the equivalent of a certain amount of money, but it is clear that neither goods in process nor fixed capital is money. Marx views the value of commodities in this sense as analytically prior to money; money can be explained according to Marx only on the basis of an understanding of the value of commodities. Marx follows Smith in regarding value as the property of exchangeability of commodities. In a society where exchange is common, products come to have a dual character as use values and as values. They have two powers: first, to satisfy particular human needs and wants; and second, to exchange for other products. This second power can be thought of quantitatively, as an amount of exchangeability or command over other commodities. The classical economists viewed value as a real, though socially determined, entity, with its own laws of conservation and motion. Value in this sense bears the same relation to commodities as mass bears to physical objects. It is not surprising that in societies where exchange is widespread value takes on an independent form as money, as an expression of general exchangeability. Value is a central social reality for people; they constantly think and talk about it directly or indirectly; they want some way to transfer it directly among themselves, separate from particular commodities. This is, I think, what we mean by "money." It is the social expression of value separated from the concrete particularity of any use value. With this emergence of money as the social expression of value, money stands, in opposition to commodities, as the abstract always stands in opposition to the particular. We will see value in two forms: as particular commodities, and as money. It is crucial to recognize that this development is latent... ...ever, for the theory that currency is nothing more than the representative of a certain quantity of gold. There were always some limits within which the "dollar" or the "pound" could fluctuate in value relative to gold. What laws governed these movements? The general equivalent theory in the form Marx presents it does not explicitly answer this question. A second group of questions which troubled early- nineteenth- century monetary theorists concerns the laws which govern the depreciation, usually in times of war. of inconvertible paper money issued by the state. Examples of this phenomenon Include the depreciations of the greenback dollar in the United States during the Civil War, and of the paper pound issued by the British during the Napoleonic wars. Ricardo and later quantity theorists used this phenomenon of depreciation as a strong argument for their thesis that the value of money depends on its quantity. For these writers the depreciation of paper money was just a particular example of the tendency for any form of money to depreciate when its quantity becomes larger relative to the needs of circulation. Marx's discussion of this question is very clear and convincing.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Changes in Nursing :: Nursing, Medicine, Article Review
The article I chose discusses the continual change in the roles of nurses. The article also poses a concept that nursing now is not based on caring, but medicine. â€Å"By accepting continual changes to the role of the nurse, the core function of nursing has become obscured and, despite assuming medical tasks, the occupation continues to be seen in terms of a role that is subordinate to and dependent on medicine.†(Iley 2004) Nurses are taking a more professional role, and more tasks are being delegated to assertive personnel. Therefore, with all these changes occurring, the role of the enrolled nurse is unclear. â€Å"Previously, having two levels of qualified nurse in the United Kingdom had been seen as problematic for health service managers and nurses themselves, and the ending of enrolled nurse programs in 1992 helped to solve this problem.†(2004) The study in this article gathered the characteristics of enrolled nurses and differentiated the groups converting to registered nurses, groups in the process of conversion, and groups interested or not interested in conversion. This study reveals the situation of enrolled nurses in context of continuing towards the professionalization of nursing. â€Å"The data from this study support the possibility that the role of nurses as direct caregivers is seen as a positive dimension of the work they undertake.†(2004) The findings imply that nurses need to get back to being caregivers, instead of concentrating on obtaining professional status in medicine.      The significance of this article is that nursing is continually changing. The role of the nurse will always be based on direct care giving, however, nursing as an occupation is professional.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
American Dream Narrative
Georgeanne Harter AP Language and Composition Tlumack – 2X 11 March 2013 My Personal American Dream In the book, The Epic of America, written in the year of 1931, author James Truslow Adams was the first to give a â€Å"clear†definition of what the American Dream really is. He stated that the American Dream is â€Å"that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement†(Truslow 214).Although his definition describes what the American Dream is, it does not explain what everyone’s American Dream is throughout the world. This is because each person has their own idea of a perfect life, therefore giving them their own distinct Dream and ways to achieve it. For some people, the ideal and perfect life may mean finally leaving their home country and traveling to America to be successful and prosperous. For others, it may mean getting married, having two beautiful chi ldren living in a three bedroom house with a white picket fence.Although several people may have the same outcome they would like to accomplish, it is how they get there that distinguishes them from the rest. As a young, only child, I determined what I wanted my American Dream to be and that was to grow up underneath the influence of my parents and have the perfect family with a dog, but I still have yet to make it there. Sometimes, some people just have to wake up and realize that their American â€Å"Dream†is more like an American â€Å"Nightmare. †I was doing everything in my power to make sure I kept a good realtionship with my mother and father.Seeing as I was only in first grade when I realized what I really wanted my life to be like, I made sure I did everything possible to keep my parents happy, which in turn would be a cause for a good relationship. I was doing well in school and I very rarely ever got into trouble so I figured I was on the right track. It w as one day after I came home from a wonderful day at school, when I noticed things at home were rapidly rolling downhill. Immediately, I came home to two annoyed parents, who no sooner became to argue leading to them both screaming at ach other at the top of their lungs. These arguments came to be more frequent. At that point, being so young and an only child, I thought these occurrence were all my fault and thought it would be best to try and fix things. That plan quickly backfired on me when, one day, my father stormed out of the house with rage. I was lost and confused and wanted things to be better so I could continue with my idea of a perfect life, but it seemed as though my parents did not want to partake in my efforts. I figured sooner or later one of them would give in and that ended up being my father.I knew that he still loved me no matter what but he had to get out of the house. He began to realize the mental damage that these arguments were causing me. When I was seven y ears old, my parents were officially separated and when I found out, it crushed me. Rather than holding my head up high and keeping a positive mindset, I let it hang and attack every perfect thought I ever had in my mind. Immediately following the loss of my father’s presence in the house, I went into a stage of shock. It took me a little while to bounce back because I missed him.He was my best friend and I was his. A while later, the feeling of not wanting to be with my mother grew inside of me, more and more each day I woke, and I was having a hard time figuring out why. Not too long after, my parents officially got divorced. It wasn’t until much later when my family isolated the problem. As hard as it was for me to believe, my mother, Eileen, was actually diagnosed with a mental disorder. It is called Psychosis which is known for its loss of contact with reality. It is marked by delusions, hallucinations, incoherence, and distorted perceptions of reality.Although it was extremely unfortunate for all of us to experience, the disorder answered my question as to why there were so many screaming matches between my parents. Although her mental health was not deteriorating at a fast rate, I quickly realized that I was not interested in living with her anymore. Even though my â€Å"Dream†was pretty much shot, I just was not living my childhood the way I wanted to when I was with her. In the summer of 2006, when I was nine years old, I decided that I missed my father too much and wanted to move in with him.It was nice because I was still attending the same school and still had all the same friends. I loved Eileen very much and I know she loved me too, it’s just that her mental disorder did not allow her to convey it properly. Being at such a young age, I did not realize that she can’t help it. This disorder is who she is and there is really nothing that can stop it. As I tried very hard to free Eileen from my mind, I began to foc us more on my school work and continuing my life with my father and it was great. I was the happiest I had been in a very long time.Several months after I had moved in with my father, he told me that he had met someone while he was at work. He had been talking to her for a while without me knowing of it because he wanted to make sure that it was someone he was interested in having in our life before he introduced me to her. Her name is Mya. When I met her, I immediately noticed everything he loved about her. She was and still is a beautiful, intelligent, and strong woman who didn’t let anything or anyone else define her and I quickly understood that those were the reasons why he was so enamored by her.Before really thinking about everything that was so quickly occuring, I was just estatic for my father because he was finding someone to love and is happy with again. I took a step back and realized that I no longer seemed like my father’s first choice, although he told m e I was. I was acting extremely immature and began to grow a large attitude towards Mya. In my mind, I had to compete with her for my father’s attention. One evening, the three of us decided to go out for dinner. This way I could get to know Mya a little bit better. Needless to say, I blew up and the three of us had an all time low point.We had a long talk about whether or not I could handle something like this in my life. As I was crying my eyeballs out, I expressed my true feelings; that I really wanted her to stay in my life but more importantly my father’s. I was so happy to see him happy and she was the reason why. We agreed on that night that we would focus on building a family bond because not too long later did my father propose to marry her. In the summer of 2007, my father and I moved to Virginia where Mya lived and the three of us found the best house to move into.I was really grateful for her stepping in and taking over as my mother figure, especially since I was at such a young age. Although I still had several attention and attitude problems, they were becoming far and few in between and we were working on having a great realtionship. It was definitely a difficult task, though. Starting my American Dream over again sounded like a good idea so I did just that. I focused in school and did everything I was supposed to do, making my parents happy and also setting up for a great relationship. To this day, I am still experiencing a struggle with Eileen.Due to her mental state, I have a hard time having the mother-daughter relationship that I have always wanted. Even though I know she cannot help the way she is, I have pretty much ceased all communication with her. Her brain is just not wired the same as mine and there is nothing I can do to change that. We think differently and that hinders my plan to becoming successful. It’s just what’s best at the moment. I have Mya now to look up to and although it will never be the same because she is not my biological mother, it is pretty darn close and that’s all I can ask for.Of course I miss and love Eileen, she’s my mother and always will be, but I have to do what I have to do to ensure that I set up a successful life for myself in the future and keeping her out of my everyday life for the time being will allow me to accomplish that. Back then, I thought thought my life was turning into the American â€Å"Nightmare†but I guess the most recent occurrences was just God’s way in telling me to keep my head up because currently, I am on my way to getting back on track to achieve my American Dream. Works Cited Adams, James Truslow. The Epic of America,. Boston: Little, Brown, and, 1931. 214. Print.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Factor For Successful Endodontic Treatment Health And Social Care Essay
Working length finding is a important factor for successful endodontic intervention. It is a corono-apical distance within the root canal system, which confines cleaning, determining and obturation ( 1 ) . The apical bound is the narrowest point of the canal, the alleged apical bottleneck or minor hiatuss, which normally coincides with the cemento-dentinal junction. It is the anatomical and histological passage of the mush to periapical tissues. The apical bottleneck is by and large accepted to be located at 0.5aˆ’0.75 mm wreath to the major apical hiatuss ( 2 ) . Underestimate of WL can take to deficient debridement of root canal infinite and subsequent failure of endodontic intervention, whereas overestimate of WL may interfere with healing procedure through chemical and mechanical annoyance of periapical tissues, ensuing in a relentless inflammatory status and foreign organic structure reaction. Optimum mending status occurs when the obturation stuff is in minimum conta ct with apical tissues ( 3 ) . Traditionally, the WL is determined by radiogram and/or electronic devices ( 4 ) . Radiograms have been normally used to find the root canal length. However, it is non rather predictable as a consequence of planar measuring of a 3-dimensional construction ( 5 ) . Besides, it is impossible to nail the exact location of the bottleneck, sing the fact that the apical hiatuss normally deviates to the side of the root and emerges at assorted distances within 3 millimeter from the anatomic vertex ( 6 ) . In add-on, the diagnostic value of radiogram is deeply influenced by superimposition of anatomical and cadaverous constructions, cone angulations, tooth disposition and movie processing, which can accordingly take to intra-operative variableness, magnification and image deformation ( 5,7,8 ) . Evidence has shown that when the file is introduced into the canal and estimated as short of the radiographic vertex, there is 93 % overestimate with the bisecting angle technique and 20 % with the paralleling technique ( 9 ) . Other disadvantages of the radiographic technique are j eopardies of ionising radiation, proficient mistakes and the clip needed ( 5,10 ) . Electronic vertex locaters ( EALs ) are now widely used to find the root canal length. They give more accurate measurings when compared to the radiographic technique ( 11 ) . The construct of electronic finding of the WL was foremost proposed by Custer in 1918 and followed by Suzuki, who discovered a changeless electrical opposition value of 6.5 ka„ ¦ between the periodontic ligament and the unwritten mucous membrane. In 1962 Sunada applied the rule to the clinical pattern and developed the first EALs ( 12 ) . Since so, four coevalss of EALs have been introduced. The first two coevalss had defects of hapless truth in the presence of electrolytes and needed standardization, which was overcome by subsequent coevalss ( 13 ) . The Root ZX vertex locater ( J. MoritaA Corp. , Tokyo, Japan ) measures the electric resistance ratio to turn up the apical bottleneck by utilizing two different frequences, irrespective of the type of the electrolyte in the canal, and requires no standardi zation ( 14 ) . The effects of assorted factors, such as file size ( 15 ) , file metal ( 16 ) , primary teething ( 17 ) , tooth type ( 18 ) , apex locater type ( 19 ) , apical hiatuss diameter ( 15 ) , canal diameter ( 20 ) , canal preflaring ( 21,22 ) , mush verve ( 23 ) , root reabsorption ( 24 ) , root break ( 25 ) , apical periodontal disease ( 26 ) , irrigant solution ( 27 ) and endodontic retreatment ( 28 ) , on the truth of EALs have been evaluated. Furthermore, tooth length fluctuations may impact the truth of EALs because a file is more likely to be interfered within long canals than short 1s in making the apical mention degree. There are no surveies available on the influence of tooth length, as a possible interfering factor, on the map of EALs. Thus, the purpose of this ex vivo survey was to measure the influence of tooth length on the truth of Root ZX vertex locater.Materials and MethodsForty extracted human maxillary eyetooths with a length scope of 27aˆ’29 millimeters were s elected. The dentitions were soaked in 5.25 % Na hypochlorite for three hours and rinsed in a bath with tap H2O for five proceedingss to take periodontic tissue leftovers. All the dentitions were checkedA for the absence of external clefts, unfastened vertexs, Restorations, root reabsorption, and old root canal intervention. The dentitions were placed in distilled H2O incorporating 10 % formol until needed. ConventionalA accessA pit was prepared with a unit of ammunition diamond bur and finished with Endo Z bur ( Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland ) under continuousA waterA spray. The same bur was used to make a level surface to hold a stable mention point. The leftovers of mush tissue and dust were removed with sizes 10 and 15 K-type files ( Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland ) . The coronal tierce of each canal was flared with sizes 2, 3, and 4 Gates-Glidden burs. The canals were irrigated with 2.5 % Na hypochlorite solution and normal saline utilizing a 27-gauge acerate leaf after each instrument. The patency of the apical hiatuss was confirmed with a size 10 K-type file. The full tooth length was mounted in self-curing acrylic rosin ( Vertex, Zeist, A Netherlands ) to ease sectioning except for the apical 3aˆ’4 millimeter of the root. In order to recover the entree pit throughA the acrylic rosin, it was covered with a cotton pellet followed by wax physiq ue up. The existent length was the distance from the coronal mention point to the major apical hiatuss, which was determined by infixing a size 10 or 15 K-type file into the canal until the file tip was merely seeable at the degree of the apical hiatuss under a surgical microscope ( OPMIA Primo, A CarlA Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany ) at A-16 magnification. The silicone halt was carefully adjusted to the degree of mention point and the file was removed. The distance from the silicone halt to the file tip was recorded with an endodontic swayer to the nearest 0.25 millimeter under A-3A magnificationA of binocularA loupesA ( Heine, Herrsching, Germany ) . The electronic length was determined with a modified polythene box incorporating alginate ( Alginoplast ; Heraeus-Kulzer, Hanau, Germany ) asA describedA by Baldi et Al ( 29 ) . Two openings were made in the palpebras, one in the centre for puting the tooth, and the other laterally for puting the lip electrode of the electronic vertex locater. The root canals were irrigated with normal saline, with the extra being removed utilizing paper points before the electronic location process. The lip electrode was immersed in the several opening in the palpebra, coming into contact with the alginate ; a size 10 or 15 K-type file and 31 millimeter in length was so connected to the file electrode for electronic measuring. The file electrode was connected to the file at a distance of 1aˆ’3 millimeter from the mention point for all the measurings. The file was inserted into the canal until the device beeped the reading of â€Å" APEX †, bespeaking the major apical hiatuss. The silicone halt was so carefully adjusted to the mention degree. The file was removed and the distance from the silicone halt to the file tip was measured. The measurings were made within theA two toleranceA bounds of A ±0.5A and A ±1.0 millimeter. All the dentition ( runing from 27 to 29 millimeters in length ) were horizontally sectioned at 3 millimeter from the coronal mention plane to do the 2nd length group of 40 dentitions ( runing from 24 to 26 millimeters in length ) . The subdivisions were made with a water-cooled, slow-speed diamond saw sectioningA machine. In the same mode, decrease in the length by 3-mm cuts continued up to 6 subdivisions. Therefore, there were 7 groups with 40 dentitions in each group as follows: L1= 27aˆ’29 millimeter, L2=24aˆ’26 millimeter, L3=21aˆ’23 millimeter, L4=18aˆ’20 millimeter, L5=15aˆ’17 millimeter, L6=12aˆ’14 millimeter, and L7=9aˆ’11 mm ( Fig. 1 ) . After each subdivision, the existent and electronic root canal length measurings were made. All the measurings were made in triplicate, and the average value of the three readings was recorded.Statistical AnalysisDatas were analyzed utilizing SPSS package, version 15 ( SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL ) . Statistical analysis was carried out by the Pearson ‘s additive correlativity coefficient in two ways. First, the correlativity between the acceptable measurings at the 0.5- and 1.0-mm tolerance and the root canal lengths in the 7 length groups was analyzed. Second, the correlativity between the distance from the file tip to the apical hiatuss and the root canal lengths was evaluated. Correlation was important at 0.01 degree.ConsequencesIn 7 groups of 40 dentitions, a sum of 840 electronic measurings, three with each length, were made. Table 1 shows the per centum and figure of acceptable measurings for 7 length groups, determined by Root ZX vertex locater. Figure 2A shows scatter secret plan of the correlativity between the per centums of the acceptable measurings of the vertex locater and the root canal lengths in the 7 length groups for the two mistake scopes of A ±0.5 and A ±1 millimeter. There was a negative correlativity between the acc eptable measurings of apex locater and the root canal lengths in the 7 length groups for the two mistake scopes of A ±0.5 ( r=-0.975, P & lt ; 0.001 ) and A ±1 millimeter ( r=-0.889, P & lt ; 0.001 ) . Figure 2B shows scatter secret plan of the correlativity between the distance from the file tip to the apical hiatuss and root canal lengths. There was a positive correlativity between the distance from the file tip to the apical hiatuss and root canal lengths ( r=0.4, P & lt ; 0.001 ) .DiscussionIt has been reported that EALs are accurate in finding the working length in 31aˆ’100 % of the times ( 30,31 ) . The file intervention within the root canal infinite may act upon the truth of EALs. de Camargo et Al ( 21 ) and Ibarrola et Al ( 22 ) observed a better public presentation of the Root ZX vertex locater in the preflared canals. They reported that this may be attributed to the riddance of cervical dentin interventions. Herrera et Al ( 32 ) claimed that the preciseness of EALs might be influenced by the file size as smaller files leave infinite inside the canal whereas larger files fit tighter. Tooth length is another factor which can impact the file intervention within the root canal. There is a broad scope of tooth lengths for dentition in demand of root canal therapy. Maxillary eyetooths are the longest dentition with an mean length of 26.5 millimeters whereas maxillary 3rd grinders are the shortest dentition with an mean length of 17 millimeter ( 33 ) . Furthermore, factors such as dental cavities and injury can cut down tooth length. Since the file is more likely to be interfered within the canal in long dentitions than in short dentition, this survey was designed to find if the tooth length would act upon the truth of EALs. Since the purpose of this survey was to measure the influence of tooth length on the truth of the vertex locater, maxillary eyetooths were used as the longest dentition in the unwritten pit. Among these dentitions the long 1s with a length scope of 27aˆ’29 millimeters were selected. To extinguish the confounding factors, including apical hiatuss diameter, canal diameter, canal curvature, and to do the groups every bit homogenous as possible, the same dentition were used in the present survey with gradual length decrease to do dentitions with shorter lengths alternatively of utilizing different dentitions with a broad scope of lengths. Different apical mention points and experimental protocols have been established to measure the truth of EALs. Since the place of apical bottleneck and its relationship with the CDJ are extremely irregular ( 2,4,18,32 ) , the major apical hiatuss was a preferable apical mention point and †APEX †grade on the Root ZX show was used. Therefore, shaving the apical tierce of the root was unneeded. Baldi et Al ( 29 ) compared alginate, gelatin, saline, sponge, and agar as implanting media in the rating of the truth of EALs. They reported no statistically important differences between the media used. However, alginate provided the most consistent consequences. It has good electroconductive belongingss, reproduces the periodontium and is easy prepared. Therefore, the preferable embedding medium in this survey was alginate. Measurements attained within the A ±0.5-mm border of mistake, which is considered an acceptable tolerance scope, are extremely accurate ( 34 ) . However, A ±1-mm border of mistake is clinically assumed to be acceptable because a broad scope is seen in the form of the apical zone and due to the deficiency of exact limit of apical landmarks ( 35 ) . In this survey, both scopes of mistake were considered in measuring the truth of the electronic vertex locater. The average truth rates of Root ZX within A ±0.5- and A ±1-mm border of mistake were 72.86 % and 95 % , severally. Furthermore, the precise measuring with Root ZX apex locater was 4.07 % , consistent with the consequences of other surveies describing low proportion of exact measurings with the vertex locater ( 15,31 ) . The per centum of acceptable measurings to a tolerance of A ±0.5 millimeter was 52.50 % in the L1 group ( 27aˆ’29 millimeter ) , which increased by 10 % in the L2 group ( 24aˆ’26 millimeter ) . Overall, the truth of the electronic vertex locater increased bit by bit with consecutive tooth length decrease. It increased by 37.5 % in the L7 group ( 9aˆ’11 millimeter ) compared to the L1 group. Positive values mean that the file extended through the major apical hiatuss, whereas negative values mean the file tip was positioned before the major apical hiatuss. In this survey, high inclination of Root ZX was observed toward negative values. Besides of involvement was the specific form of distribution for acceptable measurings among the length groups. The high Numberss of the negative values in the first length group were bit by bit converted into positive values during the subsequent length decreases. Sing the technique used in this survey, which required consecutive tooth length decreases, it was non practical to execute an in vivo experiment. However, Duran-Sindreu et Al ( 36 ) demonstrated no statistically important differences in the truth of Root ZX electronic vertex locater between in vivo and in vitro theoretical accounts.DecisionUnder the conditions of the present survey, the truth of the electronic vertex locater was influenced by tooth length. The electronic vertex locater provided higher truth in short dentitions compared to longer 1s. FurtherA studiesA areA neededA toA confirmA these findings.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Lost Sales Forecast
TERM- PAPER Lost Sales Forecast Table of Contents Introduction3 Carlson Department Store Sales data for September 1992 through August 19964 Countywide Department Stores Sales data for September 1992 through August 19965 Choosing the appropriate forecasting method6 Trend and Seasonal Components in Forecasting7 An estimate of lost sales for the Carlson Department Store10 Conclusion10 Introduction The Carlson Department Store suffered heavy damage when a hurricane struck on August 31, 1996. The store was closed for four months (September 1996 through December 1996) causing our sales drop to $0.The task of this report is to analyze sales in our department store in past 48 months and develop estimates of the lost sales at the Carlson Department Store for the months of September through December 1996. The Carlson Department Store is involved in a dispute with insurance company concerning the amount of lost sales during the time the store was closed. Two key issues must be resolved: 1) The amount of sales Carlson would have made if the hurricane had not struck, and 2) Whether Carlson is entitled to any compensation for excess sales from increased business activity after the storm.More than $8 billion in federal disaster relief and insurance money came into the county, resulting in increased sales at department stores and numerous other businesses. Carlson Department Store Sales data for September 1992 through August 1996 Certain conditions should be met by any good forecast. A good forecast should usually be based on adequate knowledge of the relevant past. With our company – The Carlson Department Store – we have the sales data for the 48 months preceding the storm available. This amount of historical data fulfills the requirement for the volume of relevant data.Table 1 shows the sales data for the Carlson Department Store for the months of September 1992 through August 1996. Table 1: Sales for Carlson Department Store [mil. $] |Month |1992 |1993 |19 94 |1995 |1996 | |February | |1. 80 |1. 89 |1. 99 |2. 28 | |March | |2. 03 |2. 02 |2. 42 |2. 69 | |April | |1. 99 |2. 23 |2. 45 |2. 48 | |May | |2. 32 |2. 39 |2. 57 |2. 3 | |June | |2. 20 |2. 14 |2. 42 |2. 37 | |July | |2. 13 |2. 27 |2. 40 |2. 31 | |August | |2. 43 |2. 21 |2. 50 |2. 23 | |September |1. 71 |1. 90 |1. 89 |2. 09 | | |October |1. 90 |2. 13 |2. 29 |2. 54 | | |November |2. 74 |2. 56 |2. 83 |2. 97 | | |December |4. 20 |4. 16 |4. 04 |4. 5 | | Series of numbers is often difficult to interpret. Graphing the observations can be very helpful since the shape of a complicated series is more easily discerned from a picture. The data for Carlson Department Store, as can be seen in Graph 1, indicate some seasonal fluctuations. It can be seen that the sales in last quarter are higher than in the first 3 quarters of a year, with the highest volume of sales in December. [pic] Countywide Department Stores Sales data for September 1992 through August 1996 The data for all department stor es in the county are summarized in Table 2.Table 2: Department Store Sales for the county [mil. $] |Month |1992 |1993 |1994 |1995 |1996 | |February | |48. 0 |48. 6 |45. 6 |51. 6 | |March | |60. 0 |59. 4 |57. 6 |57. 6 | |April | |57. 6 |58. 2 |53. 4 |58. 2 | |May | |61. 8 |60. 6 |56. 4 |60. 0 | |June | |58. 2 |55. 2 |52. 8 |57. 0 | |July | |56. 4 |51. |54. 0 |57. 6 | |August | |63. 0 |58. 8 |60. 6 |61. 8 | |September |55. 8 |57. 6 |49. 8 |47. 4 |69. 0 | |October |56. 4 |53. 4 |54. 6 |54. 6 |75. 0 | |November |71. 4 |71. 4 |65. 4 |67. 8 |85. 2 | |December |117. 6 |114. 0 |102. 0 |100. 2 |121. 8 | Sales of all department stores in the county, as can be seen from Graph 2, show similar seasonal fluctuations as sales of Carlson Department Store. pic] From the above graph one can also observe that in past 3 years (years 1993-1995) the volume of sales in the month of September went down, and slowly went up again in October and November and usually reached its peak in December. The unusual b ehavior in September 1996 pulls our attention. For the first time in 4 years history we observe that the sales volume in September compared to August sales went up by 11. 7 % whereas in September 1993 they were down by 8. 6%, in September 1994 down by 15. 3%, and in September 1995 actually down by 21. 8%.The question is why such a change occurred? And the answer is that more than $8 billion in federal disaster relief and insurance money came into the county, which resulted in these increased sales at department stores. Choosing the appropriate forecasting method There are many different forecasting methods. One of the challenges we had to face was to choose the right technique. Smoothing methods are appropriate for a stable time series. When a time series consist of random fluctuations around a long-term trend line, a linear equation may be used to estimate the trend.When seasonal effects are present, seasonal indexes can be computed and used to deseasonalize the data and to develop forecasts. When both seasonal and long-term trend effects are present, which is also the case of Carlson Department Store as well as the case of all department stores in the county, a trend line is fitted to the deseasonalized data; the seasonal indexes are then used to adjust the trend projections. Trend and Seasonal Components in Forecasting The procedure of forecasting the sales for months September through December 1996 (had there been no hurricane) for The Carlson Department Store is summarized in Table 3.Table 3: Procedure of forecasting sales for Sep. -Dec. 1996 | | |Sales |12-month |Centered |Seasonal |Deseasonalized | | | | |Moving |Moving |Irregular |Sales | | | | |Average |Average |Value | | |1992 |Sept. |1. 71 |- |- |- |2. 09 | | |Oct. |1. 90 |- |- |- |1. 95 | | |Nov. |2. 74 |- |- |- |2. 35 | | |Dec. |4. 20 |- |- |- |2. 41 | |1993 |Jan. 1. 45 |- |- |- |1. 46 | | |Feb. |1. 80 |- |- |- |2. 13 | | |Mar. |2. 03 |- |- |- |2. 09 | | |Apr. |1. 9 9 |- |- |- |2. 05 | | |May |2. 32 |- |- |- |2. 24 | | |June |2. 20 |- |- |- |2. 37 | | |July |2. 13 |- |- |- |2. 28 | | |Aug. |2. 43 |- |- |- |2. 2 | | |Sept. |1. 90 |2. 24 |- |- |2. 32 | | |Oct. |2. 13 |2. 26 |2. 25 |0. 95 |2. 18 | | |Nov. |2. 56 |2. 28 |2. 27 |1. 13 |2. 19 | | |Dec. |4. 16 |2. 26 |2. 27 |1. 83 |2. 38 | |1994 |Jan. |2. 31 |2. 26 |2. 26 |1. 02 |2. 32 | | |Feb. |1. 89 |2. 33 |2. 29 |0. 82 |2. 23 | | |Mar. |2. 02 |2. 34 |2. 33 |0. 87 |2. 08 | | |Apr. |2. 23 |2. 34 |2. 34 |0. 5 |2. 30 | | |May |2. 39 |2. 36 |2. 35 |1. 02 |2. 31 | | |June |2. 14 |2. 36 |2. 36 |0. 91 |2. 30 | | |July |2. 27 |2. 36 |2. 36 |0. 96 |2. 43 | | |Aug. |2. 21 |2. 37 |2. 36 |0. 94 |2. 38 | | |Sept. |1. 89 |2. 35 |2. 36 |0. 80 |2. 31 | | |Oct. |2. 29 |2. 35 |2. 35 |0. 97 |2. 34 | | |Nov. |2. 83 |2. 36 |2. 36 |1. 20 |2. 42 | | |Dec. 4. 04 |2. 39 |2. 37 |1. 70 |2. 31 | |1995 |Jan. |2. 31 |2. 38 |2. 38 |0. 97 |2. 32 | | | Feb. |1. 99 |2. 38 |2. 38 |0. 84 |2. 35 | | |Mar. |2. 42 |2. 38 |2. 38 |1. 02 |2. 49 | | |Apr. |2. 45 |2. 42 |2. 40 |1. 02 |2. 52 | | |May |2. 57 |2. 44 |2. 43 |1. 06 |2. 48 | | |June |2. 42 |2. 45 |2. 44 |0. 99 |2. 60 | | |July |2. 40 |2. 47 |2. 46 |0. 7 |2. 57 | | |Aug. |2. 50 |2. 49 |2. 48 |1. 01 |2. 70 | | |Sept. |2. 09 |2. 51 |2. 50 |0. 84 |2. 55 | | |Oct. |2. 54 |2. 53 |2. 52 |1. 01 |2. 60 | | |Nov. |2. 97 |2. 55 |2. 54 |1. 17 |2. 54 | | |Dec. |4. 35 |2. 56 |2. 55 |1. 70 |2. 49 | |1996 |Jan. |2. 56 |2. 58 |2. 57 |1. 00 |2. 57 | | |Feb. |2. 28 |2. 61 |2. 59 |0. 88 |2. 69 | | |Mar. |2. 9 |2. 63 |2. 62 |1. 03 |2. 77 | | |Apr. |2. 48 |2. 65 |2. 64 |0. 94 |2. 55 | | |May |2. 73 |2. 65 |2. 65 |1. 03 |2. 64 | | |June |2. 37 |2. 67 |2. 66 |0. 89 |2. 55 | | |July |2. 31 |2. 66 |2. 67 |0. 87 |2. 47 | | |Aug. |2. 23 |2. 66 |2. 66 |0. 84 |2. 40 | | |Total | | | | |113. 72 | Columns 1 and 2 represent al l the years and months.Column 3 shows the monthly sales data of Carlson Department Store. The first step of the deseasonalizing process is to calculate the moving averages. We had to decide how many observations to use in the moving average. One selection method is to calculate the mean error and the mean squared error of the differences between the actual data and the forecast. The series with the smallest squared error would be preferred. The Management Scientist results for the Carlson Department Store show that the 12-month moving average gives the smallest squared error. The 12-month moving average values are shown in the Column 4.If the number of data points in a moving average calculation is an even number, we need to center the moving average values to correspond to a particular time period, as we did in the calculations in Column 5. By dividing each time series observation by the corresponding centered moving average value, we could identify the seasonal-irregular effect in the time series. Column 6 summarizes the resulting seasonal-irregular values for the entire time series. By dividing each time series observation by the corresponding seasonal index, we remove the effect of season from the time series.Deseasonalized sales data are shown in Column 7 and a graph of the data (graph 3) is on the next page. The first step of the decomposition procedure has now been completed. The new series has eliminated the seasonality. The next step is to calculate the trend. The observation of the deseasonalized sales data of Carlson Department Store appears to indicate that a straight line would be most appropriate form of equation that would describe the trend. Graph 3: Deseasonalized sales data of Carlson Department Store [pic] Applying regression analysis we have arrived to this the linear trend equation: Tt = 2. 875 + 0. 0118t. The slope of 0. 0118 in the trend equation indicates that over past 4 years the Carlson Department Store has experienced an average gro wth in sales of about $0. 0118 per year. If we assume that the past 4-year trend in sales is a good indicator for the future, we can use the equation above to project the trend component of the time series. Substituting t = 49, 50, 51, and 52 into the equation we yield the deseasonalized sales of Carlson DS for September through December 1996. For September 1996 we get $2. 67 mil, for October 1996 $2. 68, November 1996 $2. 9 and for December 1996 $2. 70. In order to apply the seasonal effects we multiply these projected deseasonalized sales by the relevant seasonal indexes calculated in Table 4. Table 4: Seasonal Indexes |Month |Seasonal-Irregular Component Values |Seasonal | | | |Index | |Jan. |- |0. 63 |0. 64 |0. 65 |0. 69 |0. 65 | |Feb. |- |0. 78 |0. 80 |0. 81 |0. 87 |0. 82 | |March |- |1. 12 |1. 11 |1. 4 |1. 06 |1. 11 | |April |- |1. 00 |1. 01 |0. 99 |1. 02 |1. 01 | |May |- |1. 04 |1. 03 |1. 03 |1. 03 |1. 03 | |June |- |0. 99 |0. 97 |0. 97 |0. 98 |0. 98 | |July |- |0. 96 |0. 92 |0. 98 |0. 98 |0. 96 | |Aug. |- |1. 07 |1. 09 |1. 10 |1. 02 |1. 07 | |Sep. |- |0. 98 |0. 93 |0. 88 |1. 05 |0. 96 | |Oct. |- |0. 90 |0. 8 |0. 99 |1. 03 |0. 98 | |Nov. |1. 00 |1. 02 |1. 00 |1. 04 |1. 00 |1. 01 | |Dec. |1. 47 |1. 45 |1. 41 |1. 37 |- |1. 43 | An estimate of lost sales for the Carlson Department Store By multiplying the projected deseasonalized sales by the relevant seasonal indexes calculated in Table 4 we will arrive to the levels of sales for months September 1996 through December 1996 had there been no hurricane: September 1996 $2. 19 mil. October 1996$2. 62 mil November 1996 $3. 14 mil December 1996$4. 1 mil The above-described procedure for forecasting sales for Carlson Department Store can be applied to countywide department stores too. It would give following results: The estimated countywide department store sales had there been no hurricane (and no disaster relief money) for September 1996 is $46. 65 mil, for October 1996 $51. 22, for November 1996 $64. 4, and for December 1996 $99. 3. Comparing these figures to the actual sales of the countywide department stores one can see that the actual sales are over-valuated. I attribute this to the $8 billion of disaster relief money.Had the county department stores not received the disaster relief money they would probably continue their downward trend described by function Y = 63. 64 – 0. 13t. The slope of –0. 13 in the trend equation indicates that over past 4 years countywide department stores have experienced an average decline in sales of about $0. 13 per year. Conclusion The task of this report was to resolve two key issues. 1. Estimate the amount of sales Carlson would have made if the hurricane had not struck. We have come to a conclusion that the sales for September 1996 had there been no hurricane would be $2. 9 mil, in October 1996 it would be $2. 62 mil, in November 1996 it would be $3. 14 mil and in December 1996 it would be $4. 71 mil. 2. Find out whether Carlson is e ntitled to any compensation for excess sales from increased business activity after the storm. More than $8 billion in federal disaster relief and insurance money came into the county, resulting in increased sales at department stores and numerous other businesses. Based on our estimates we strongly believe that the countywide department stores would made much lower sales haven’t they received the relief money.Therefore we believe that our department store is entitled to compensation for excess sales from increased business activity after the hurricane and we will inquire the insurance company to cover our lost sales for months September through December 1996 in the amount of $12. 66 mil. †¢ Reference: †¢ Keat, P. G. , Young, K. Y. : Managerial Economics. Economic tools for today’s decision makers. 3rd edition. †¢ Anderson, D. R. , Sweeney, D. J. , Williams, T. A. : Quantitative Methods for Business. 8th edition. †¢ Barr, Richard. Southern Methodist University. â€Å"The Appeal of Network Models†. 1997. 5 Feb 1997.
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